What Should Be Covered in a Parenting Plan?

parenting plan

By Julie Garrison Special to DadsDivorce.com If you have children, you will be required to prepare a parenting plan with your soon-to-be ex-wife. This is a good idea for many reasons. You will have your child custody arrangement and time allotment with your children spelled out on paper. Gone are


5 Rules To Swapping Parenting Time

swap parenting time

By Erik Carter Cordell & Cordell Divorce Attorney The custodial parent has custody of the child subject to the other parent’s parenting time rights. This means that the non-custodial parent has the right to the children during their specified parenting time; any other time must be by agreement with the


Paying Half Of Uninsured Medical Expenses

divorce lawyer Kirsten Reneau

Question: As with most parenting plans, we have joint decision making, but in the event we can’t agree, my ex has the final say with my only recourse being mediation. Well, despite that, my ex started our child on allergy shots without discussing treatment with me or involving me in


A Proper Parenting Plan, Ability To Co-Parent

parenting plan divorce

By Tamara Hoffstatter Men’s Divorce Attorney Breaking the ties with your spouse and escaping a failed marriage is an opportunity for both of you to make a fresh start. Of course, as long as the two of you have children in common, you are never really going to be able


Parenting Time with a Non-Traditional Work Schedule

parenting time work schedule

By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer In states with Parenting Time Guidelines that do not specifically propose parenting time for parents with non-traditional work schedules, there can be unanswered questions on how to handle the parenting time schedule. Parents who work as police officers, firefighters, nurses, or any