Can You Suspend A Divorce Filing?

serving divorce papers

Question: My wife recently served me with divorce papers, but after receiving them we ended up deciding that we can work through the details. She said she will have her attorney suspend the filing, but it has been a couple of weeks and I have not received any type of


Paternity Fraud: A National Epidemic


When paternity fraud is committed, it isn’t just the non-biological father who suffers. Paternity fraud is an act that leaves a throng of victims in its wake – from the real biological father who has been denied the right to know and raise his child to the child itself who


How To Proceed With A Default Divorce

divorce agreement

Question: I am in the middle of a divorce/custody battle and trying to obtain either full custody of our children or have my child support obligation lowered. However, I have not been able to contact my wife in more than a month. We are at the point in our divorce


Defaulting On The Marital Home Mortgage

Texas divorce lawyer

Question: My wife wants to kick me out of the marital home, but still expects me to continue paying the mortgage. She says if I try to default on our mortgage she will take me to court to enforce payments to ensure she can continue living there. Can a court