What A Prenuptial Agreement Can And Cannot Cover

prenuptial agreement

A lot of couples mistakenly buy into the myth that by agreeing to a prenuptial agreement they are setting themselves up for divorce. It’s as if even the acknowledgement that divorce exists predestines their marriage for failure. This mindset leads many couples to skip out on a prenup, which is


3 Realities About Prenuptial Agreements

prenuptial agreement

The divorce of New York real estate mogul Harry Macklowe and his wife, Linda, is about to get nasty. After 57 years of marriage, the billionaire announced he is moving in with his girlfriend of at least two years. The problem for Harry is that he does not have a


4 Ways To Realistically Plan For Divorce

serving divorce papers

Planning for a divorce is a tricky concept. Some men find themselves in a miserable marriage where it seems impossible that things could be worse post-divorce. This “divorce fantasy” causes them to believe everything in their life will remain the same after divorce except their partner will be gone. Reality is


How To Respond To Being Served Divorce Papers


Being served with divorce papers, particularly when the request for a divorce comes as a surprise, can be one of the most overwhelming experiences a man ever faces. Filing for divorce is the first step in legally dissolving a marriage and whoever files first is at an advantage in many


How To Decide If Divorce Is The Answer

considering divorce

Question: I am trying to decide if divorce is the right answer for me. My wife and I no longer communicate and we have no feelings for each other. My 9-year-old son is also starting to feel the emotional ramifications. Should I get a divorce?


Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements 101

prenuptial postnuptial agreement

By Tara N. Brewer Special to DadsDivorce.com When entering into a marriage, divorce may be the furthest possibility from your mind. However, statistics speak volumes making the use of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements more popular than ever. Currently, the divorce rate in America for a first marriage is 41%. The