What Is The Validity Of A Mediation Agreement?

Omaha Nebraska Divorce Lawyer

Question: I signed a mediation agreement that set up a parenting plan schedule regarding visitation between my children and their grandparents. The custody schedule is not working out and I would like to change the mediation agreement. What is the validity of a mediation agreement? Since it’s not a court


Wife Moved Children Out Of State

Pittsburgh divorce lawyer Anna Ciardi

Question: My wife recently moved out of state with our children without my permission and informed me she is not returning. She is planning on enrolling the children in school while she is living at her parents’ house. My question is what order or motion do I need to file


Surviving Christmas For Divorced Dads

christmas divorced dads

By Julie Garrison Special to DadsDivorce.com After surviving your divorce with your first post-divorce Christmas looming ahead, many divorced dads are trying to figure out how to celebrate it with your children. Your actions can make the differences between a stressful holiday and a happy one. Here is what one


My Ex Bought Our Child A Car Without My Consent

Omaha Nebraska Divorce Lawyer

Question: My divorce decree and parenting plan state that my ex-wife and I share major decision making and we are to share auto expenses. She purchased a car for our child without my consent and after I told her numerous times prior to the purchase that I could not afford


How Can I File For Child Custody?

Omaha Nebraska Divorce Lawyer

Question: What are the procedures for actually filing for child custody? I recently opened a parenting plan case and had my wife served while she was living in a filthy apartment with my children, but nothing has happened. How can I file for child custody?


Social Scientists Agree With The Shared Parenting Trend

shared parenting

By Julie Garrison Special to DadsDivorce.com In an academic paper, social scientists at Arizona State University discussed and made conclusions on two universally conflicted issues facing family law courts and policy makers today on the issue of shared parenting: Is the quantity or the quality of parenting time more important


How To Interpret Parenting Plan Orders

Noblesville Indiana Divorce Lawyer

Question: As the non-custodial parent and per our parenting plan, I am to have four weeks of additional parenting time each year with my child until he reaches age 5. However, my ex-wife is claiming she has those additional weeks as well because “it’s implied.” Now she has set up