As a parent, you want to spend as much time with your children as humanly possible. You want to watch them learn and grow, as the years pass. Even after a divorce, you still are able to enjoy precious moments with them during your parenting time.
The Disturbing Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health
Figuring out how to survive and thrive after divorce is no easy task.
CONTINUE READINGHow To Minimize Divorce Damage And Speed Your Recovery
The road to divorce recovery is typically long and arduous. Family court is set up in a way that tends to breed conflict, making amicable breakups tough to accomplish. Unfortunately, the divorce process tends to be even more challenging for men and fathers. So many guys end up with alimony …
CONTINUE READINGHow To Stay Healthy During A Divorce
Divorce has a way of impacting nearly every part of your life.
CONTINUE READING5 Ways For Divorced Dads To Utilize Their Time Away From The Kids
The split of a marriage means splitting time with the kids. You are going to have at least some time to yourself while they are with their mom. This can be a lonely and difficult adjustment, so filling this empty void with new hobbies and fun activities can help boost …
CONTINUE READING3 Tips To Help Divorced Dads Get Back On Their Feet
There are numerous challenges facing dads after divorce. Getting back on your feet is a difficult process, to say the least. Many fathers end up with an unfavorable child custody arrangement that limits their access to their children. They also might be shouldered with significant child support and alimony payments …
CONTINUE READINGHow Divorced Dads Can Reestablish Trust With Their Children
One of the greatest challenges divorced dads face is the process of rebuilding trust and maintaining a positive, healthy relationship with their children. As a father, your children tend to look to you as a source of protection and stability. When they see their parents argue and then divorce, that …
CONTINUE READING3 Ways Children Act Out During Divorce
Children of divorce are forced to adjust to so many dramatic changes. As difficult as your divorce might be for you, at least you have the prospect of starting your life anew and escaping an unhappy relationship.
CONTINUE READING3 Keys For Success As A Divorced Dad
The biggest fear that many fathers have going into the divorce process is that splitting apart the family will reduce the role they play in their kids’ lives. Children of divorce face plenty of challenges, and it can be crippling if one parent ends up alienated out of their lives.
CONTINUE READINGThe Risks Children Of Divorce Face [Infographic]
Children of divorce often struggle coping with all the change that their parents’ breakup causes. If they are exposed to any disagreements between their parents, they face additional risk factors and the adjustment is even more daunting.