My ex-wife is legally blind and lives in a rural area.
She is going to file a motion to modify my current child support order to help cover the costs of a driver that she must use to get around in a vehicle.
Is this a legitimate request?
I am unable to give you legal advice on divorce. I can give general divorce help for men, though, my knowledge is based on Missouri child support laws where I am licensed to practice.
In order to modify child support, she must prove that there has been a substantial and continuing change in circumstances such that the current support amount is no longer reasonable.
Child support is for the expenses of raising a child so if your ex-wife is unable to take your child to and from an appointment due to her disability then you run the risk that the court will order you to pay reasonable expenses for the child to be transported to and from doctor’s appointments, school functions, etc.
However, this does not mean that your ex-wife is entitled to claim all driving expenses such as taking herself to the bank, hairdresser, etc.
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Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult with a divorce lawyer in your jurisdiction.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Missouri Divorce Lawyer Jordan A. Rapoff, contact Cordell & Cordell.