Why You Need A Divorce Attorney In An Amicable Divorce

There are plenty of marriages that end with an amicable divorce. A couple deciding they can’t remain married doesn’t mean they naturally hate each other. Many divorced couples remain great friends after calling it quits on their marriage. If you and your wife decide it’s time to divorce but are


How Relocation Affects Child And College Support

relocation and child support

Question: My ex-wife and I signed a separation and property settlement agreement in Connecticut in 2002. We have both since moved, she to New York where she lives with our daughter and me to New York. There was an article in the agreement regarding educational expenses that stated that I


Child Support Review When Expecting A Baby


Question: My child support is eligible for review this month to be increased. My wife and I are also expecting a baby in five months. Is there a way to delay the review until after our child is born so that the court will take into account that I now


Should He Submit Health Records In Custody Case?

Medical Insurance

Question: I’m representing myself in a legal conflict with my ex-wife over a possible modification in custody for our two children. We have been divorced for about eight years, but this issue has never gotten better. I would prefer not to discuss my health or medical-related issues during this process,