If I leave the marital home, but continue paying the majority of the bills, is it OK for me to sign a lease on an apartment?
It’s not healthy for me to stay in the same house as my ex-wife.
I am not licensed to practice law in your state. Therefore, I cannot inform you as to the specific laws of your state and can only provide you with general information regarding your situation.
If you have a desire to return to the home, it is never recommended that you leave unless ordered to by a judge. Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell actually lists moving out of the marital home as the No. 1 misstep guys make in his book, “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce.”

Once you do leave it generally should not be an issue for you to sign a lease for an apartment, however you should keep in mind that depending on your situation and the financial status of the parties involved you could be facing future support payments and you need to make sure that you can afford two households if that would happen.
It would be advisable to sit down with an attorney licensed in Ohio that can look at your situation and advise you in regards to the laws in your state.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Virginia divorce lawyer Jonah Dickey, contact Cordell & Cordell.
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