Dads Divorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of monthly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.
Cordell & Cordell linked to Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell’s most recent Huffington Post column titled, “4 Ways To Help You Succeed In Divorce Court.”
Although the divorce process is challenging at every stage, the aspect people tend to find most intimidating is the actual court appearance.
Dads Divorce added a new article with tips about navigating the divorce process when you’re caught off-guard by it.
One of the more overwhelming parts of divorce is that it is rarely something you plan for, and when that happens it can leave guys unprepared and vulnerable.
Men’s Divorce posted a new article explaining how the recently released Panama Papers show just how far some of the world’s richest individuals will go to hide assets from their spouse in the event of divorce.
The papers, which came from the Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca, contained details about how millionaires and billionaires were using offshore companies to help shield assets from their soon-to-be exes.
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Cordell & Cordell, Joe Cordell Gives Divorce Court Tips In Huffington Post
Dads Divorce, Navigating The Divorce Process When You’re Caught Off-Guard
Men’s Divorce, Panama Papers Demonstrate All’s Fair In Love And War