All children need two parents in their lives even if their parents are divorced.
This concept of the importance of shared parenting is not lost on Washington State Sen. Jim Kastama, who is known as the Washington Legislature’s leading advocate for shared parenting and recently announced he is running for Washington’s Secretary of State.
Sen. Kastama was recently invited on stage at a Blue October concert in Seattle drumming up support within the crowd to allow divorced dads more access to their children.
He visited with editor Matt Allen to discuss the “appalling” statistics of the lack of shared parenting and why it’s imperative the younger generation fight for fathers rights.
Sharred Parenting
I agree, there is a need for family law to be reformed in Virginia. The judge gives the mother all the right and the father none except to pay a large amount suppport. I have been ordered not to talk to a doctor or anyone about my childrens medical. I am a good dad and love my children but I can’t get more time with them and the mother doesn’t work and I work 60+hours per week. Please come to Virginia and get the family law changed. The good old boy system meed to be broken up.
Shared Parenting
I support Shared Parenting! This is crazy seeing the wrong parent having all the decisions and watching the legal system give more right to the wrong parent. I speak directly to the state of Tennessee, the legal system needs modified and new people making decisions instead of long term people that live in the past…