The Basics Of Military Divorce

military divorce

Divorce is often a complicated, confusing, and scary process. That uncertainty can be magnified when one spouse is serving in the military. Military families going through divorce face a unique set of challenges. There are specific rules and laws regarding jurisdiction, child custody, calculating child and spousal support, division of


Fathers Rights Challenges for Deployed Military Soldiers

military fathers rights

By Tara N. Brewer Special to A deployed soldier already has to deal with the stress of family separation. Possible changes in child custody and threats to fathers rights during deployment only compound the issue. A new Pennsylvania bill protects the deployed soldier by stating that no changes in


Losing Child Custody During Military Deployment

military child custody

By Julie Garrison Special to There are thousands of child custody cases in the U.S. involving military dads who have lost custody of their children while on deployment. During World War II, the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act was enacted, which provided protections for Americans serving in all


Military Retirement Pay & Divorce

Divorce Attorney Angela Foy

By Angela Foy Attorney, Cordell & Cordell In most divorces involving military service members, military retired pay is the largest asset subject to division. The military has many rules and guidelines regarding its retirement including when someone may receive it. The answers vary depending on your years of service. As


Common Questions About Military Divorce (Part 2)

By Nancy Shannon Attorney, Cordell & Cordell P.C., Omaha, Neb., office Note: This is Part 2 of a 2-part series on active military members and common questions about their rights.  Active members of the United State’s Armed Forces may be able to seek protection from civil actions under the Servicemembers