My wife is making false statements about me on forms that are submitted to the court. What can I submit to the judge to prove that the information she is providing is incorrect?
I would always recommend talking to an attorney in your jurisdiction prior to doing anything with the Court, so that you are aware of all the rules of procedure and your rights as a party to a divorce litigation.
It is hard for me to ascertain exactly what you are asking in your question because I am unaware of what “forms” your wife would be filing with the Court. Generally speaking, in almost all states you should be allowed to file a responsive pleading to the Court indicating the errors in your wife’s filing.
However, you should talk to an attorney to find out what your specific rules of civil procedure require and if there are any local rules that address this issue.
Jason Bowman is an attorney in the Louisville, Kentucky, office of Cordell & Cordell. He is licensed in the states of Kentucky and Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Louisville, and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan University.
here is what I am dealing with. Married for 18 years. Ex went back to school to get her masters and became a nurse prac. working with labor delivery. My daughter is 13 now. She had 0 mental problems before divorce. After her mom says she is bipolar and suicidal. She has my daughter on at least 5 different powerful dangerous meds. She has set up date in court where she is asking for requirement that my visitation with my daughter be supervised because I do not believe the ridiculous claims about my daughter and do not agree with meds. I do not have money for attorney. I did talk to legal aid who does not have funds to help me but did tell me to file in Texas where divorce took place a modify of custody and child support to get temporary custody of my daughter and get my own evaluation of her without her mom’s influence on med staff which is what has happened thus far in Wisconsin where she moved with my daughter. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Hey my wife is lying in court and everything she says is not relevant please contact me i need help i dont have finance or not much money
legal assistant and helpful girlfriend
My boyfriend is dealing with this right now. HIs ex-wife has lied about everything in court from day one. He recently took her back to court for custody, only this time I helped him prepare to prove her lies. I usually butt out of anything having to do with his kids/divorce, but I was tired of the court system ruling in her favor.
I served subpoenas for him. If you go to the circuit clerk and get a subpoena, it only costs 50 cents here in WV, you can have anyone over the age of 18 without a criminal record serve them. His ex has continuously lied about money, the utility bills being paid, etc. She embezzled money from the kids little league and lied about it, but we had the proof that she was arrested and has a hearing for that soon. I subpoenaed the utility companies and proved that the water and electric has been cut off on almost a monthly basis. I was basically trying to prove that she is not taking care of the children. She’s also addicted to pain medication so we had her drug tested because she denied doing drugs (of course). The first drug test came back diluted, so she had to take another one. We’re still waiting on the results, but now the court doesn’t have record that she even took the test. I think she went in to pick up the paperwork and didn’t take the test. More lies…
Good luck.