Why Pro Se Divorce Is A Costly Mistake

divorce dilemma

By “Dad X” After watching two attorneys cost me thousands of dollars in fees and thousands more in what I considered allowing the judge to use a shovel between my bank account and my ex’s new Prada purse, I decided to appear pro se at my self-filed support modification. That


Can Permanent Alimony Be Modified?

child support

Question: I am 62 years old and am paying permanent alimony. I am paying nearly $1,500 per month and don’t think I will ever be able to retire. Is there anything I can do to modify or terminate my alimony payments?


Amending A Child Support Order Retroactively


Question: My ex-spouse was given custody of our three children in 2012, but they have been living with me since August 2014. She signed a letter allowing me to raise them, but has yet to return any of the child support garnished from my wages. As I am preparing a


How To Build Your Case For Parenting Time Modification

parenting plan divorce

“What can I do to get more parenting time with my kids?” That might be the single most frequently asked question by divorced fathers. Child custody modification proceedings can be an emotionally draining and drawn out task. However, before you even retain an attorney, there are steps you can take


Modifying Support With An Out-Of-Court Agreement

out-of-court agreement

Question: Recently, I received a divorce decree stating I am required to pay child support even though my ex-wife makes substantially more than me and we share custody of our children. She has signed and notarized a document stating she does not intend to collect the child support payment. Will


Modifying Child Support When Arrears Are Owed

calculating child support

Question: I am trying to modify my current parenting time. Right now, because I only have 80 overnights, I owe my ex-wife child support. If I modify the plan to at least 110 overnights, she would have to start paying me child support. However, I owe more than $10,000 in