Child Support Is Bankrupting Me: What Can I Do?

Mens divorce lawyer

Question: Child support is bankrupting me. I have a part-time job making minimum wage yet I am ordered to pay $500 a month in child support plus an extra $200 to cover arrears I accrued while unemployed. My wages are garnished along with them garnishing half of my unemployment benefits.


Child Support Laws: How To Stop Garnishment Of Wages

mens divorce lawyer William Backer

Question: My ex-wife’s parents have child custody of my 21-year-old daughter, who now has a child of her own and no longer lives with her grandparents. Seemingly out of nowhere, my paychecks started being garnished for child support even though it was determined my ex-wife should be the one paying


Child Support Laws: Proving You Overpaid Child Support

oklahoma city divorce lawyer

Child Support Laws Question: In the judgment terminating my child support payments, my ex-wife was ordered to pay for my “reasonable attorney fees” and a default order was entered “reserving” the issue of my child support overpayments. What does “reserving” the issue of overpayment mean, and how do I prove


Misconceptions About Garnishing Wages For Child Support

garnish wages child support

By Christian D. Barnard Divorce lawyer, Cordell & Cordell Child support obligations are inescapable, and wage garnishments are one of the tools states use to ensure those payments are made. Many clients ask me how child support laws handle garnishing wages for the purposes of collecting child support. Some are