Video: Cordell & Cordell News – October 13, 2015

Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of monthly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.

In September, Cordell & Cordell started offering its popular Men’s Divorce School seminars virtually to accommodate those who are unable to attend the events in person.

The free webinars, which are hosted by Cordell & Cordell partner Scott Trout and a divorce lawyer who practices in each respective city, provide an overview of how the divorce process works. Visit to register for one of the complimentary webinars. 

Dads Divorce published a new article about a recent video that went viral of a 6-year-old girl begging her divorced mom the remain friends with her father.

The video has received more than 6 million views and should remind divorced parents how their breakup can impact their children. One of the best ways divorcing parents can help their kids through the split is by remaining on amicable terms.

Men’s Divorce added a new article explaining the risks of hiding assets during divorce.

It is common when one of the parties in divorce feels they are getting an unfair deal during the property settlement to try to hide assets from the court and spouse. This act is not only immoral, but also illegal and can affect many different areas of your case throughout the divorce process.

Click here to subscribe to the DadsDivorce YouTube channel.

Cordell & Cordell, Men’s Divorce School webinars

Dads Divorce, Toddler’s Plea For Amicable Divorce Goes Viral

Men’s Divorce, The Risks Of Hiding Assets In Divorce


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