Financial Division During Military Divorces

By Tara N. Brewer Special to One of the main anxieties during a military divorce is how the financial benefits are divided. Military pensions require no minimum age and increase with the cost-of-living for the next 40 years, according to a Wall Street Journal article. The military doesn’t provide


Money Made Easy: Are You An Aggressive Investor?

aggressive investor

Forget rules of thumb when it comes to determining your aggressiveness in investing, according to financial adviser Dan Danford, CFP®, CRSP®, MBA. A reader submitted a Money Made Easy question to Danford asking if the rule of thumb of limiting your stock percentage to 110 less your age makes sense


Marital Property Division After Divorce Is Finalized

divorce lawyer Daniel Exner

Question: How is marital property division handed after a divorce has been issued? My ex-wife is threatening to sue me to claim part of my retirement benefits. If there is a money judgment against me, can my ex-wife go after my current wife’s assets to help satisfy the judgment?


Dividing The Declining Value Of A 401k

oklahoma city divorce lawyer

Question: My financial advice on divorce question has to deal with delays in withdrawing 401k money post divorce. My ex-wife was awarded the right to claim 50% of my 401k. The value of my 401k account at the time of my divorce six years ago was $100,000. The current value