By Angela Neave
Child custody issues are often some of the most debated topics when a couple divorces divorces and one of the most sought after topics regarding divorce advice for men. Deciding where the children will live and the amount of time spent with each parent needs to be determined.
These issues can often be amplified during the school year. Here are a few of the most common concerns divorced parents have when it comes to parenting time and school.
Who is responsible for taking the children to and from school?
The parent who had overnight timesharing with the child the night before generally provides transportation. This parent is typically responsible for dropping the children off at school.
If one parent can’t pick the child up after school, and it is his or her parenting time, can the other parent pick up the child?
It is up to the parties to determine whether the other parent, if available, will pick up the child and return the child to the parent when the other parent is available. In the event the parties do not yet have a settlement agreement and are in the throes of litigation, they should attempt to coordinate pick-ups and drop offs in the most convenient way for the child.
Who is responsible for paying for extra activities?
Extra expenses such as field trips, class treats and after school care should be shared pro rata as stated in the settlement agreement. If the parties have attorneys and cannot agree on expenses, the attorneys should be notified and a temporary agreement should be reached.
If you’re a divorced parent, shared custody can certainly be complicated during the school year. It’s important to remind your children that they – and their education – are your priority. Working together with your former spouse to do what is best for your children can only help your child’s chances of succeeding this school year. Please seek other divorce advice for men resources for additional information.
Angela R. Neave is an associate with The Law Firm of Barry Finkel, P.A. She is a family and divorce lawyer who focuses on helping those facing the difficult challenges of failed marriages and a confusing legal system. Learn more at