As unemployment rises nationwide, many divorced parents are unable to make their child support payments resulting in a surge of payment modification requests, according to an Associated Press article that quotes Joseph Cordell, Principal Partner of Cordell & Cordell, P.C.
With many job cuts coming in the manufacturing and construction industries – and their predominantly male workforce – the sluggish economy’s impact is disproportionately hitting men. And because nearly 83 percent of custodial parents are women, men are left to pay most of the child support obligations.
Cordell, whose national firm focuses on men and divorce, questioned the fairness of having men pay for more child support than they can afford.
“With an intact family, everyone ends up having to bear that hardship,” he said. “What we’re finding too often is judges want to insulate mom and the child from dad’s economic nightmare.”
There has also been an increase from unemployed custodial parents seeking higher support payments from their kids’ employed parent, according to Cordell.
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