Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.
This week, Cordell & Cordell posted an appearance Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell made on Money Radio’s “Business for Breakfast.” In the interview, Mr. Cordell discussed the particulars of asset division during divorce.
As a rule of thumb, Mr. Cordell tells his clients to expect a 50-50 division of marital assets, but a number of variables will impact each divorce differently.
DadsDivorce added a new video to its DadsDivorce Live series featuring an interview with journalist and blogger Kimberly Seals Allers. Ms. Seals Allers recently wrote an editorial on the New York Times Motherlode blog explaining her decision to forgive her ex husband of more than $38,000 of child support arrears.
Ms. Seals Allers recognized that the debt was driving a wedge between her children and their biological father to the detriment of everyone involved. She also explained the important distinction between fathers who are unable to pay the child support they owe and dads who are unwilling to pay.
Men’s Divorce published a new article about why it is not possible to share an attorney with your spouse during divorce.
The high cost of divorce causes many couples to question whether it is possible to use the same attorney to limit their expenses and speed up the process, especially when they part on relatively amicable terms. However, there are both legal and ethical issues that prevent attorneys from representing both parties.
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Cordell & Cordell, Joe Cordell Talks Asset Division With Money Radio
Dads Divorce, Forgiving $38K In Child Support For Family’s Sake
Men’s Divorce, Why You Cannot Share An Attorney With Your Spouse