Child Support: Wages Being Garnished Twice

Omaha Nebraska Divorce Lawyer

Question: When I was employed and paying into FICA out of each paycheck, I also paid a child support arrears garnishment from the same gross earnings. I am now disabled and receive RSDI benefits that come from my FICA account. The state is now garnishing my RSDI benefits even though


Child Support Enforcement Options

child support enforcement

By Rebecca Ripley Baltimore Divorce Lawyer, Cordell & Cordell Those who are court-ordered to pay child support and are unable to do so do not receive much sympathy from the court. While there may be room for discretion or leeway in certain cases, it is a pretty narrow issue involving


How To Avoid Jail Over Child Support Arrears

St. Louis divorce lawyer

Question: I owe a substantial amount in child support arrears and am worried I will be thrown in jail. The state is preparing to take away my driver’s license and my professional licenses, which will leave me unable to drive or work and result in jail time. This only makes