Does Our Agreement Trump State Child Support Laws?

oklahoma city divorce lawyerQuestion:

My child support question is about state child support laws trumping what we agreed to in our divorce settlement.

Our divorce decree states I will pay child support until my daughter turns 18. She just turned 18 so I stopped paying child support, but the enforcement agency says I have to continue paying until she graduates high school.

My divorce decree says nothing about paying until graduation, but I was told that is the state law. I was unaware the child support enforcement agency could trump a legal document.

Do they really have the power to do this?


This answer only includes general divorce help for men since I am only licensed to practice in Oklahoma and am thus unable to provide any advice on child support laws in other states.

Where I practice, the statutory law is quite clear that child support shall be paid until the child reaches the age of 18 and has graduated from high school or married. I suspect that other states have similar statutes.

Moreover, I suspect that your divorce decree was not done in accordance with state child support laws. Therefore, in deed, statutory law will trump the decree as the law will require you to pay the appropriate and necessary child support.

I recommend that you contact a mens divorce lawyer near you to provide you with legal advice on divorce and assist in any divorce modification.

To set up an appointment with a Cordell & Cordell mens divorce attorney, including Oklahoma City Divorce Lawyer Brock Ellis, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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One comment on “Does Our Agreement Trump State Child Support Laws?

    Although your answer was from a lawyer ill put my take , the laws in this country are corrupt what is right and wrong is never followed . however yes in this situation because of there law of child support which is by far the most corrupted system in place you would until graduation. But from someone who has seen both sides of child support id say the best thing for American people would be for that system to be abolished or completely redone

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