Video: Cordell & Cordell News – April 12, 2017

Dads Divorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of monthly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.

Cordell & Cordell posted four tips dads can use to battle parental alienation. Parental alienation, which is the intentional or unintentional deterioration of a child’s relationship with one of their parents, is challenging to prove in court, but there are steps guys can take to help build their case.

Dads Divorce added a new article about four facts concerning modern fathers. Research shows that by and large today’s dads are more emotionally engaged and involved in household and child-care chores than fathers of previous generations.

Men’s Divorce published an article detailing how the Amish community handles divorce. The Amish community has traditionally forbidden divorce. While being mindful of other customs and cultures, it is important to realize how stigmatizing divorce can lead to an unnecessary sense of shame.

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Cordell & Cordell, 4 Tips To Fight Against Parental Alienation

Dads Divorce, 4 Facts You Might Not Know About Modern Dads

Men’s Divorce, Divorce Is Forbidden In The Amish Community


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One comment on “Video: Cordell & Cordell News – April 12, 2017

    I have been amazed in the last few days to be finding and validating this info about a real life situation that my kids and I are going through. To see this kind of behavior broken down and put into words has given me so much hope and I finally feel like I can move forward and find a solution to this. I love my children and they are being kept from me by their mother and her boyfriend, who has previously given up his rights to his own 4 children and now wants to take over mine. I am open to coparenting and a peaceful situation but they are clearly not! Thank you for putting me on the right track. Although I am not financially prepared for legal aid I’m this, at least I know it is being widely recognized and that there may be hope for us.

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