3 Keys For Success As A Divorced Dad

children of divorce

The biggest fear that many fathers have going into the divorce process is that splitting apart the family will reduce the role they play in their kids’ lives. Children of divorce face plenty of challenges, and it can be crippling if one parent ends up alienated out of their lives.


Maintaining Communication With Children Of Divorce

communicating with children of divorce

Question: My two children both live with their mother and are really struggling with separation anxiety post-divorce. I have read about the challenges children of divorce face and want to make sure my ex and I work together to effectively co-parent to help them through this transition.


How Therapy Can Benefit Children Of Divorce

therapy for children of divorce

How divorce affects children of divorce is well documented. Although the amount of parental conflict kids are exposed to is more harmful than the actual event of divorce, the fact is that dealing with divorce is difficult. Your kids need your support now more than ever.


6 Tips To Help Children Of Divorce Coping With Change

children of divorce

Children of divorce do not have it easy. Even in amicable breakups, the effects of divorce on children can be substantial. Research shows these children face numerous physical and mental health risks. Since the circumstances of every divorce are so unique, how divorce affects children will vary from child to child,


Video: Making Sure Your Kids Eat Healthy

A healthy diet plays a critical role in childhood development and making sure your children receive proper nutrition is a responsibility all parents need to take seriously. Following divorce, many dads are tasked with cooking and meal prepping for the first time and it can be a struggle to learn