After a Divorce, Can I Still Live with Her?



Can I divorce my wife and still live in my house with her?  Or are there certain guidelines that have to be followed after a divorce?

Our kids want to remain in the present house, and I don’t want to leave them.




You may reside in the house with your spouse during the divorced process.  It is generally not permitted to live in the house with your ex-spouse after the divorce is completed, unless she agrees to have you live there.  If you reside with her during the divorce process, the guidelines to follow are to be civil; no violence; no drug or alcohol abuse in the presence of the children; no arguments concerning the divorce in the presence of the children; divide the bills fairly; and to set up a system to decide disputes over who has the children when you both want the children.


Erik H. Carter is a Senior Attorney of the Cordell & Cordell, P.C. office in Indianapolis, Indiana as well as the Litigation Manager of both the Indianapolis and Pittsburgh offices. Mr. Carter has practiced since 1993 as an attorney. He is licensed in Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania as well as the Northern District of Indiana and the Southern District of Indiana.

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