Amending A Child Support Order Retroactively


Question: My ex-spouse was given custody of our three children in 2012, but they have been living with me since August 2014. She signed a letter allowing me to raise them, but has yet to return any of the child support garnished from my wages. As I am preparing a


3 Concerning Facts About The ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Myth

deadbeat dadd

There are a number of stereotypes and misconceptions that drive the modern child-support system that have been covered extensively on, but perhaps none are as confounding as the myth of the deadbeat dad. The concept of the deadbeat dad originates from a CBS special report by Bill Moyers that


Proving I Paid Child Support

Cincinnati divorce lawyer

Question: I have always paid my child support and have documentation supporting this, but the child support enforcement agency is claiming I have not paid in several months. They are threatening to suspend my driver’s and professional license in addition to garnishing my bank account, but this is because of