It’s a good idea when you’re going through divorce or separation to have a family law attorney in your corner to ensure your rights are protected. However, you should also keep in mind that not all divorce lawyers are created equal.
A Cordell & Cordell divorce lawyer runs through some of the qualities that the top family law attorneys tend to share and offers tips for how you can spot those traits during your initial consultation.
I hired an attorney–thought I would receive all mentioned in video-return calls in a timely fashion–strategy not discussed–not taking notes–improper or no billing transparency–insensitive to me and my daughters–distracted-always(would take a phone call many times in my meetings with him//bad faith–displayed a non professional manner once I paid 3500.00 retainer—–seems he put his wallet in front of my case—was actually considering filing a complaint in how he overall handled my case.,but do not know how to go about it–it also appeared in the county of divorce in N.J,–WAS BEING RUN BY THE LAWYERS–NOT THE JUDGES.