How Much Advanced Notice Must Be Given Before Moving Children Out Of State?

Question:Kevin Mammola Atlanta Divorce Attorney

Is the custodial parent required to give the non-custodial parent at least 60 days advanced notice of her intent to move out of state with our children?

I know I do not have primary child custody, but moving the kids away from me will significantly cut into my parenting time and my involvement in watching my kids grow up.


While I am not licensed to practice in your jurisdiction, I can provide you with some general divorce help for men regarding the issues you present in your question.

I recommend that you refer to the language of your final order to determine whether or not your spouse was required to provide you with 60 days advanced notice of her intent to relocate with the children.

If your final order is silent as to the 60-day requirement, then you should consult with a local attorney to determine whether your state law requires at least 60 days advance notice of a custodial parent’s intent to relocate with the children.

As I stated previously, I am not licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Therefore, I recommend that you seek advice on divorce from a local attorney that is more familiar with the procedure, custom, and practice in your jurisdiction before you take any legal action.

To schedule an appointment with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Kevin Mammola, an attorney in the Atlanta, Georgia office of Cordell & Cordell, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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