DadsDivorce and MensDivorce as well as their sponsor, Cordell & Cordell, present a news video for the week of December 19, 2014.
This week, Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell spoke with Forbes about the peculiarities of the recent billion-dollar divorce settlement of Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm.
DadsDivorce published a new article explaining four of the biggest flaws with the modern child-support system in the United States.
MensDivorce added a new Attorney Bites video on the importance of timeliness when you have a scheduled court appearance.
Cordell & Cordell, Interviews Joe Cordell About Billionaire’s Divorce.
DadsDivorce, 4 Problems With The Modern Child-Support System.
MensDivorce, Attorney Bites: Timeliness for Court Appearances.