My spouse has been committing adultery for years. Will that come into play during our divorce?
Also, I am disabled and receive medical insurance through my spouse. How will that play out during the case?
Please be aware that I cannot give legal advice based on contact from the website and can only provide general tips regarding your situation.

You really need to speak with an attorney licensed in your state on this issue. Most states don’t evaluate the reason for the divorce, they are “no-fault” states and adultery doesn’t really matter unless large sums of money have been spent on the third party. If you do pursue a divorce, the extent of your disability, and ability to earn an income is likely going to be much more relevant for purposes of establishing spousal support.
Family law is based on statutes that are state specific. I am licensed to practice in Nebraska and am not able to give specific and detailed legal advice regarding your situation. You need to contact an attorney licensed in your state who specializes in domestic litigation. Cordell & Cordell has offices in your state for you to contact and set up a consultation.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Nebraska divorce lawyer Nancy Shannon, contact Cordell & Cordell.