By Wendi Schuller Author of “The Global Guide To Divorce” International divorces are becoming more common for many reasons.
CONTINUE READINGDivorcing Abroad: International Divorce 101

By Wendi Schuller Author of “The Global Guide To Divorce” International divorces are becoming more common for many reasons.
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: Does it make a difference where your divorce took place when it comes to choosing the location for the mediation process?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I live in Utah and my child lives in Arizona with his mother. I need to hire an attorney to file for a reduction in child support.
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I separated from my wife nearly five years ago and she has kept me from seeing my children ever since. Recently, I found out she moved across the country to live with a friend and it sounds like a living situation that is not healthy for my children and …
CONTINUE READINGDivorce is often a complicated, confusing, and scary process. That uncertainty can be magnified when one spouse is serving in the military. Military families going through divorce face a unique set of challenges. There are specific rules and laws regarding jurisdiction, child custody, calculating child and spousal support, division of …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My wife recently moved from Iowa to Kansas with our kids. I have also moved around quite a bit but have remained in Iowa. I need to file for custody but am having difficulty determining where my jurisdiction falls.
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I’m a Sgt. in the U.S. Army and have a son who just turned 3. My wife recently filed for divorce and took our son with her to Puerto Rico without telling me while I was away for training for three days. I just got a temporary order in …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My ex-wife and I signed a separation and property settlement agreement in Connecticut in 2002. We have both since moved, she to New York where she lives with our daughter and me to New York. There was an article in the agreement regarding educational expenses that stated that I …
CONTINUE READINGThe case of Carnell Alexander in Michigan has exposed how problematic it is that the state lacks paternity fraud laws. The absence of those laws could cause Alexander to be sent to jail for failing to pay child support for a child that everyone agrees isn’t his. WXYZ-TV first reported …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I recently broke it off with my fiancé who has now moved to another state and told me she is pregnant. She has said I will never see my child because we aren’t married and don’t live near each other. What rights do I have, and what is the …