My Ex-Wife Keeps Violating The Morality Clause


Question: Our divorce decree has a morality clause that states that neither party is allowed to have a member of the opposite sex spend the night when our daughter is staying there, but my ex-wife keeps ignoring this and says there is nothing I can do. Is there anything I


Divorce Dilemma: Choose Your Battles Wisely

Divorce Dilemma

By Dad “X” Divorce is inherently combative. Unfortunately having attorneys writing letters back and forth is expensive and should be part of a consideration you show your ex should the question of you being combative comes up in court. With every outrageous breaking of a divorce decree or parenting plan,


Video: Cordell & Cordell News – June 5, 2015

Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories. This week, Cordell & Cordell announced that it is offering free Divorce 101 seminars on June 24 and


Paying For The Marital Home Prior To Mediation

marital home

Question: Following our temporary divorce hearing the judge ordered me to pay child support and continue making payments on the marital  home until we meet with a mediator. I can’t afford to continue making these house payments. What are my options if my name is the only one on the


Walter Scott And The Problem With Child Support

For the past several days, the shooting of Walter Scott by South Carolina police officer Michael Slager has dominated headlines. A video of the shooting shows Slager, who has been charged with murder, shooting  Scott eight times after he fled from his vehicle after being stopped. Like several other police