Josh Levs is an esteemed broadcast journalist for CNN who reports and writes columns on modern parenthood. In 2013, Levs suddenly found himself in the news after his wife gave birth to their daughter. His employer, Time Warner, had the unusual policy of granting 10 weeks of paid leave to take care of a new child to everyone except biological fathers.
Levs recognized that even though the system was set up to prevent dads from having as much paid leave as moms, it was actually punishing both parents. By forcing men back to work, Time Warner was inadvertently pressuring mothers to stay home with the kid.
Levs filed a complaint of gender discrimination with the Equal Opportunity Commission, and Time Warner eventually changed their policy. Since then, Levs has become one of the country’s leading advocates for improved paid leave policies in the United States.
Recently, Levs released a book titled, “All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families, And Businesses – And How We Can Fix It Together.” The book shows how fatherhood today is much different from previous generations and what it means for our individual lives, families, workplaces, and society.