Could Meaningful Child Support Reform Be On The Horizon?

child support

The modern child support system is critically flawed in numerous ways. Outdated gender biases that continue to stack the deck against fathers still pervade the system. Repeatedly, we see instances of well-intentioned dads kicked in the gut by the system despite their wishes to do whatever they can to help


5 Ways The Child Support System Fails Families

child support

Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joseph Cordell recently spoke with 700WLW-Cincinnati about many of the problems pervading the child support system and family courts. As Mr. Cordell noted, rather than providing support for children, the system often drives a wedge between families and creates unnecessary financial hardship for many well-intentioned


Using A Guardian Ad Litem In A Custody Case

child custody

Question: My wife is trying to get full legal and physical custody of our kids and leave me only with supervised visitation. This is concerning because she is very abusive. I don’t have money for a lawyer so how should I go about fighting this?


What To Do If Your Ex Denies You Parenting Time

sole custody

It is a sad reality that divorce often causes adults to act like children. The bitterness and animosity generated by a breakup often leads to a total loss of reason and rationality. Even more disappointing is that children are often caught in the middle of many of these arguments. Even


My Ex-Wife Keeps Violating The Morality Clause


Question: Our divorce decree has a morality clause that states that neither party is allowed to have a member of the opposite sex spend the night when our daughter is staying there, but my ex-wife keeps ignoring this and says there is nothing I can do. Is there anything I