Divorce Lawyer Conflict Of Interest

oklahoma city divorce lawyerQuestion:

What constitutes a conflict of interest with a divorce lawyer?

My wife’s current divorce attorney used to represent both my wife and I in an unrelated matter years prior where I shared with him extremely sensitive and confidential information.

Does this break the attorney-client privilege and also present a conflict of interest if he is now representing my wife in a case against me, a former client?


I am unable to give you legal advice on divorce. I can give general divorce help for men, though, my knowledge is based on Oklahoma divorce laws where I am licensed to practice.

In my state, an attorney shall not represent a client if “there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person or by a personal interest of the lawyer.”

Although I do not have all of the information in your case, it appears from what you have stated that you are a former client of your wife’s current attorney.

It also appears that this attorney has information about you that should be help confidential, according to the attorney-client privilege. However, you could have waived that privilege depending on who else has such information.

It is important that you contact an attorney to have a consultation so that you can fully explain your relationship with this attorney and determine whether or not the proper pleadings need to be filed.

Read Related Articles:

Attorney-Client Relationship

Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult with a divorce lawyer in your jurisdiction.

To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Oklahoma Divorce Lawyer Kristy Kapp, contact Cordell & Cordell.

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4 comments on “Divorce Lawyer Conflict Of Interest

    My ex-wife’s attorney is also the City Attorney. My ex-wife is the step-daughter of the owner/publisher of the local newspaper. Does this constitute a possible conflict of interest?

    Since my 2nd Cousin is my EX-WIFE’S attorney can the Court disqualify him?
    Again we live in the State of Florida.

    My Ex wife’s Attorney is my 2nd Cousin. We live in the State of Florida. Since my EX-WIFE’S Attorney is my cousin can he be disqualified? I feel like he is out for self gain.

    This is good information. My cousin’s mchenry county divorce lawyer told her almost the same exact thing. Thanks for sharing your insight.

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