Modification Of Child Support Arrears

advice on divorce

Question: I am trying to modify my payments of child support arrears. I do owe the money and intend to pay it back, but the amount being garnished is too high for me to survive on. When trying to modify the child support amount, the child support enforcement unit said


Child Support Arrears: Modifying Garnishments

St. Louis divorce lawyer

Question: I am in child support arrears for my children who are all adults now. My only income is my disability payments and even that is being garnished. The garnishment is so high that I can barely survive off the little remaining income. How can I get this child support


Child Support: Why The Need For Wage Garnishment

Colorado Divorce Attorney

Question: My child support question is about wage garnishment. I have a monthly child support obligation that I have never failed to meet. Recently I switched from writing checks to paying electronically, and now my is refusing to accept the electronic checks. So the child support enforcement agency is now


Garnished Wages and Overpaid Child Support

child support

Question: How do child support laws handle the wage garnishment termination for past due child support? I have paid off my child support arrears in whole. Yet, I continue to have money taken out of my paycheck via wage garnishment to the point that now I have overpaid my child