DadsDivorce Live: A Father’s Fight To Stop His Child’s Adoption

Christopher Emanuel faced every unmarried father’s worst fear when he nearly lost his daughter to the adoption system despite his wishes. Fortunately, Emanuel was able to regain custody because he registered with South Carolina’s putative-father registry. Thirty-three states have a putative-father registry, which enables a man to declare himself as


Video: Cordell & Cordell News – July 17, 2015

Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories. This week, Cordell & Cordell opened a new office in Independence, Ohio. The new office is Cordell &


Adoption System Nearly Robs Father Of Daughter

Recently, the Atlantic published a captivating story written by Syracuse University law professor Kevin Noble Maillard about the child custody case of Christopher Emanuel. The story exposes how the adoption system can potentially rob a caring and loving father of all his parental rights before he even knows what hit


Seeking Child Custody As An Unwed Father


Men often face an uphill battle in family courts because of antiquated gender stereotypes, but that hill is even steeper for unwed fathers seeking custody of their children. Over the last 50 years, the number of children born to unmarried parents has exploded. Since 1960, the share of births to


NBA Stars Advancing Progressive Image Of Fatherhood

NBA fatherhood

Golden State Warriors guard Steph Curry and Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James are two of the biggest sports superstars in the world. Each player has led his team to a conference championship and they are now battling in the NBA Finals. However, Curry and James share a bond that extends beyond