There is a misconception that divorce is for the young. Once a couple survives the initial hurdles of marriage and child raising, then gets past the mid-life crises, it seems like their relationship should be in the clear. In reality, older couples are divorcing more than ever before. Overall, the …
Question: My wife is constantly abusive towards me and I feel I need to leave the house as soon as possible. However, I do not want to leave my children behind. Should I move out and take my kids with me? What are the legal ramifications of doing so?
Question: I bought a house while I was married that I paid with entirely with my own money. Now that we are divorcing, I want to keep the house. I can prove that she didn’t help with any of the payments. Will she still get half of the house?
An overwhelming amount of research shows it is in the best interest of children to have equal time with each parent following divorce or separation. Nonetheless, shared-parenting critics persist and by and large family courts do a poor job of establishing equal-custody arrangements.
Question: My wife asked me to move out during a trial separation a couple months ago. We were planning on going to marriage counseling, but I just found out she filed for divorce. Can I move back into the house? We have three children together and I’m worried she is …
There are very few life events more Earth-shattering for a child than when his or her parents divorce. Research shows that children do best in stable households where they know what to expect and feel, but that stability is difficult to maintain while shuffling from house to house throughout the …
Question: My wife is planning on filing for divorce and wants me to move out of the house. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to relocate. Legally, how long can I stay at home?
Question: My wife and I are talking about getting a divorce and whether or not I should move out of the house. We have four children and both want what’s best for them, but I’m worried it will not look good if I leave. What is the best way to …
Question: I am going to try to negotiate a home equity buyout agreement and refinance the home with my wife in our divorce case. Is there anything I should know about this process before starting to negotiate?