Resolving Legal Custody Disputes Over Medical Bills

divorce lawyer Andrew Laufers

Question: Despite the fact that I have joint legal custody, my ex-wife continues to take our child without my consent to medical specialists for unnecessary treatments that I am then responsible for reimbursement of the bills. I have documented my protests via e-mail so it is in writing that she


Enforcing Legal Custody Violations

Question: I have joint legal custody of my minor child and would like to know how to enforce a legal custody violation. My ex-wife enrolled our child in a new school district without notifying me or listing me as our child’s father with the school registry. Education decisions should be


Joint Physical Custody Vs. Joint Legal Custody

joint physical custody

By Julie Garrison Special to For decades, family law courts have been granting joint legal custody to both parents, and this is only fair. If both parties in a divorce are reasonably responsible and adjusted, the children will fare much better having both parents involved in their lives. Joint


5 Major Benefits Of Joint Physical Custody

joint physical custody

By Julie Garrison Special to While joint legal custody of children is a good solution in the majority of divorce and child custody proceedings, joint physical custody is not always possible – at least not joint physical custody with equal time to each parent. The extenuating circumstances of location