By Erica Christian
Divorce Attorney, Cordell & Cordell
Divorce can be a nasty process. When child custody is an issue, divorce is even more contentious. Some parents want to leave the custody battle up to the child, thus the inevitable question:
How old does a child have to be to decide where and with which parent they want to live?
There may be a specific statute in your state that provides for an age when a child may determine or provide input as to the child custody decision. When there is a custody dispute in my state (Wisconsin), the court appoints a Guardian ad Litem regardless of the age of the minor child, to determine the best interests of the child.
Generally, a child can testify when they are of sufficient maturity to understand and take the oath to testify truthfully. However, the child’s wishes are usually only one factor the court will use to determine the best interest of the child. (Read more about the best interest of the child standard.) In some states, the judge must determine whether permitting the child to state a preference is even in the child’s best interests.
Usually by 12 years old a child can testify. As the child gets older, his or her wishes carry more weight. By 15 or 16 if the child is of general maturity and has logical reasons for changing the custody, the court will often abide by the child’s wishes. The key is that the child has to have a logical reason for changing the present support and placement.
Child custody statutes routinely require the fact-finder to consider the child’s preferences. Despite their speculative nature, preferences are important to the case – and to parents’ rights.
Therefore, state rules for preference testimony strike a balance between protecting children from the pain of having to choose and ensuring their preference testimony is reliable, or as reliable as can be.
You should contact an attorney licensed in your state to inquire as to whether a statute defines when a child can decide and the standard the courts apply in determining custody and placement.
Cordell & Cordell has men’s divorce lawyers located nationwide.
Erica Christian is an Associate Attorney in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, office of Cordell & Cordell, P.C. She is licensed to practice law in the state of Wisconsin. She is a member of the Wisconsin Bar Association, the Family Law Section and the Children’s Law Section.
Ms. Christian received her B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication as well as her Juris Doctor from the University of Wisconsin, graduating with academic distinction.

I’m 14 and i’m a black kid from Baltimore. I can’t stand my mom she is always abusing me i’m failing science and she is talking it too serious. I want to live with my dad because he has been in prison since i was 1 we share a perfect relationship together than me and my mom and he really gets me. He isn’t serious about everything but he is just like “those dads”. Please help me decide. I wanted to tell my mom that i wanted to live with him since i started 8th grade and she started abusing me. One time she gave me a black eye, another time she broke my legs and with a metal stick and i couldn’t walk for 5 months straight. She gave me canker sores 23 times and i’m sick of it. I think it’s best to live with my dad. Does anyone have any advise?
It is so a bad experience for all people life. Very well written. Your observation is right on the mark. So thanks for sharing it with us.
In 15 and my mother has full custody of us and I want to live with my dad so whenever I bring it up its always on i have full custody and blah blah blah I’m pissed and she knows it so when ever I get frustrated she said she was going to send me to a birding school WTF!!! Please help me i would appreciate it thank you.
i feel the same way dude
Im going to be twelve next year and i have a really hard choice to make. the only reason i haven’t said let me stay with mom is because i really love my dad. the problem with dads house is that my step mom runs the place like a military boot-camp. i have at least 40 chores to do in a day and if i dont do them exactly right i get grounded. i get in trouble at least once a day and im really fed up with it but i really truly love my dad and dont want to make him sad. and i feel like if i choose to live with my mom i will never see him again. please help me what should i do?
im 13yrs old this year ill be 14 , ive been living with my dad for two months i hate it here i want to go back with my mom but he won’t let me he says ” i had to much freedom with her ” yesterday night i had found court papers he got on the 9th this month they where custody court papers , i hope i can testify and say where i want to live , i did get in alot of trouble with my mom and i was doing bad stuff but i changed and im ready to go back and prove it , they’ve had 40/60 custody since i was 7 , my dad doesn’t want her to be able to take me back when she wants to because she has partcial custody of me but i don’t want to be with him ill do weekends but not full time i want to be back with my mom but i need her to gain my trust back she must still care about me if she wont let him take full custody of me,what do i do ?
I’m turning 14 in July and I think I’m mature enough to have my reasons why I should move with my dad. I really wish I could stay at my mom’s but I’ve talked to my dad and stepmom about this. My grandma has a saying ‘ your family is like the sun, your too close, you’ll burn, too far and you’ll freeze, you must stay in the middle. Not too far, not too close’. I wish I could be able to live with my mom but I can only tolerate her to the point I can’t live with her. I hope I’m able to live with him. She also said that in the summer we’re going to stay there for a few months because we complain too much here and we’ll see if we like it there better than we can move.
I am dealing with the same exact thing. I can only tolerate my mom to an extent. I want to move to my dads but I’m too sensitive to break my moms heart and my friends. This has put a lot of stress on me. I am going to talk to my mom tonight about this. I should probably do what is best for me. I have lived with my mom for the past 3 years. I feel like I should live the next 4 years of high school with my dad and try it out.
Hello I am currently dealing with somewhat of the wpsame problem I currently live with my mom but I really do not like it here she is very rude and does not treat me with the same respect as all of my other sisters I am currently twelve turning 13 really soon but what I would say is do whatever your heart desires and if you pick your mom make sure you get to see him again.
Hi, I’m 12 currently and this may not matter now, but whoever you choose ththe opposite parent shouldn’t get upset because if they love and support you truly they will accept your decision. You can live with your mom and go to your dads on the weekends or something so you dont have to stay in a bootcamp type place.
talk to your father.
I’m 14 years old and I want to move to my dads I lived with him before and he lost his rights to me because they said he was on drugs but he was not is their anyway I can move to my dads with him not having rights or is their any way he can regain his rights to me
My mom has this thing against my dad where we cant see him nor at the least face-time. He just got in a accident because he was racing. So like any normal caring human being would call and make sure he is OK. But where i messed up was telling my mom. She doesn’t realize she isn’t quite the inspiration i would want to brag about. She does things like leave me and my other siblings alone for long amounts of time. I am only in middle school so when i have to go to the neighbors house and wait for her to come home that is very embarrassing. She never has the time to spend with us because of a man. When i am with my dad a can not say the same things about him. Even tho he is married he always ask how she is doing. Never has any negative comments and provides as much as he can. She just has hate in her heart for every one , and i dont want to put up with it. So when i get the courage to stand up to my mom , and i wont mean to hurt her feelings, i am going her know that things are going to change with the way she act towards me and my other siblings communicating with our dad. And if she doesn’t respect that the next step is going to live with him. Thats like trying to fight the devil with a twig but im going to try to think around the box.
I’m 14 and I want to live with my real mom because I think I would get treated better over there but she used to do drugs but she is clean now. What do I do?
I’m 16 years old and I don’t want to only choose 1 parent. I like being with my dad more, they have 50/50 custody. I want to be able to choose when I want to see my mom and when I want to see my dad instead of being forced to stay at one place when I would rather be at the other. They switch off every other week so I’m with my dad Friday till Friday when I’m with my mom Friday till Friday. On my dads week if I want to go to my moms he lets me, he doesn’t force me to be with him. On my moms weeks if I want to see my dad, it’s the end of the world and she won’t let me see him cuz it’s her week. I want to choose where I want to be when I want to be there. I need help please someone?????
im having trouble with the same thing
i need some information two this is the exact thing im going through right now, my step mom constantly calls me names and degrades me . she calls my mom a druggie and sometimes we argue and she solves it with violence usually with her hitting me what do i do?
you can legally change your guardian to your mother if you wish if you are above the age of 13 in the U.S.
I’m having the same problem any help?
talk to your father.
Hello. My name is Tyanna, and I am 13 years old. Currently, I despise my position. I live with my mom and stepdad, and I want to live with my biological father and his girlfriend and kids. My mother locks me out of my room, calls me names constantly, yells at me constantly, and doesn’t let me do anything. On November 20, I will turn 14. Do I have the right to move in with my father, or am I stuck with my mother?
I just turned 14 and I’ve been thinking about moving woth my mom. But i wanna wait for my brother to turn 13 in a couple months so he can come with me… Question is Does my dad need to give me consent?
im 16, and i only want to live with my mom not my dad what do i do
I’m gonna be 17 in October and I want to live with my mom but if I do that, I’m afraid my dad and step mom with try to guilt trip me into coming back. I have tried already and my step mom used my 1 yr old brother against me and it broke me in two. I’m fed up with my dad being verbally abusive with me, I feel like he’s favoring my younger brothers over me. And my brother started acting like my dad, don’t get me wrong I still love my dad and step mom but I feel like I can’t trust them with anything anymore because they tell everyone my problems and it’s embarrassing. My 15 yr old brother is verbally and physically abuses towards me sometimes and I’m getting tired of it. I want to live with my mom but I don’t wanna live my friends and family behind.
My biological parents were never married so I wouldn’t call it a divorce. I try to be as responsible and respectful as possible but it always backfires in my face and I end up getting grounded or me and my step mom get into a physical fight.
I can never get any words in when I’m trying to explain what happened because my dad and step mom always tell me I’m wrong and that I need to shut up and take the punishment as is.
I don’t wanna leave everything behind but I don’t wanna deal with the suffering of not being able to tell anyone anything. I don’t feel very safe around my current family anymore. They make all the decisions for me when I know I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself.
Please help me out.
I’m at the start of my health plan. As a 48 year old dad I need to get healthy for my future and my kids. As part of that I have been surfing the web which is how I came accross your site. I just wanted to leave a comment, say hi and thanks. I’m sure I will be visiting all your posts as part of my research.
My dad is trying to get custody if my younger sister and I. I’m 13 and she is 12. I dont really like my dad and i dont want to live with him. He thinks my mom is the worst person in the world, he calls her mean names and says the worst things about her. He lives in Ohio and live in Missouri. Is there any way that I can talk him out of getting custody of my sister and I? Please someone help me I dont want to live with my dad
I love my mom and dad a lot I just hate my step mom, she is probably one of the worst people I have ever met. I am thinking about trying to stay with my mom full time but I am still not sure, does anyone have any advice before I make a decision?
I might be able to help
My dad is the same way. I’m trying to go with my mom and he says she’s the worst person ever. I would say go with what ever makes you happiest.
If being with your mom makes you happy than being with your dad then be with your mom……..don’t be like me and wait around, I made that mistake too many times.
OK so I’m 15 I want to go live with my dad I don’t want to be here with my mom and step dad I’m afraid something will happen and without help I know for a fact I won’t be able to move in with my dad I’ve been living with my mom for 15 years and I want to spend the last 3 with my dad
hey what’s your insta i’m in the exact same position as you like the exact same and want to talk to you !
I am on the same track Katrina! (I am turning 15 in September, though) I want to live with my mom, but my dad is highly against that. I go with my mom for the summer, and every other winter. Whenever I talk to my dad about this, we just make a full circle. I have my say in this, and if it goes ALL the way to court I am keeping strong with my confident decision. SOMEONE HELP!! WHAT SHOULD I DO? :/
Has anyone replied to you because i am going though the same thing.
I’m kinda the same. My mom lost custody of me and my brother 5 years ago and now we live with my dad and step mom and two step brothers my step mom is the worst person ever she favorites her real kids over me and my brother because they still see there dad. I haven’t had any contact with my mom in years and I don’t know how. I can’t talk to my dad and step mom about anything!!! I just want to go live with my real mom. I am 14 years old and my brother is 16. Does anyone know what we can do????
Omg I have the same problem
But my step mom only has one kid and my dad my brother over me.
My mom loves us both but my brother hates our mom bc of what our dad told us.
I would say go with your gut kid. Don’t be like my and wait 16 yrs for a moment to show up.
What makes you want to live with your dad and how often do you get to see him
I’m 12 years old and my mom favors my sister over me, and makes me do everything. My dad lives one hour away and I see him on weekends. I want to do the same thing but live with my dad and see my mom on weekends. Can I change this even though I’m 12 years old?
Hi my name is Mateo and my dad calls me every bad word and makes me feel like a failure. I am 12 years, can I choose where to live.
Stay strong buddy. I personally recommend calling the police and tell them where your point of view is coming from. I would also talk to a teacher before-hand. Ask them what you should do. Consult me. (406)-694-5246. (My mom and dad are spilt up and I have currently am going through a tough time right now wanting to live with my mom. I am probably going to take my opinion to court.) ILY!!
I’m living with my mom and I hate it so much, she makes me do things more than my siblings and when I had cutting issues my mom put those aside and pretended like nothing happened, she threatened that if I keep wearing all black clothes, she’ll take away my long sleeves. She always tells me she’s disappointed and all she ever talks about is how bad my grades are and how my room is never clean even though I tried my best. I want to live with my dad because he treated my like an actual person, and not a piece of trash. My mom took away visitation rights and they got divorced on my 8th birthday. I haven’t seen him since then. There was rumors at school that my father raped me and a girl called the police, it was never true, but my family happens to believe those rumors. I want to get out of here, if any of you have the same problem, here’s my info: email., Snapchat: ihm888
I hate my mum and I hate my dad too, my mums family lives in England and I don’t talk to my dad’s side is there any way I could legally move back to England, since I don’t want to live with either of them? I’m only 13
my life hasn’t been easy my mom doesn’t understand me and i can relate to my dad i have been wanting to live with my dad through out this
Can I go live with my dad at age 16 because my mom is so mean to me I have a step dad and a step brother and she literally favorites my step brother. And it makes me feel lonely. And I can never talk to her about anything. I want to find my real dad. She left him after I was born and she won’t let me ask questions about him but people know where he is and I want to go find him and live with him. 🙁
I would search up his name. Find out what his phone number is, and maybe his address. I would call him, and tell him what is happening. Call me if your in trouble or in the need to talk to someone. (406)-694-5246. (I am 14 *turning 15 next month* and both my parents are spilt up. I am currently going through a tough time between wanting to live with my mom, but my dad is totally against it. I go with my mom for the summer, and every other winter.) its hard. :/
If my mom kicks me out how can I avoid getting placed with my dad or in the legal system? I’m 16.
Get a job, a apartment, and show the court you’re able to take care of yourself. I’m trying to do the same thing. I’m 16 too.
I’m 14 and I want to stay with my mom but I don’t know if I can choose to stay with her. My parents are divorced and I want to get away from my evil step mom. I really dislike her and I’m pretty sure she dislikes me. Pls help me. My mom is also trying her best to keep me because I want to stay with her.
im in the same situation and im trying to figure out how but you could talk to your dad and say you want to live with your mom i haven’t done it yet but you have the option when your 12 13 and 14 and up you have the choice and your dad and step mom cant say no because its required by law to take it to court and get the judges permission on it
I know how you feel my mum and dad aren’t together and I hate my stepmom she makes me fell insecure about my self and tells my lies about my mum that I don’t need to hear. She once told me I was a mistake and at least my dad had my worthy sister and not me because I’m a cow and a home wrecker I’m 11
You should talk it over with your parents and see if they can or will come to a agreement with you. If they say no wait for a couple weeks and then bring it up again
Hi I’m a 12 year old boy and I hate my mom she always yells at me. my dad is nice he doesn’t yell he talks to me about it and helps me through it pls reply.
I’m 15 and I hate my mom my advise is theres no good time to switch homes but I chose my dad chose who u trust more in the long run who u think respects u more
Hope this helps a little and move in with your dad
Hi I’m a 12 year old kid who is living his mom and she always yells at me and grounds me for little things. I’M NEVER UNGROUNDED!!!!! I want to live with my dad cause he has rules, but he talks to me if I do something wrong
my mom is the same way. and i hate living with her and i’m ten
I’m in the same boat as you. I want to go live with my dad because he treats me well and my mom and I just don’t get along like we used to. I’ve already been involved in custody stuff and I’m waiting till I’m 16 to try to live with my dad again. I’m just really afraid of my mom and what she would say to me. I should be able to make my own choices about this.
Mines the same way just make it clear to your mom its not because u can do what u want from experience
I have the same problem as a 14 year old living with my mom, she grounds me over tiny things like forgetting a chore or sleeping in on weekends. I figured the best thing to do is just deal with it and ask to try living with your dad for 2 weeks, if you still don’t like your moms yes once your 12 you can choose to live at your dads especially because you have the reasoning of better rules and how he talks to you about it to maybe help fix the problem, hope I could help 🙂
Hello my name is Jordan I’m currently 14 years old turning 15 in the next following month which is December and I want to go live with my mom cause me and my dad argue all the time never lets up he gets home he finds something to yell at me and he always wants to physically fight me and I need help
Hey dude I’m 13 I hate my dad he is always mean to me and my brother is treated with Royalty I hate it I just want to live with my mom.
mine is practically the opposite situation…my sister gets treated like a princess, i get the crap beat out of me. I want to move and live with my dads sister since my dad is in jail but i don’t know how i can….can anyone help me?
same dude im 14 and my dad and step mom always blame me for every thing and when i dont have A’s and B’s i get grounded but even when they failed 2nd grade they dont get punished one bit
same here
Omg I’m so sorry u r going thru this did u speak with anyone at school
Me too
Hi my name is destiny and I’m 15 years old and i live with my dad and step mom and me and my step mom aruge all the time over things I didn’t do so I would like to move in with my mom please help me😢
I’m in almost the exact same situation as you but im 12 turing 13 in the end of november. My dad has bipolarism but says hes cured (he obviously isnt) and my step mom is very sensitive, whenever I say something she doesn’t like she tells my dad and he yells at me. She makes me feel so unwelcome. I talk to my mom about this and my siblings agree when she asks them. Now she texts me when I’m here asking how we are doing and helps me get though the time I have to spend there. Just know you aren’t alone and we can do this. My sister tells me that when I turn 13 I have that choice. Shes 15 but isn’t staying at our moms more because she thinks that if she does then he will take his anger out on us, but I still beg her to go for a reason for me and my 10 year old brother to get out. I get in trouble over things I dont do all of the time too. 3 More years for you! But you can also talk to your Mom about it seriously and flat out tell her, “I cant go back there,” or something like that. Hope things go your way!
i’m in that same situation i want to live with my dad because i do not like my mom’s boyfriend because he is mean but i need help deciding and i am only 10
If u know u will be happier at dad’s go live with him ur a child once u deserve the best childhood
Your dad is going to be a little harder on you
Hi my name is Brendan I am in the same situation my dad gets super sensitive and my step mom says do this and he yells
My mom and stepdad are making me do chores for a bday party I don’t even get to go to I need help how do I move to my dad’s, but my mom says I can’t what are my legal rights?
You are legally aloud to live with ether one when your 15 or 16 as long as u have a good reason and r considered responsible
Shouldn’t I have the right as a 13-year-old to choose to live with my dad even though I had been living with my mom for many years after my parent’s divorce?
omg im in the same exact situation but im 16 years old wow and she is verbally abusive and treats my stepsister like a princess and i get treated like a peasent me and my dad were close but she turned him against me and my other siblings now im getting treaated like a step child even by my dad
Omg I can relate to that so much
She yells at me for no reason and over little things and she doesn’t even try to talk to me about anything when I do something wrong.
I always go to my friends parents to talk to them, I trust them more than my dad and step mom, since I’m the oldest I’m the first to get blamed and they rarely ever let me go anywhere. They always want me home and that’s the only place I don’t wanna go.
My name is Kaleb and I am currently splitting time between my parents. However, every time I am with my mom we argue and it really stresses me out. Also, with my mom, my step-sisters are rude and are constantly fighting and being very annoying. I am 15 and I want to know how it is possible to stay with my father full-time with visitation rights with my mom. I get along with my father much better than my mother and closer with him as well. Please respond as I have been searching for answers for a while now.
im in the same situation man but im taking action in court so good luck brother
i am 14 and i am looking up how old do i have to be to live with my dad but it keeps saying i have to be 12 13 14 15 16 i don’t want to live with my mom are my grandmother
Hi I’m Dayne I’m trying to do the same I’m 13 I have been doing research and I think the age is 12.
My name is monica,
My parents have been divorced since I was 6. My parents have gone to court every 2 years since then, and the courts asked me when I was 10 who I want to live with… which I think is not an okay choice. But my dad won custody over me, and now I am 16 and don’t want to live with my dad anymore. He has caused me to fall into depression, and it has come to the point of me almost killing myself 3 times. I have mentioned to him that I don’t want to be here he doesn’t believe me and makes me stay here even though I don’t want to be here.
Can I moved out even though I am only 16?
First and foremost, killing yourself is not the answer!!! Hang in there!! If you are 16 just go over to your mom’s house. the most the dad can do is call the cops and if you don’t wanna go back and are safe most times they let you stay. have your mom file a modification of custody where she becomes the custodial parent so you can stay there legally. When you’re of a certain age you can stay with your parents without the cops getting you but there is no real magic age you can decide where you want to live. The courts put your needs first. The best and first step always should be sitting down with both your parents, telling them how you feel and why you would like to give mom a try.
My name is trinity and I’m in the same situation about killing myself but it’s with my mom and want to go live with my dad.
I want to live with my dad.
OMG is ANYONE LISTENING TO THESE POOR KIDS !?? Im dealing with a NARC EX who has alienated me from my daughter makes false accusations and thinks its funny. And most of these kids posting verify exactly what my daughter must be going thru, it just breaks my heart and these WORTHLESS CORRUPT FAMILY COURT SYSTEMS only make problems WORSE…! SOMEONE NEEDS TO ANSWER THESE KIDS NOW!! WTF is wrong with you “so called” legal advocates…? Your advice is CRAP until you or SOMEONE can benefit from it. These people need HELP!
Same here, Narc/ Soc ex. Just wants kids as prize possession, and still have control of me.
I know how you feel!! My kids & I have been going through pure hell the past 7 years & the family court system is only worried about money!!
My name is cam and I’m 15 I don not like my mom she never does anything for me she always makes me do things around the house while my half brothers do nothing I want to live at my dad’s because he always makes things fair and he always appreciates me for what I do even if it’s something little while my mom I have to work and work and work just to ……all she says is do u want your phone bill paid that’s all she says she doesn’t even say I love you she only says it when I’m going over to my dad’s house for visitation.plz help me I’m sick and tierd of being here.
I am in the exact same situation as you are except I am always supposed to watch my half brothers and am often times not allowed to participate in after school activities or sports.
I am also 13
My parents got divorced and hen I was 1
i know i really want to live with my dad but i am only 14 i really don’t know how old i have to be to leave my mom i want to live with my dad and my stepmom because i can help with the new baby that is coming i really don’t know what to do anymore i really need help should i go to child services
It depends what state you live in. But for most states the age is 12. Btw I am a 13 year old boy.
Greetings, I am Carlos, I am fourteen years old and I live with my Mom and my step dad. My mom and my dad divorced before I was born, and when I became about 3, my mom met my step dad. At first, he was pretty cool, until in later years, he has been cheating on my mom. Since that happened, they have been fighting for a couple more years until everything was fine. Except, my mom and my step dad would always go outside to drink and smoke, I have a 5 year old little brother, and since they spend most of their time outside, I am usually forced to take care of him sometimes. On my mom’s birthday, my mom and my step dad fought once again, it really didn’t matter until I tried to stop the fight, after yelling at my step dad, he was starting to threaten me, or intimidate me. It worked. After he left the house, I went upstairs and my sister was texting me. My sister is 18 years old and lives with her boyfriend in San Diego. She was tired of seeing me go through the pain she went through. She gave me the offer of moving in with them, at first glance I thought I didn’t want to move. I was scared that I’d have to leave everyone I knew, and I was scared that I had to leave my little brother. But then I realized that he doesn’t need me, because my little brother has his big brother, who is his REAL blooded brother. Compared to where I live at, San Diego has many opportunities for me. I attempted to ask my mom if I could move, but she started to become angry and said “no”, because my sister moved away when she was 12, and she thinks my sister is trying to take me away. Even if she said no, I still think I want to move to San Diego with my sister because her husband makes 4 times the money my mom and step dad makes combined. I just wished my Mom saw this as an opportunity, I want to start a new life, I want to make new friends, I am tired of all the drinking and fighting. Do I have the right to move in with my sister even if my mom says I can’t?
Unfortunately, No. My brother moved in with my sister at 14 but only because my mother let him. The best thing to do is to sit down with your parents and tell them how you feel. Work on better communication.
you are so lucky if i mentioned that my mom would be me up
I’m 16 and I turn 17 in 3 months. My grandmother has joint custody of me and my sister but we live with our dad and our horrible stepmother. I have told my dad multiple times that I want to live with my grandmother and he doesn’t care and gets really angry about it. I’m not allowed to go out and do anything with friends at all literally the only thing I do is lay in my bed because I hate talking to them they annoy me and i hate going home. I know I’m old enough to choose where I want to live but that requires stirring up family drama and having so much more stress put on me but I’m tired of packing up my clothes and things and moving back and forth. I don’t know what else I can do.
Because your grandmother has joint custody and you’re the age you are, if you just went to her house and didn’t leave then really no one can do anything. Your dad will tell you he will call the cops but all they will do is make sure you’re safe with grandma and try to intimidate you to leave. They can NOT make you leave without a pickup order signed by the judge. Your dad or Grandma will have to get a modification of custody order from this point to do anything further.
I want to go to court an choose my dad cause i get treated betta at my dads imma go to court need a lawyer got 700$ dollars for lawyer
i am 14 years old. i live with my dad and his wife, ever since i wqaws 6 years old she has mentally and physically abused me. i called CPS and the cops on her adn CPS is making me go back. i canr handle it and i want to move to my grandparents house in tennessee. how can i move out of my dads house and feel safe again????
First off, I am incredibly sorry for what’s going on in your life right now, best wishes. I don’t have any legal advice or anything, but may I ask why they’re making you go back?
You need to immediately call the cops anytime you are hit!!!! Start keeping a journal and write down all your daily events or anytime abuse occurs. Be as detailed and specific as possible. Record everything you can and take pictures of any bruises or marks. Report the abuse to anyone that will listen and show them your evidence but keep copies of everything. Go to your school counselor is the best place to start!! Good Luck
I live with my dad and I love him becuz ik he is a good leader and I look up to him I’m 13 and idk if I should live with my dad or my mom and I haven’t seen my mom sick I was 8 and I almost committed suicide 3 different times becuz I haven’t seen her In for ever and I love my mom becuz she is nice to although I don’t have many memories becuz I haven’t really seen her the only time I was with her was for 3 years when my dad faught in the military and then my dad got custody so I’m stuck and my step mom loves and takes care of me but treats me differently than the other kids which are hers and not me and I feel like she doesn’t really care about me but I love her to but I’m seriously stuck plzz reply i need the help
I will be 18 in 3 weeks. I live with my stepdad and my bio mom, we have 5 foster kids and I’m the oldest…my stepdad is wanting to adopt me but I REALLY don’t want it. I have started cutting myself because of the stress and ager my family is having based on the kids and all the issues that we are getting…I want to go live with my bio dad but I think my mom has custody and I think she has full…I don’t know what to do, can anyone help?
Don’t hurt yourself!!!! It scars your pretty body and doesn’t take away the real pain. You’re 18 now and the world is your oyster. Communicate with both your parents and love yourself. Everyone goes through trials and pain but how we handle and survive is what sets each of us apart!!!
My name is Charlie I am 11 years old almost twelve. I want to live with my mom but my parents always get into a big argument on where I should live. My dad always goes from job to job but my mom has a great job. My dad got married to my stepmother and I don’t like her. What should I do?
Charlie you can do one of two things your mom can go to court and they talk to you or you can survive at your dads and then move out at 18
Hi i’m 13 yrs old and many parents got divorced when i was two years old. this hasn’t been a problem my whole life until my mom got a boyfriend and he is very rude to me. He seemed to rub off on my mom and now she doesn’t care about me at all. My dad got married when i was 7 and i always had a problem with his wife but she has gotten nicer and i can tell that she’s trying to have a good relationship which makes me happy. I really want to live with my dad for the summer and show my mom that i can take control but i’m not sure what to do. please give me adive.
If you don’t feel OK where you are than speak up let your guardian know that you have something very important to talk about and before she says anything start talking about moving with your dad she will immediately give you attention and ask why. Then you tell her that her boyfriend hasn’t been kind to you and tell her you’re old enough to go to court. She will start thinking about talking to her boyfriend and will immediately give you a response. If money 💰 is all she cares about she won’t let you go but if she just wants you to be happy she will sit you down and talk about it. After that you can handle it
My name is Grayce and I’m thirteen as well. and believe it or not I’m almost in the same situation. My parents divorced when I was one years old. For me it’s been a problem for quite some time. Since they’ve split up there opposite ways I have five younger siblings. My mom married my step dad a while ago and he verbally and physically abuses all four of us kids. I’m emotionally tired from it and feel completely stuck. He’s been rubbing off on my mom for quite some time and it’s so heartbreaking. There’s no love shown from him. My dads on the other hand is much more welcoming. My stepmom and I don’t quite get along but it’s much better over there. I’m nervous about going to court…. is there anything you know about it?
hi Emma my name is Jamie my parents got divorce shortly after i was born and i think you should say to your mom that you want to go to your dads house for the summer and while you are at your dads tell him that you don’t like her boyfriend and that he is rubbing off on her in a bad way. Tell him that you love your mom but you wish she could change>
I am 13 years old and my parents got divorced when I was nine. It was not as bad at first until my dad got a girlfriend that lives with us. She is really rude and is mentally harmful. She mentally abuses me and has ruined my relationship with my dad. I know he still loves me but he always cares about her needs rather than mine or my 7 year old little sister. I want to live with my mom but I don’t want my dad to hate me. What should I do?
Hi i live with both my dad on one week and my mom on the other maybe you should be with your dad like 2 weekends of a month or talk to your mom and say that you would rather live at her house but still talk and hangout with your dad but not EVERYDAY.
Hi my name is Levi, I am 14, and my mom and dad are divorced I live with for two days a week and with my dad for more than one, I try and tell my dad I want to see mom more but he asks like he doesn’t even care, and I know by the age of 13 I have the right to choose we’re I live. But the problem is I don’t know how to get my case to the court. If any can help me I would appreciate it. Please help me.
you need the parent you want to live with to file a ‘modification of custody’
i will be 16 this coming summer and i want to move in with my dad. he has partial custody so i only see him every other weekend if that. He wasn’t around much of my life but he had to finish school and my mom didn’t want me going until he finished. He hates how sad i am here and wants me to try it out there. my home life with my mom isn’t stable at all and i would be a lot happier and better off at my dads. both my dad and i have a lot we can say to the court about the way my mom acts and treats me but i don’t want to destroy her in front of everyone and she wont want to see me again and iv’e heard there’s a possibility that my siblings that live there with me will be taken from her if i am honest to the court and i don’t want that to happen. what should i do??
have your dad file ‘modification of custody’. if he is stable and since you’re old enough to have a say, you can usually get a new order without saying bad stuff. Also if you go live with your dad doesn’t mean ur siblings will. lastly, your old enough that if you go to his house and decide not to go back there isn’t much mom can do but file in court and again it comes down to your wishes and age
Hi my name is Trinity im 14 I live with my dad and my mom was abusive and she is trying to get back custody of me again and i don’t want that so I have two questions 1 can I choose who I want to live with? And 2 Do the right to skip visitations?
Hi my name is Colin. I’m 11 but almost twelve. My dad and mom are divorced and I can’t decide on who I want to live with. My mom is bossy and mean, but she gives me love. But my dad has a new family with a little girl who barely speaks English, but he doesn’t give me any time for me and him. I need help. Who should I choose
Ideally it’s best to work out an arrangement where you can spend time with both parents equally. Sit down and talk to your parents about your desire to have time with both until you can make up where you would like to be
hi,i moved to my moms when my dads house caught on fire,after a while i decided to move to my dads,but i realise that i liked it and was more happy at my moms than at my dads,i want to go back to my moms perminatly,i have talked to my dad and he said no,what do i do
My name is Keyara and I am 16 years old. I live in Indiana with my father but I want to live with my mother, who lives in South Carolina. I love my dad, yet my mother and I connect more. Both of my parents have stable jobs and they run their houses almost the same. My dad is making it difficult for me to move with my mom. I’m considering running away… that right? I don’t know what to do, he is making me make a list of pros and cons too.
Hi I’m 15 and I love both my parents but my dad doesn’t want me to live with my mom and my mom doesn’t want me living with my dad. My mom smokes and has anxiety, severe depression and drinks a lot. She’s tried to commit suicide many times because of stress with taking care of me and my brother who is 10. My dad lives in another state and he isn’t particularly good at keeping a clean envirment for me and my sibling. I’m currently living with my mom and grandparents but in the summer my mom wants to try to move in with her boyfriend and see how it goes and if it goes wrong we will move to another state which I’ve moved almost every year. I want to live with my grandparents, they have a good home and environment for me to live in and this is the first time I’ve stayed in a school for more than one year but my mom says I don’t have a choice to live with them because she hates them,what should I do?
And doi have the right to choose?
I want to move in with my mom but my dad won’t let me, I am 14 years old and living in Arkansas, he took my phone for 6 months for it. My Mom wasn’t around all my life because she was on drugs but she has been clean for 5 years now and has my brothers living with her. My mom says she still has joint custody but my dad says she doesn’t. Me and my dad don’t get along at all and I can’t keep going on living with him. But my mom doesn’t have the money for an attorney. Not only that mom doesn’t live in Arkansas she lives in Alabama. I really don’t know what to do, and I can’t tell my dad because then I’ll get in even more trouble. Please help!
What part of Arkansas do u live in I live in little rock
Hi. My name is Vincent and i’m 14 years old. My mom and dad are divorced. My mom says that I can’t go to my dad’s house because he is irresponsible, but my dad says she is too controlling. I do’t like being put in the middle of this. I see my dad every other weekend and I just don’t feel like I see him enough. I tried to tell my mom that I want to see him for one week and her for one week. I feel like I should be able to choose where I can go. Is this so?
Pls reply….
I have the same problem, but the thing is, I chose my Dad (I am living with my Mom and switching currently. We go to court tomorrow.)
I think each parent should get one full week at a time. Im currently going threw that with my ex see my daughter for 2 5 2 which i think its stuipid.
This is the same with me and I’m 12 and I think it’s up to you and I live with my mum but i want to live with my dad forever and see my mum sometimes when I want also I live with my mum and my dad is getting the court to say I want to live with him but I don’t no what I will do or we’re I will go when I live with her in the meanwhile? Please can you answer me back and it’s up to you as you can do what you want go to court and they will tell you what to do and you can see both of them
Hey my name is iiniyah I stay with my mom but i want to move with my dad. I dont have nothing against my mom it’s just my mom want let me go see my other sisters and brothers if He not at home. My mom doesn’t like his girlfriend. I want to know If i can move to my dad’s house even though my mom want let me?
im 13 years old
Hello My name is Ophelia and I am almost 18. I am turning 18 in two months. (It’s March my birthday’s in May) My dad lives all the way in Georgia and I live in Florida, and the drive is 6 hours away. My situation is complicated. My parents are divorced and I am still a sophomore in high school. So, what I want to know is simple. When I’m eighteen, am I allowed to go live with my dad? or do I have to live with my mom until I finish high school? Or can I just drop out and then go to school at my dad’s? Please I’m crying and I need to know because I don’t want to live with my mother. She’s abusive and makes me feel like garbage. PLEASE HELP.
My mom and dad fight a lot and my dad says to decide who to stay with. Cant live without both of them. So its a hard decision. I only have today to decide. But as always i watched in Youtube that what will happen if i am without my mom. So will i make the right decision , and i am saying that i am going to live with my mom. My dad will never take my mom back. So there is no point for both of them to be together. So i need some advice. Should i stay with my mom or dad? I am getting really stressed out.SOB.
Please help me. I am so running out of time. Which life is better for me!!!!
I would say your Mother . She will nurture you and hopefully set you in tbe right direction. I don’t know how old you are but I would tell them both how upset and stressed you are. You love them both and can they please for your sake , get along and discuss tnings like mature adults. Im sorry your ferling this way. Ask God for thr peace that passes ALL understanding. Prayers young friend.
Honestly It’s up for the court to decide but if you have to choose I suggest you choose the parent can provide a better life for you and doesn’t treat you badly and knows what’s best for you. I know it’s hard when you’re emotionally attached to one or both of your family members but In the end your future depends on it. I suggest you choose wisely.
how about joint custody
I’m 14 years old. Will be 15 in August. My mom has full custody since she is the only biological parent I know. But for the past 4 months I’ve lived with my non biological dad and 5 months before I was at my moms for maybe 3 weeks through the whole 5 months. My mom never gave me a stable home and I’ve cried at school before because I would want to go to my dads and not my moms. CPS has been involved with my mom on multiple things and I’ve watched her get arrested. I asked if I could live with my dad in November but she tried to cut herself (my family has a long history of self harm 🙁 …) I’ve been up wandering if I’m gonna have to go back to my Mom’s for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I keep telling people I don’t wanna go back and I want my dad to go to court and get custody. But it’s to risky that he won’t get it. Like even though he’s not my biological dad could he still get custody of me and would I have a say so in it??
Sweetie, Im no professional, but I have been through ALOT in my life, so I feel strongly about helping young hurting people. You ciuld be your Mom’s saving Grace, however, you need stability. I would say love your Mother, forgive your Mother. She is hurting terribly herself, perhaos has not even told you ALL she has gone through in her life. I would ssy if theres proof thst she is unstable the courts just may grant custody to your Stepdad. Tell. Counselor at school or call your CPS worker and have them speak to your “Dad” and see what can be arranged. Above all, Pray. Gid already knows what your going through, he just wants to hear from YOU. Prayers sweet friend .
Hi, I am 14 years old. I am almost in high school and have been living with my mom for 4 years. I have a good connection with my dad and he understands me so much more than my mom. I’ve asked my mom once to go live with my dad when my mom and I were in a fight and she said yes. But, later, she regretted her decision and did not let me go. I still want to live with my dad. What do I do?
Talk to your Dad and try again talking to mom. Honestly if you really want to go, mom cant stop you.
I feel exactly the same way believe me sometimes I feel like I want to belong to another family. As I’m writing I’m crying because my dad just quit his job because he had to move and my divorced mom wasn’t comfortable with it. My guess is to talk to your mom gently and discuss with your dad. I should probably take my own advice😜💋❤️🌈
I’m 11. My parents have been divorced for almost 4 years
Hi! My name is Grace and I’m 14 and I live in SLC. My parents have been divorced for 8 years this summer and I have always been in my moms custody but I’d love to live with my dad. My father lives overseas and is getting a new job in Paris. Both of my parents are pretty stable financially and neither of them are alcoholics or abusive (I’m no where near as severe as some of the others on this page)… Anyways I’ve always wanted to live with my dad because he has always been supportive of my decisions and my goals in life. We have always had a REALLY good relationship and I love him with everything I’ve got. My situation with my mom is okay but when ever I came to her with a problem she shoots me down. For example I have really bad depression and am constantly having anxiety attaks, but when I tell her she just makes fun of me and says I’m dumb for thinking I have that problem. Whereas with my dad, when I talk to him he’ll clam me down and tell me he loves me and will problem solve with me and just make me feel comforted. Another thing with my mom is that she is constantly forcing her religious beliefs on me and it makes me very uncomfortable having to go to a church and worship a god and beliefs that I don’t agree or believe in… My dad has never forced any of his beliefs or political views on me and has always told me that I should research and be well enough enformed to have my own beliefs and political views. My dad has always wanted me and my brother to live with him for a semester in high school ( my brothers 12) but I know there’s no way my mother would ever let that happen. I’ve asked her about going to live with him permanently and she’s always said ” yeah over my dead body” and says that she needs the child support ( my dad is fairly wealthy). I truly believe that my mother loves me but I know we’ll never get along and I feel that my father could take better care of me emotionally and basically in every other way possible. I just feel safer with him… another this is she is constantly blaming me for her not being married and having no social life but my dad is the one who’s always joking around with me saying I’m the only reason he has a social life. I’d just feel safer and all around better living with him ( though I do believe that my little brother would do better staying with my mom.. he doesn’t do very well under different circumstances and he has a really good relationship with my mom anyways). I know that my situation isn’t very sever but is there anyway I could possibly get custody switched??? Would any of these reasons be good enough for a judge?
I’m in a similar situation and I’m almost 18. I’ve been living with my mother’s garbage for years. She’s pretty abusive and she used to throw stuff at me. She even came at me with a knife once, but I understand what you’re feeling about the religious beliefs being shoved on you and that you want to go live with your dad because he understands anxiety attacks. (I get those too and she calls them temper tantrums but I’m literally two months away from being 18) The best thing you can do is wait it out, or if you are really serious, ask your dad for a custody battle. If he has more money he’ll probably win the battle. It will probably take a couple of years but since you’re young it’ll probably work out for the best. Just suggest it to him and see if that works.
Of course! My reason is simply because My Mom doesn’t support me and forces me to do the things she did. She is currently a teacher and I don’t want to go down that route. Listen to your heart.
I feel like I’m the oldest one here y’all.. It’s weird I’m 15.
Hi my name is sara i am now 14 and in,july i will be 15 when i was born i had live with my mother and my mother as a full bad mind when i even i meet my cousin boys so she things wrongs.i have a cousin boy who lives with me when. I was born we have grown bigger equally he 2 o. 3 years big then me and when i meet him my mom things wrong she is totally nagative mind my step mom is very much sweet she loves as and when i was 7 my mom and dad got divorced and i want to live with my dad. when they got devorced i did not saw my dad for 6 to 7 years and now i am with my dad but today is 25 feb and we r going bavk on 26 but i dont want ti go plz plz plz plz help plz what can i do to live with my dad plz plz plz help me
Hi. It’s not that I don’t want to live with one or the other, I just want to see my dad more. I see him every other weekend, and I end up crying because I miss him. For my age (13), that seems pathetic, but I don’t see him as often as I wish. I took it up with my mom, telling her that I wanted more time with my dad, but she just said, “No. End of discussion.” I can’t text him, either. I got my phone taken away due to poor grades about two days ago, and I can’t get it back until my grade is at least a C. My mom is constantly rambling about how I never spend time with her, and that I always complain about how I always want to go over my dad’s. I just came home from his house two hours ago and I already miss him 🙁 I have a dog at his house, too. I love spending time with her. It’s always nice to pet her, especially when I have anxiety. I have off of school tomorrow, and I asked my mom if I could stay over again and come home tomorrow afternoon, and she screamed at me. Please give me advice, I know I’m late, but I want to know what to do when I breakdown crying about never getting to see him. Thanks!
Hi, I’m literally going through the same situation. I can’t go, and it sucks! We really need people to reply, we both need advice😭
I am in a situation where divorse is soon going to happen can any one help me out about it I like both my parents my mother is a school teacher and my father used to work as a sailor but now he left the job.What should I do?
Hi I am 14 years old and my parents are getting a divorce. I want to live with my mom. My dad is verbally abusive. He is always yelling at me and my mom. When I was a little(er) girl he would always sing me to sleep. I felt so lucky to have such and amazing dad. But over the years I’ve noticed his yelling has been getting worse and worse and to a point where I just can’t take it anymore. I love my dad… But I just can’t live with him. I want to tell him this but I’m afraid he’ll take it the wrong way. I’m half glad they’re getting a divorce. My mom hasn’t been happy to come home from work just because she has to deal with my dad. I don’t want either of them to have to deal with all the stress anymore. I wish it wasn’t like this. My mom has time and time again recommend my dad getting counseling or therapy. He was in the military and he had a pretty bad childhood. I think I will just live half the week with my mom and the other half with my dad. I will see how it goes with him but if he dosnt get better I’m going to live with my mom
OMGG Ik exactly how you feel , I’m almost 13 years old and I used to have the best relationship with my dad ever ! Literally he was my best friend, but I have way more things in common with my mom ( I am a girl ) . Now that I am getting older my dad dose treat me the same way anymore , he doesn’t trust me anymore , and he has a new girlfriend all the time and I usually don’t like them . My dad I would say abuses me too , he yells non stop and I’m at the point where I cry myself to sleep every day , I can’t take it anymore, but my mom said that I’m almost 13 and I can live with her full time , but my dad always takes it the wrong way too , like I told my dad last night that I didn’t wanna live with him but apparently he told me I have to be 16 to make that decision with is probably not true ! I would take to your mom about doing what I call a sneak attack , ask your dad to go out for dinner and tell your mom to bring a lawyer , show up at the dinner with you , your mom, and the lawyer because he won’t through a big fight because there are people around and if he did the lawyer would use it against him in court , then have a talk with your dad , tell him how you feel , then there is no way he can say anything about your Decision
Hi my name is Jacob I am 16 My parents when I was 3 broke up but they never went to court over custody over me I just went to my dads on week ends and during the summer I stayed home a week and went to my dads a week. Oh I live with my mom And she always screams at me and my little step sister. To the point to where I just walk out and leave for a couple of hours. Just recently I was asked if I would like to go with my step mom and brother to go visit my dad while he is working out of state in Texas. I said sure and asked my mom at the time she only thought I was going to Louisiana so she said I could go a day later I made sure she knew all about where I’m going how long I am going to stay when I said Texas she said No. I told her it’s a 4 day weekend and I’ll be back Monday noon she said no because if I got hurt my step mom couldn’t take me to the hospital cause she doesn’t have my insurance info and neither does my dad. So I said If I don’t go I won’t be able to see him for another few months. She said talk to my step dad I said ok. So before my step dad got home mom told me not to ask to go anywhere because I said whatever when she TRIED TO TELL ME HOW TO EAT MY FOOD. I would like to know is this OK for her to do
Hi I know how you feel I’m going through the some thing my parents are divorced to and I live with my dad but I want to live with my mom my dad hates me step mom she yells at us and beats us I just can’t live here anymore I’m trying to get help for my sister’s and brother’s so yeah I know what your going through.
Hi Im 14 and me and my 17 year old sister have been trying to live with my dad for a few years now. Each summer we get in a big fight with my mom about where we go to school and what parent we live with. I love my mom and she usually is very supporting. Except for supporting us in our decision to live with my dad. This last summer my mom told us that she would kill herself if we left. Personally I find that very disturbing, and it scares me that she would even think that. I am unsure what to do, or who to ask for help. My dad, my sister, and I have tried to just come to an agreement with my mom, but it isn’t working. Please help!
Hello, I have a question that I haven’t been able to get a definite answer to: I currently am in 50/50 custody between my mom and dad (I think it’s technically 51/49) and I want to live mostly with my dad, and only visit my mom every other weekend or some other visiting arrangement. I have a reason to want to change my custodial arrangements, what steps should I take? Should I go to court, and ask a judge, or could I work out an arrangement between my mom and my dad without legal interference? I’m 16 if that helps, and thank you if you reply.
My name is Ayanna I am 13 and I haven’t seen my mom in 5 years but when I turned 12 last year me and my mom got back into contact. I only see her most of the time while she lives in San Angelo I live with my dad and stepmom in San Marcos. I want to live with my mom but not hurt my dads feelings what I do?
i em 12 and my mom is the worst she is allwas smoking weed and is allwas drunk i want to live with my dad what can i do
Hi my name is Celeste I am 12 and I live with my mom I’m supposed to see my dad on the weekends but I don’t because it causes my mom stress along with my brother and sister doing chores, (gives good constant lectures to them) when my brother and sister hurt me my mom blames me for getting hurt yesterday my brother took a metal pole and when I was in the bathroom tryed to stab me. I was screaming for my mom and she yelled at me and I got in trouble I want to live with my dad and stepmom who is so nice and respects me and my siblings. I don’t know if I can ask to live with my dad,or what I have to do to get away from my mom as she give no regard for me.
Please help!!!!
Follow your heart.
I’m Jolie and I’m 13 years old, my parents got divorced around nine years ago. I go back and forth from there houses but have school at my mom’s. My parents houses are a state away from each other, and my brouther (two years older than me)wants to live with my dad wile I want to live with my mom. The thing is everyone said that the cort would not let us go our separate ways, even though my two older sisters are split up one at each house. I’m told I basically have no say on where I go, and it’s not that I don’t love my parents equally I just have a deeper connection with my mom. What can I do?
can you contact me
Hi, I dont exactly want to live with my mom nor dad and i have no idea what to do, and i certainly do not know if i am old enough to make a decision like that, I would like to live with another family member but im not exactly sure how to do so. I am 14 turning 15 in august of next year, I really need help with this because living with my mom or dad, im unhappy, please give me some advice on what i should or can do. Thank you.
Same but I’m 12 years old
Hi im 13 going on 14 in 2 months and i live with my mom and i desprety wanna live with my dad, when they get divorce can i choose who i live with
Is a dad better than my mom
it depends on what happenss in the home I love both my parents but I’m with my mom more
Hi I’m 14 I live with my mother she says that I’m not gonna be able to live with my dad and if I do then I’m gonna be known as a trader and I won’t be in contact with her she won’t even want to see me in her life after I make the decision to live with my dad now she took the chance of me moving to my dad from a 65%putting me at a 25%after telling me that she went to court saying that I will not be able to live with him till 18 but dose my age mater and was I supposed to be their making my discussion giving my expectations on why I don’t believe that she is telling me the truth and I want to be happy and free not trapped doing her work watching over her children cleaning after her doing most things for her but leaving her could ruin our relationship that’s a chance I willing to pay being separate from my dad for 9 years only seeing him rarely gets me upset moving now forced to live with her moving farther away from my family knowing that I will only be communicating with her boyfriends family and rarely seeing my mom part and dad’s part of the family separating to a quiet place delaware boring getting less freedom less self Time not knowing how to take transportation only a car in a boring place my anger builds up in side keeping me awake at nights hopefully to move on living seeing my family and other family members that I haven’t seen in months and even years missing that chance breaks my heart stabing me and bring anger and pain making me angry at my mother her not caring strikes more anger building inside making it like a Balloon ready to burst at any point of my life living with her
Hi live with my dad if my mom would to take my dad to court would i be able to choose to live with her my mom has to custody of me because of past.
Hi, im 14 years old and i live with my mom and shes really awful and my mom and dad got a divorce when i was about 6 or 7 and i am going to turn 15 on dec 23rd and i want to go live with my dad but shes says the court wont let me. Please help.
you are old enough to choose and testify against your mom in court
Hi my name is cassidy and iam 13 and Iam currently with my mom but i want to live with my dad.My mom always gets mad at me becuse of what my other siblings do and my dad just found a new girlfriend and always says to me I want you to come live with us and I want to to but my mom say that I can’t go becuse they have a thing in the divorce papers and say that I can’t live with my dad but the thing is my dad said noting and I looked at the papers and they say nothing about child custody so would I still have to go to court to live with my dad
hi im maegan im 12 about to turn 13 in January i live with my mom and future step-dad but i want to live with my dad, because my stepdad and mom they dont help with school they dont buy me the right food to stay healthy ( im a vegetarian ) and i also have 4 sibling with my step sister who should stay with? i really need help!
You should run away from your home when it’s late at night and buy things from a shop vegetarian food and make sure you tell them they can’t disturb you while your sleeping then jump out of your window and run away I did it once and it worked and I’m only 10 years old and I live at my bffs
Hi, I’m 14 and my dad wants me to stay with him but my step mom is always yelling at me for no reason. I want to go but I also have a sister and half brother that in only 2 and I already am missing out on my other sisters childhood. What should I do I nee help?
The role of a law guardian (in NY state anyways) has changed just in the last few years. They no longer go by the best interest of the children and more by what the child tells them they want to do. Since money/support is a big part of a custody battle children can easily be persuaded especially if the child is a teenager. It could come down to a teenager choosing to live with a parent because that parent lets them smoke pot in the house with their friends or lets their boyfriends/girlfriends stay the night together. Now they are not going to tell a judge that but it happens all the time. The court kinda pushes you along to come to an agreement or be forced into spending lots of money you may not have and there is still a great chance they are going to go on what they consider the “child’s wishes”, Or the other parent will just keep taking you back to court until your resources and money run out. I feel bad for these kids. Children need both parents, whether they know it or not. Both parents should be required to provide food, housing, clothes and medical. And both should have to work not just have the child live with one and the other write the check.EVERYTHING should be 50/50.
Hi, i am currently in a hard situation with my mom, and my father. I am 15 years old, and I do not want to live with my mom any longer. I have asked my mom multiple times if I can live with my dad and she tells me no every time. It has gotten to the point where she won’t even let me see my father, Yes my mom does have full custody… but doesnt my fahter still have visitation rights like any other father? its gotten to the point where the fighting with my mom is making me depressed, and i cannot focus in school because of all the stress, and problems i have going on in my home. i have talked to my school counslouer and she said the only thing she can do is give me advice about the situation. I am reaching out because I really really need help. All of this stress is having a very big toll on my health. my hair is starting to fall out and im starting to get sick, and my mom doesnt even care. she doesnt pay the slightest bit of attention that keeping me away from my dad isnt helping me at all.. even though she thinks it is. so somebody please give me advice. idk what to do.
Hi what school you go to?
Hi, my parents are still legally married but are separated. My father is a registered sex offender living in Arkansas and my mom is an alcoholic. My mother has had custody of me since i was nine years old. I am now currently sixteen, and living with my mom in Mississippi. I am having issues with my mom. Her drinking is making us split father and farther apart. We currently have a DHS case open but it does not seem like the court system is doing anything. Can I legally choose to live with my father? If so, how do I do it?
Hi my name is Ava, I’m 13 and my parents were never married but when I was little my mom took me with her. My dads name is on my birth certificate. Both of my parents have their differences. My mom lives in the city, she’s very strict, and I have a step dad here. My dad can be mean sometimes but otherwise he is always nice to me, he lives in the country, and he does have a girlfriend, which she is very nice. I would like to live with my dad because yes he is nice to me all the time, I like the country more than the city, and I never get as much stress at his house than at my dads house, because I live at my moms house permanently and go to my dads house every other weekend. One of my main reasons that I want to move is because of my ” evil ” step dad. He is very mean to me, he yells at me for no reason, I feel like he is only here to eat all of our food and play on his X-box like a 10 year old. I could say more but I’m just going to stop here. Is there a possibility that I could go live with my dad? By the way I live in Waxhaw, NC now and my dad lives in Columbia, SC
I’m a dad and been going through a divorce for 4 years. My ex. Has our 2 daughters 12 and 15 our court order say we half 50/50 custody. They live with my ex. During the week and me on weekend. Both our kids want to reverse the rolls. I also would like that. I miss so much of there child hood in the last 4 1/2 years. Any advice you can give us. From state of PA.
Hi im isabella. Im 12 years old turning 13 in 5 months. I hate my mom so much. She is a really bad mom. I mean she has her good days but most days she is a living hell to deal with. I really want to live with my dad but i dont want to leave my friends or my boyfriend. My boyfriend especially. I am thinking about staying with her until he breaks up with me( I estimate around 3 months.) But my mom sometimes beats us. Kyrstin my cousin that lives with us who is 8 years old currently has a bloody lip and a bruised ass an forehead. Cause: my mom spanked her and hit her. She used to do this to me.She has 6 kids and a husband. She doesnt give me space and is all over me. I hate it. I am depressed but she calls me a drama queen and tells me that i am a baby. I have cut myself and was going to kill mysef today but that is one thing i hope not to do. My dad is the complete opposite of my mom. He has no kids except for me and my step brother Kai. He has girlfriends and he gives me space. He is actually getting married in June. I love him so much because he is understanding and doesnt hover. Me and him share the same interests. (MUSIC, games,food, etc.) He lets me live. i love that about him. Im really scared to tell my mom in fear that she wil beat me up or go crazy. Im also scared to leave life as i know it behind. What should i do?
I want to live with my dad but I don’t know how to tell my mom. Can someone help me?
I want to live with my dad!!! I don’t know how to talk to my mom about it though. Can you help me?
Im. 14 and i dont like my dads house i want to live with my mom really badly so what do i do
Hi, my parents are thinking of getting divorced and I’m 14 years old, but they’ve both done awful things throughout their marriage that unfortunately I have been their to witness. I hold them both equally responsible for the failure in their marriage. I’ve seen and heard awful things while they have argued and every time a new argument rose up, it gave me more reason to push myself farther and farther away from each one of them. I can’t see any of them as innocent, and I can’t choose any sides seeing as how I believe they should both be held accountable for the horrible things I’ve witnessed in their marriage. Is there any way I can choose to live with my grandmother?
I’m sure your parents meant no harm to you, they may both hate each other equally but duly they both love you just as much. I may be too late but i’d really consider thinking about it, your mother gave birth to you and they have both been active parents in your life i’m sure they tried their very hardest to give you the life you deserved. Whether they could deliver on that is uncertain, i for one know how you feel. I’m 15 years of age and currently living with my father, your situation sounded just like mine when who i was to spend the remaining days of my life with was being wavered in court proceedings. Any-whom, i sincerely suggest you pick a side, while it may sound awful as if your leaving the other parent in the dark, it could be that you visit the other parent on a weekly basis. Keep in mind what was causing your parents to do these atrocious acts is most likely down to the pressure and stress that marriage naturally brings. Your grandmothers may love you but i doubt it would ever be as much as your parents have to offer. Best of luck, you deserve a blissful life.
To live with your grandmother is a possibility. I’m no legal expert, but I’m pretty sure that if you can some how get to CPS or family court then they might consider your situation if your parents are that bad. Maybe you could try talking to an adult at your school or another adult friend who can do something about it.
I’m sorry you had to go through what you did with your parents! I wish you the best of luck and hope I could help you in any way!
Hi im Jerry (15) and i live with my mom but i want to live with my dad. My mom says she will keep all my clothes and belongings she bought me if i move and i was wondering is she aloud to do that?
Hi! I’m Joy (also 15) and I also live with my mom but want to live with my dad. she just won a very large majority custody and I cannot live with her as she doesn’t allow me to tell my dad anything she says, threatens to not allow me to reach my full potential in school, doesn’t let me take MY things to my dads house, and yells at me constantly about how awful my dad and I are all the time and slanders me to her friends. what can I do?
She should not be able to withhold your possessions, i am unsure if social workers or the court can intervene with that, but i doubt it would be accepted if that means your father would have to spend additional money for you, if that is a problem.
Hi im Jerry and Im 15. I want to live with my dad (currently with mom) but my mom threatens that shell keep all my belongings she bought me. Is she aloud to do that?
Hey i need HELP I’m 11 I live with my single mother I can’t decide to stay or live with my dad. ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY HELP!!!!!!!!!
Same!!! I’m 12 and my dad wants me HALF THE TIME and i want to stay with my mom!!
Mothers normally take on the parent role, but the court can’t refuse your wishes. If there is some third party reason as to why you can’t live with your father things would become complex, if not, it shouldn’t be a problem
Who do you have a better relationship with
Hi I’m 12 about to turn 13 in January I was living with my mom at first then I ran away then my mom sent me with my dad. I really want to be with both of my parents and every night I cry because I don’t know what to do. Can someone please help me???
Hi im marcus and im 13 and i have the same problems that you do so please lets talk so we can help each other out.
Only your parents can decide they love each-other again, i do hope for your sake they are able to seek some minor agreement. It is the struggle we must all face, but if your parents really don’t love each-other anymore it is unfair of you to ask them to be together again. I’m sure if they love you they will support you through the tough emotions you must be feeling lately
Hi, i am here to inform you that things get better when it comes to divorce with your parents. At about the same age i wanted to live with my dad as well but didnt want to hurt my moms feelings. so i visited my dad alot. until my mom moved me out of the state he lived in just to try and provide a better life for me. so i got used to living with my mom and not being close to my dad until i got alittle bit older and now i have decided i want to live with my dad. If i were you id stay with your mother until you get alittle bit more mature. you are just at the age where the court MAY let you decide where you want to live if it came down to it. Try and push through it until you are alittle bit older to decide what is best for your future.
dont worry , dont stress your self out , it will all turn out the best in the end . my adivice woul be if you have a faith prayer to your god and if not see a councellor , talk to them . talk to someone you trust its important that you talk to someone .
hi im 11 all i can say is talk to them it could help
Hi i am Kyle from Norther California and my father wants me to live with him. In my opinion living at his house is horrible. I want to live with my mom can you help me out with some incite. Thanks from Kyle Pendergrass
If your father misses you i’m sure he would appreciate it just as much if you came to see him from time to time, he will likely try to persuade you to stay with him, but if you change your mind know it is you who made that happen. Don’t let him think for you, living with your mother shouldn’t be a problem, and if your dad truly loves you he’d take into account your wishes. Do not feel responsible or guilt ridden, remember it is your parents who need to sort this out between them
Hey I would like to say in my opinion it’s whatever you want it’s not his disision
I’m 13 and I have a 7 year old sister and are currently living with our mom and her boyfriend and his 3 kids.we desperately need to live with our dad, our dad makes sure that we eat everyday,have clean clothes,take shower,etc.but my mom is the total opposite of that she only pays attention to her boyfriend and when we’re hungry she buys takeout it’s always takeout and when my dad gives her money to make sure we eat she just spends it on junk food,herself and her bf and Everytime she says that were bad her bf threatens to hit us.and his kids are a whole other story . and my mom is always insulting us and always saying that she is going to kill us.My dad says to not pay any attention to her and that she is crazy but I’m really scared she might do something to us.Can I decide for me and my sister who we can stay with.Also, what can I do so we can live with our dad?
Hi my name is Mimmi and I am 14 and I also live in Florida. My parents have been divorced for a long time and I live with my mom and visit my dad every other weekend and I always have fun but when I’m with my mom I get blamed for everything because I am a middle child she always yells at me and calls Mr horrible things I am physically okay but not emotionally or mentally she scares me and I want to go live with my dad and she might make us move to Orlando or south/central Florida because of her job in December and I don’t want to because I love to be with my dad and friends here and I attended a Collegiate High school…… What do I do ????
Hi I’m Hannah I’m 12 i go to my dads 2 weekends out of the month, when I do go to my dads he drops me off at my step moms and go’s somewhere and he drinks beer ALL the the time ! And I don’t love him and he doesn’t show me love the only reason he what’s me over is to get his child support worth it which is 400$ a month…I what to be with my mom!!! 24/7 because she shows me love and spends time with me and don’t drop me off places ..and she Never drink except on 4th of July one beer tho out of the year !! And my dad drinks like3-5 a day !! What do I do helpme
Hi I’m 13 and I live in El Paso,Tx. I would like to stay with my dad but my mother is forcing me to go with her to Northern California when I do not want to. What are your suggestions?
Hi I’m 15 turning 16 in December I currently live with my dad but I want to live with my mom. My mom is going to fight for custody of me I’m just confused on the process like if how long it’s going to take, if I have to stay with my dad while he knows she’s taking him to court? Like someone explain please. Do I have a say? Can I choose?
I’m in Vancouver Washington
The time frame can take anywhere from a month to a year, it just depends on what the judge and your parents are wanting. If your dad has custody of you right now and your parents have a custody agreement/parenting plan already in place through the court you do have to stay with your dad. Your mom and your dad have to go by what the court says. If they don’t there could be serious consequences.
You do get to voice your wants during the court proceedings. You can tell the judge you want to stay with your mom, but you have to have a good reason. You can’t say it’s because you just miss your mom, or because your dad is mean.
If I were you, I would not be able to choose between my mom and dad, I love them both too much. If your dad takes care of you and is a good dad and your mom is a good mom I would tell the courts that you would like to see them both on a week to week schedule, stay with dad for an entire week Monday through Sunday and then stay with mom for an entire week, Monday through Sunday.
I hope everything goes good for you and remember, whatever the court thinks is best for you is what needs to happen.
It may be different from where i am, but since you are of an age where the court deem you a logical and mature developed person then your views will hold heavy weight in the proceedings. So long as you have logistical reason you’d rather live with your mother than your father, there should be no problem and the switch should go swift and easy. You will likely have to stay with your father until then, i know awkward right
Hi my name is Fayiz UK age 10 my parents were divorced 2years ago but they were fine in the last Twp years but now my dad wants everything to get better but my mum wants to move back to Pakistan and I don’t know who to choose
That is very sad but honestly it matters who you have a better relationship with
My parents have been divorced ever since I was a young girl, and I would live with her during the week and go with my dad on the weekend. I used to love being at both of their houses, and even though they were divorced they were still like friends so everything was good. Then my mom met my current stepfather which I truly love with all my heart, and around that time my dad met my current stepmother which can be like a devil sometimes. Unlike my mom and stepdad, whom I could talk to anything about, my stepmom is not. She’s just makes me feel like crap sometimes. Well both sets of parents got married about a couple of years apart, and my mom and stepdad felt there needed to be a change. My stepdad was originally from Florida, but he moved to where we where living to be with me, my brother, and mom. So they decided to move back to his home and build the house.(Which is SOOO freaking gorgeous). When they decided to move I had to decide if I wanted to go to. But at 11 years old I was so wrapped up in my own little world of friends from school, basically just everything I was used to, that I wouldn’t see the many hardships to come. Once my mom moved away, everything had just changed, and not for the better. We had to switch schools because my dad couldn’t afford it and his wife forced him not to accept help from my mom. It’s like she has to control everything. Like she always says, “If I’m not happy then nobody will be.” Switching schools had already hurt, but then there was name calling towards my moms side of the family, my dad side, and even myself( And when I brought them up in court my dad didn’t even defend me and said I was lying about everything). She would physically fight him. Everything was a mess. I knew the final straw was when she swerved and stopped the car twice in the middle of the street and traffic to get out the car and threaten him. We had already been to court once about custody, which we sadly didn’t win. So I asked my mom could we try again and she was more than willing. My mom and stepmom had a decent relationship at first but then my stepmom started acted fake and tried to fight my mom when she wanted to take us for ice cream before she went back to Florida. Well to speed things up to the present day, we tried again for custody and lost AGAIN. I can’t tell you how many times I prayed to just get away and have a fresh start, but it fell through and now I’m starting to doubt my faith which is very scary. She threatened to hit me at least twice and gladly go to jail. Sometimes I wish she would just wished she would do it, so I can leave. I just recently turned 15 and my brother is a senior now, so when he graduates I’ll be left by myself and I don’t think I can do that for two more years. Is there anything I could do to maybe get through to my dad or any other people that could change my living situation?
You can call Child protective services on her. Find the local number on Google. All you have to tell them is that you are being threatened by your stepmother. They will investigate and ask you and your brother a lot of questions so do not sugar coat anything tell them every bad thing she has done but also do not over exaggerate it either. Hope this helps you
Hi I’m 12 years old and I live in Houston, Texas I’d like to live with my dad and as much as I want it I’m always going to need it more. My mom doesn’t really show much attention or care for me she’s usually on her phone. She whips me with a belt and she gives me bruises, she abuses me and I don’t want to live how I’m living for the rest of my childhood. I always get in trouble for texting my dad that “I got in trouble by her and she took my phone away so call her at a certain time.” She asks if I texted my dad and I said no, because either way I would still get abused. My dad should know what’s happening to me and how I’m doing but he doesn’t because she tries to keep me away from him. It’s not right, and I don’t like it and my dad doesn’t either. He’s scared for me and is worried because anything could happen to me, I got in trouble on Christmas day by her and she said “I should’ve killed you,” which is terroristic assault. Also every time I get in trouble she violates court orders and keeps me for a long time without me talking, texting, or seeing me. My dad pays her child support, but she doesn’t use that money to support me so basically my dad wastes his money on her bills and her wants and my other siblings. My other 3 siblings also get abused too. I just really need to be able to choose to live with him.
Call child services
Hi I’m 15 turning 16 in November. I know this website is American and I’m Canadian but I’m still wondering what to do. I want to live with my dad and stepmom in Edmonton because I live with my mom and stepdad in Saskatchewan and they constantly talk crap about my dad and discourage us from talking to him and they swear and were abusive all my life up until I was 11 or 12. They destroy our stuff, mock the things me and my brother like (pokèmon, Minecraft) and call us names and yell at us (waste of skin, retards, stupid, useless, etc.) My dad is looking into getting a bigger place for me and I know my mom won’t let me go so I’m wondering if I should get a child advocate or if there’s anything I could do????
Call child services
Hi i just turned 13 and i was wondering if i could choose where i live. My father got full custody of my 4 years ago but ever since he got this new job hes ALWAYS ON HIS PHONE and i understand that he may be working on it, but its more than just that he goes on Facebook and tells me hes “working”. ALSO, the other half the time hes not on his phone he is yelling at me… I stay home alone A LOT, like more than 8 hours sometimes…So, now onto my mom. My mother lives in a small town with my brother and her parents its a very good environment and she always has time to hang out with me and my brother and have fun with us. So, if i have my reasons (good ones) will the court allow me to live with my mother???
Hi my name is Brittany bruegeman, I live in clarkston Washington and I’m 15 I’m currently living with my mom and dad but my dad don’t stay home enough to care or notice on what I do but my mom does and my mom what’s to divorce my dad because he has been cheating on my mom for a couple years now but she couldn’t do anything because she didn’t have the money and I want to know of I’m old enough to decide
I’m 16 I want to live with my dad. My mom lives about 2 hours away and is refusing to let me go. I was living with my mom when I was in middle school and she moved to a place that we have no family or friends during the beginning of freshmen year. Waiting for a court date I refused to go with my mom to a new school and stayed with my dad and my real family, until the actual day of court. I was called on to talk to the judge and he completely over threw what I have asked for and was forced by law to be with my mom. She is never supportive with my desicions and compares me constantly with my younger brother. my father has been very supportive in my decisions and has helped me.i have about had it that I don’t have any say in anything.
hi my name is Hannah Hessell I live in Michigan and I’m 13 I’m currently living with my mother right now but I really want to be with my dad. my parents were never married but they separated when I was young because my dad went to jail! my dad has been outta jail for a while now! And he has been doing Really good him and his soon to be wife just bought a house meanwhile my mom lives in a trailer park. I just really wanna live with my dad please help me
Ok. Im 14, my dad and mom are not together anymore. My mom wants to leave state at tax time and move to where her family is. But my dad is gonna fight for it. But hes only on my birth certificate. Am i old enough to decide whether or not i wanna live with him.
not sure what to do. can a child of 16 get their own lawyer even after the custody agreements are finalized? i haven’t seen one parent in a while but know how to see that parent very so often. i really cant stand being there because of the rudeness and getting treated like im a prisoner when im there and i really need to get out. is there a way to get my own lawyer and go against my other “parent”. the house that im going to now is crazy and i cant be there. its literally killing me, need help soon
Okay. So i got token by my grandmother. (I was abused by my mother’s boyfriend). My mom told my dad that he can have custody. And I’ve only known him for two months and he has been to jail and he is on probation. And lives in a half way house. I’m 13 . And I want to live with my grandmother.. please help I feel mentally unstable
Hi, I’m15 and im from South Carolina. My parents are getting a divorce. They have been split up for about 8 years and I was forced to stay with my mom. Every other weekend she let’s me stay with my dad and I hate staying with both of them. When they go to court can I justify that I want my grandma to have custody of me? Me and her has even talked about it and she said she would be more than happy to have guardianship of me. Can she get custody and am I able to choose her to stay with?
Hello, I am 14, and I am split between my parents, its been like this for as long as I can remember, my mom used to be financially unstable and had used illegal drugs, that is when my dad got costody of me, my mom stopped doing drugs and is now very stable financially and my dad is less stable now, there is more educational opportunities with my mom and my mom lives in California, and my dad live in Washington, so if I went to my moms house and stayed there while still visiting my dad but not as often, would it be legal?
If you go to court and explain to them what you would to do and they say it’s okay (warning: your parents usually have a say in this too), then it is legal. BUT if both parents agree with this before you consider going to court, then you won’t even need to go to court, it would be legal anyway. Good luck!
OK I am 13 and my dad called me this morning asking if I want to live with him. :/ the divorce is in the process but I want to live with my mother because my dad will have all my little siblings and my mom will have none of us. My dad has been cheating on my mother awhile and she can’t do it anymore. My dad is mean to me most of the time but I still love them both. Plz help :\
If you want to live with both parents, you should be able to. You can have joint custody where your parents swap you from house to house so you can be with both. And to deal with your dad, since you mentioned he is mean to you most of the time, you can try to sort out each others’ problems and if you must, you can go to counseling too. But if you only want to live with your mom, then you should be able to since your dad is mean to you most of the time and that goes against him. I hope this helps! Sorry if it wasn’t great advice!
Hello, I’m Sky and I’m 17 years old, and I’m from Mississippi. I currently live with my dad, he has full custody of me, but I’m tired of living here. I want to move to my grandmother’s but my dad won’t let me, so is there anyway I could have a say in where I want to live? I’m not happy here, so I want to leave. I’ve become very depressed and secluded from everything, and my dad isn’t making the effort to help me. I would live with my mom but she’s not financially stable and she also doesn’t have her own house right now. So I know it’s out of the question. Is there anywhere I could go and talk to someone about moving out, or having the custody changed? I just really don’t want to live here anymore and I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue like this for another year.
It’s a little difficult to move from one of you parent’s house to your grandmother’s, but it’s not impossible! If you go to court and explain what your dad is doing to you and how unhappy you are with him, (plus that fact that you are at a pretty mature age so that will also be good) then you are pretty likely to find a house with your grandmother. If your grandmother lives nearby and she is stable with her living situation, then you should be able to live with her. And once your mom gets back on her feet again, you can most likely live with her if you want. Hope this helps!
The judge today gave my own child Emma Louise Curtis full custody to my little sister Rebecca oden and mark oden. But as her parents we still got rights we would so like to know how old and when can she come home to chose to live with us she is only 18 months old I so miss her my heart is so broken into pieces
Well, I can’t understand how your child got full custody with your sister, but if you show the court you can take care of your child, they should give her back to you. But if you’re wondering when SHE can choose, thats more her choice. Laws differ by state, but last I checked, there isn’t really any legitimate age when a child can choose. They say any child below the teen areas have less influence on custody than those around the age of 15 or 16 due to maturity. I highly recommend you try to get her yourself then waiting for her to choose. There must be a reason the court gave your daughter to her aunt, maybe if you fix that problem, then it will be easier to get Emma back. I am so sorry this is happening to you! I really hope you get your daughter back! I am sorry if I offended you in any way with this comment, I am only trying to help. I hope you get Emma back!
I’m 13 andI want to stay with my mom(who has me more often).my dad is newly married and his wife just had a baby so they mostly ignore me and my9 year old sister.I feel like the only reason I’ve been more mature than my older cousins for the past few years is from my dad not feeding us on his times and I had to somehow find food in his house for me and my sister(I was 7 to 12 when this was happening
Hey, you’re the same age as me and your sister is the same age as my sister! Haha! Anyway, to get to the point, because your dad has been unable to take care of you, you should be able to live with your mom full time. If you mention this to court, then I am pretty certain you will have full custody with your mom. I hope things get better, and also, you are a very strong girl for taking care of you and your sister when your dad wasn’t feeding you. So good luck!
hi I’m 15, and my parents are divorcing and my parents are fighting over who my brothers and I go with. I want to live with my dad, but the other kids are 13, 11, and 7 I know they won’t have much say, but what are the chances of me staying with my dad?
It is true that you have a better chance of living with your dad than the rest of your siblings, but if you can prove that all of you will benefit from living with your dad, then you may be able to stay with him. If your mother has a hard time taking care of you or if she is abusive, then you can mention that to court and you will most likely get to live with your dad. Hope this helped!
Hi im 13 and im from illinois my parents got divorced a while ago and i have wanted to live with my dad but my mom says i have to wait til im 18 is that true?
No, that isn’t necessarily true. If you can prove to court that you’re better off with your dad, then you may be able to live with him. I hope things turn out well for you!
nope if u go to court you choose at age 14 thats a law and you have to have youer reasons.
Hey, im 16 yrs old, my parents divorced several years ago and i was sent to live with my mom. We have a court date coming up because my dad is trying to recover costody of me and my little brother, i was recently expelled fom public school due to poss. Of marijuana, and if i move in with my dad he is gonna put me in alt/homeschooling and i believe its what i have to do to turn the page and start fresh, may odds be in my favor?
I hope this comment isn’t too late, but yes, the odds should be in your favor. If your dad shows he can help you with your marijuana problems, then you should be able to live with him. I hope you end up with your dad!
Hi I and 12 years old and I live in Albuquerque NM and my parents are divorced and I don’t know who to live with my dad can be mean and my mom can be mean to and I don’t know who to choose someone who leaves and spends time with boyfriend or some one who is mean to us so I made up my mind and said I needed some time to think so I’m spending time with each parent to see which one is a better place for me
I think what you need to do is sort out the problems you and your parents have between each other. That way, you can have joint custody if you want. But if you end up living with only one of your parents, then I still advise you try to sort out what problems you have with each other. If you have to, maybe you can go to counseling with your parent(s) and that may help.
Hello I’m 13 yr old boy,I was wondering if I can live with my dad because my mom is always making me do everything only for her cause,she doesn’t buy the right groceries,all she buys is snacks and junk food,she doesn’t cook for me,my dad can cook and take care of me better
Yeah, it sounds like the court should let you live with your dad. Your mom cannot provide a healthy environment for you and that there should get you at least joint custody. If your mom is also doing things like abusive type things, then you can mention that to the court and you should get full custody with your dad.
Hi. My parents are divorced and have been for a while. I have been living with my mom and dad both, going to my dads two days and then my moms. But i really want to stay with my dad because my mom is very abusive along with my step dad. my mom and step dad both have hit me. And they threaten to punch me in the face. My mom made me mad one day when she was screaming in my face for accidentally leaving the front door open when i left for school. so i told her i have enough of her yelling and I was going to stay with my dad. I was going to stay there after riding a bus after school to my dads. she called my dad and said i was out of control and my dad laughed and told her he had no problem with me. she later called again to tell me she was going to call the police if i didnt come home. i told her that i didnt care and that i would tell them about the stuff she does to me. she said that she could just lie and that they would believe her before they would believed me. it made me so mad that i have no way of escaping her and that no matter what i do she would make me come home. im so frustrated that i fell like killing myself to not have to deal with her.
I’m 17 and have been stuck with my mom since i was 7 and my parents split apart. I’ve always wanted to move in with my father because I’m closer to my friends and when i get into deep stuff i feel more comfortable talking to my dad and he seems to enjoy spending time with me instead of my mom who’s barely home and married a guy that is rude and drinks all the time and flips out. Please reply if there would be a chance of custody being swapped thank you.
Oh yes, you do definitely have a chance to live with your father. You are 17, and that is usually considered an age to the court where you can easily choose your custody compared to other ages. Mention to the court that you are more comfortable with your dad and that your mom’s husband is not good for your environment. I’m pretty certain the court will let you have full custody with your dad.
Hey I am 12, and I am going through lots things that I want to stop and get away from , First of all I live with my dad and he is always at work when I wake up or when I am about to go to sleep and my parents are separated and now I have a step mom that isn’t that good for me she always hits me and I want to live with my mom but she lives in Tennessee and I live in Nevada and now I have a baby sis from my dad’s side and I can’t handle her when I try to play with her my step mom tells me to get away from my baby sis cause I have germs and she doesn’t want to get the baby sick and I am not even sick and I wash my hands when I want to touch the baby ? and it gets annoying when I talk to my dad he dosent even care is there a way so that I can talk to the judge to get me away from this am I to young???
Hello! I am pretty sure that if you were to talk to the judge about what your dad and step mom are doing to you then I’m sure you’ll be able to live with your mom. When the court is looking for which parent is best for the child, they usually choose the one with the most stability and capability of taking care of you. You could mention when you are in court that your step mom hits you and if your dad doesn’t do anything about it, then you could mention that too. 12 years old shouldn’t be too young because you’re almost a legitimate teenager. If you can show the court you are capable of moving schools, houses, and state, then I’m also sure you can have full custody with your mom. The court also looks for which parent is able to spend more time with the child and since your dad works most of the time, that can be something you can also say to the court. Hope this helps!
Hi, I’m 12 (but I’m turning 13 next month) and I’m a girl, sorry but I don’t want to say my name. I live in Hawaii though and I know that every states laws are different, so that’s why I mentioned where I live. I saw a lot of other people describing their situations, and getting help, so I though I explain mine. I currently have full custody with my dad (the court said that my sister and I are supposed to stay with both parents, but my mom is currently homeless and even if she did get a house my dad wouldn’t let my sister and I go over my mom’s since she doesn’t have a phone and my dad would want to be able to talk to us) but I’d rather live with my mom. My dad isn’t abusive or anything, but he just makes my life a lot harder than it has to be. He’s also extremely hypocritical too. My sister loves my dad more than my mom, but I really hate my dad. He’s done some things to me that I’d rather not explain because they’re extremely personal and I don’t think anyone would really care. Again, They’re not abusive things but to me, those things have REALLY emotionally scarred me. I doubt anyone is going to even reply, but I’ll ask the auestion anyway. If my mom were to get a house, is there a chance I could get full custody with her? If someone is going to reply to answer my question, that would help me A LOT! I’m not saying you have to, I’d like to help all of you other people in the comments, but I hardly know anything about this custody thing, which is why I writing this comment in the first place. But anyway, thanks for reading this huge paragraph! And also, stay strong everyone 🙂
Hey I am dealing with the same problem and my problem is getting better people are helping me and I want to help too and if ur mom has a house and fills a application to the judge saying how ur life would be better with her and the judge approves it you are able to live with ur mom and ur dad doesn’t have to approve the judge does! So tell ur mom this !
Hope u live with ur mom?!
Hey there,
So, to be honest, personally I would think that if you mom got a house, and had a steady lifestyle and is capable of taking care of you and your sister, if she wanted to go along with you, yes, I do believe the court would allow you to move in with your mom. But, if your dad has made you feel uncomfortable in some ways, you could mention that to the court (if you haven’t) so you can set up ways that you could see her more often and even help your dad fix some things that you don’t necessarily like. So, that’s my opinion. I hope it helps! Good luck!
Hi I’m 16 I stay in Illinois and I’ve been living with my mom my whole life n recently things have gotta worst she’s been accusing me or lying n having sex and even tho I know I haven’t she still doesn’t believe me and has been hitting on me alot. She doesn’t allow me to do anything and I can’t go anywhere. I’ve recently contacted my dad and asked if I can stay with him and he said yes. My parents were never married and I was wondering if the judge would let me stay with my dad
Yes, you are old enough to decide with whom you want to live.
Hello, I’m 15 years old and I’m a girl. I’ve lived with different people my whole life cause my mom went to school and I didn’t want to live with my dad. Now finally I get to live with my mom and it’s somewhat not good. I moved from my home country to across the world. It’s been six months and I hate this place, I hate school, I’m literally always alone and my mom is my only friend. I’d like to go back to my country and live with my dad cause I feel it’ll be good for me emotionally and mentally. I love my mom so much but this place isn’t for me, I’ve no friends my grades are bad cause I am really depressed. I need help, how do I convince my mom that going back is the best for me
Hey kabs, I am kinda in the same situation as you and I currently live with my mom and am wanting to live with my dad but I am having a hard time trying to get that to my mom. I’ve told her before in the past but she hasn’t been excited about the idea. But that’s just because she doesn’t necessarily ‘like’ my dad but don’t think that that’s going to happen to you but, I’ve realized just being open and completely honest with her will let her know you true feelings. Just talk to her about school and you being lonely. I’m sure she’ll understand, she’s your mom, she loves and cares for you, and she could help you out with school and your grades, and if you really feel you just can’t find a reason to stay anymore, you have the right to go back to your country. And the one thing my mom always told me was that all she wanted was for me to be happy. I’m sure that’s what you mom wants for you too. I bet both parents love you very much and want the best for you. Another thing, I’m sure your mom will understand your feelings and hopefully if you still want to, you can go back to your country. Just talk to her and let her know. Anyways, this was my advice to you and hopefully it will help! Good luck!
My name is Victoria.. I’m 14 years old. My parents were never married actually but I lived with my mom until I was about 6 years old. During my time while living with my mom, it wasn’t pleasant.. My mom was an intense alcoholic and never seemed to be around. When I was about 4 years old.. My dad started dating some girl. From the beginning I didn’t like this lady. My only memories of this woman were bad.. I cannot recall any good. Well, my dad continued to date this girl.. in 2007 my dad got custody of me and I moved away with him. I remember the day he told me I would be living with him. I was happy, because my dad gave me attention that I wasn’t getting from my alcoholic (at the time) mother… My dad worked for the government, so Monday-Friday he was gone for about three months at a time.. But that was okay with me because my grandma would stay with me and I have a very good relationship with my grandma. Then, summer of 2008.. My dad gets married to, my now evil step-mother.. My life up until now, has had some good memories.. But I say ,without a doubt, there have been way more bad memories than there have been good. My dads wife has changed my dad and I in so many ways.. My dad does not give me that attention I once was given. My dad has a huge temper problem. He curses at me. My dad is hardly home. With his new job as CEO, he has to travel a lot. I spend most of my days arguing and fighting with his wife. I am not the loving fun little girl I once was. I do not like to socialize any more. I shut people out. It seems as if there is nothing I do right. Current today, my mother is responsible. She is no longer a alcoholic as she used to be. She listens to me. She now gives me the attention and parenting I need. She has a husband, whom I am very close with. He has never harmed me nor threatened to harm me. Yes, my dad can financially provide for me better than my mom can. But that’s not what I am after. I am after being happy. I have had to fake my happiness for so long, I’ve forgotten what it is like to really be happy. I have forgotten how to love. My mom can and has been trying to teach me these things. I need to rebuild myself and I think I can do that at my moms house. I want to live with my mother. Do you think if we went to court, I would receive my wishes and be placed in custody with my mom?
You don’t know what you want. Is your mother still an alcoholic? Is she gonna be around for you? If the answers to those questions is yes, then you should stay with your dad and the evil stepmother. 14 years old is the age of non conforming and rebelliousness. This is what you are through right now. Norma teenage stuff. Hold to your panties and wait until you grow up and move on your own.
Hi im 13 years old i was wondering if you think tge judge would concider letting me move with my mom because i live with my dad right now and i dont think i want to live with him because he yells at me alot my step mom i feel like she hates me and loves my two younger siblings and i dont want to have to deal with it any more
Hey Sadie,
Well, in my case, I’ve talked with my counselor and I’ve even talked with a mediator about living with my dad. They will listen to you and if you tell them something that you don’t want them telling your parents or the judge, they are required by law not to tell. They are there for you and nobody else. So pour your heart out telling them whatever you feel you need to talk about. So basically, yes, the judge, mediator, counselor, attorney, whoever they will listen to you and help you with moving in with your mom. Anyways, I hope this information helps you! Good luck!
I’m 16 years old I live with my mom and my stepdad. I’ve lived with them in Florida since March 2012 and hated it ever since. I lived with my mom and older sister(who moved out) from 2009 until March 2012. My dad lives in New York, which is where we lived until August 2009. My parents got seperated when I was 3 and I believe became officially divorced 3 years later in 2006. I want to move in with my dad. I have 2 years of high school left, I want to go to college there with the encouraging support from my father and I can’t live with my mom anymore. My mother is an alcoholic, she is not supportive, she is rude and negative, she talks badly about my father who does nothing but help us, she is uneducated, she doesn’t have a job and relies on my stepdads money. What can I do? Do I need reliable reasons/proof for lawyers that there is an issue in my household before custody can be switched? Is it even possible for me to move in with my dad? Am I old enough to decide for myself where I want to live or whom with? Please help!
you should be able to move in with your dad because you are old enough t chooses and as long as you mention how your mother is an alcoholic and has no job then that should be enough
Hi, I’m Emilee. I’m 16 years old. My parents got divorced when I was 13. My parents have shared custody of me and my brother. However, I want to live with my mom. I’m scared to say something to my dad about me wanting to live with my mom (he has a temper, drinking doesn’t help) What do I need to do to live with my mom?
When u are with ur mom u need explain u want to live with her so she will maybe (hopefully) take u to the judge then she will fill a application saying how ur life would be better just with her and the judge has to approve and show it to ur dad and he has to understand that u want to live with ur mom and if ur dad reads and understands how ur life would be better then u may life full custody with ur mom
I’m Torie. I’m 14 years old and I want to live with my mom. She gives me space that I need and doesn’t yell much but is still stern. She’s a great mom. We have our problems like any other family but shes so much better then my dad. With my dad I always feel down. I have a low pain tolerance and get sick very easily but every time I miss a day of school I get lectures upon lectures of how it’s not okay to be sick. My step mom also tells me that my dream as a writer is a bad choice and that I should be a lawyer or a doctor. They continuously tell me that I’m not trying hard enough in school and that I’m slacking when I’m seriously struggling. They bring me down and I just dragged myself out of depression. My step sister at my dads also tells me I’m ugly when I dress the way I like and my step mom just purses her lips and shakes her head. My dad himself hardly pays attention to me because he has my brother. My dad is polar opposite of me, he hunts and shoots, and rides four wheelers while basting country music while I sit, write, and listen to alternitive rock music. He wants his lifestyle for me and tries to push it upon me but I hate it. The divorce is settleed and has been but I want to live with my mom and see my dad fewer. During the summer I am stuck with my step mom and step sister during the week so I want it fast and sorta worked out before spending hours doing nothing but stare at a wall when my step mom gets mad at me.
What your dad and step mom are doing to you is emotional abuse. I’m not trying to overwhelm you, but if you go to family court and explain what your dad and step mom is doing to you, you should certainly get to live with your mom. For your dad and step mom to do that to you is just wrong, and I am so sorry you have to go through this. Like I said, you should almost definitely get to live with your mom. Also, if you want to be a writer, you go and be a writer. I write all the time (and alternative rock is my favorite music genre). Don’t listen to your dad or step mom, what they’re saying isn’t right. You can control when you get sick, and because they aren’t helping you with whatever you’re struggling with in school, that is also considered abuse on a certain level. You should follow your dream as a writer, your step mom probably said you should be a lawyer or doctor because most people earn more money from those jobs, but money isn’t going to bring you happiness. If your dream is to be a writer, that’s what will bring you happiness! And also, you are NOT ugly. I don’t need to see your face to know that, everyone has beauty in them somewhere. Again, I’m really sorry you’re going through this, you are very strong! Good luck! I hope you end up with your mom!
I’m 13 years old, and I live with my mom and stepdad. My stepdad has caused me to think about self harming. He puts me down all the time, and yells so much, and he tells me I’m dumb. I don’t want to live with them anymore. And I’m pretty sure I could go to live with my dad, but I don’t know if the judge will say yes to those reasons. I have a great stable friend, that I could live with. Would the judge consider that or no?
I’m sorry I don’t have an answer, but I have the same problem. I am twelve and I live with my mom. My mom and boyfriend put me down, yell at me and sometimes hurt me. I see my dad every other weekend and I can never seem to have enough with him. I hope that once the divorce is settled I stay with my dad. It’ll be ok right?
Zach make sure that the judge knows about your preference. And aslo try and record some of the times when your mom and her boyfriend yell at you and put you down.
hi Zoey. the judge will consider how your step fatehr is treating you. Do you have a mobile phone? Try to record some time when he yells at you and tells you bad things, then they can’t telle the judge that you are making it up. I don’t think the judge will consider a friend though.
Im Ziona im 12 i live with my dad by but i want to live with my mms om. Mom lives in Atlanta,GA but My dad lives in Dothan,AL. I never get to see my sisters and my mom and awesome stepdad. I love t hem but the longest time i went without seeing my mom is 8 months!
Hi! If your dad is abusive to you in any way, you could mention that to the judge. Also, you could say you want to be with your siblings and that you haven’t seen your mom in a while and you miss them dearly. You should also say you’d be a lot happier with your mom. That way, you have a better chance of ending up with your mom. Good luck, I hope this helps!
I won’t tell my name, but I’m a girl and I’ve lived with my dad for 5 years now. My parents were never married. They split when I was really young maybe about 3. I’ve lived with my mom all my life until I was about 8 or 9. I’m now 14 and I hate living with my dad. We’ve been close, but his wife always seems to have a problem with me. When I moved in with my dad, my mom had an abusive boyfriend and smoked and drank. Now she Got married (To a Different guy) and she quit smoking and only has wine maybe here and there. I’m really unhappy and she knows that, she says shes trying to do something about it. Both my parents live in the same city. I don’t like living with my dad because I’m homeschooled and I don’t have any friends, and the rest of my sisters go to regular school. My dad says hes trying to get me back in regular school, but That’s not what I want. I want to live with my mom. Is there a way I can put matters into my own hands? PLEASE HELP!
Okay, first of all, I am very sorry this is four months late, but I hope it helps anyway. If your dad is abusive, that could be used against him in court. Do your sisters live with your dad too? If they don’t, then you could also say you want to go and live with them so you can build a better relationship with them. It’s not too likely you can get FULL custody with your mom if your dad ISN’T doing anything wrong, but if he is, then you possibly could. And if you can’t get full custody with your mom, you should be allowed at least joint custody and you can work your way from there. I hope you can live with your mom!
For the past few months I have wanted to move in full time to my dad’s house. I’m even writing an argumentative paper on it. My mom and I just don’t get along, we’re to different. We don’t connect at all. Now that we adopted my cousins and her wanting to have another kid it’s hard. She is so bitchy lately, actually that’s what she called me today was bitchy. The other day it was asshole and bitch. She doesn’t get that I have no friends here, especially since we just moved here 2 years ago, at my dad’s I have all of my school friends and neighbors. When I met her at 3 years old she seemed nice, I finally had a mom! So that’s when I moved in, bad decision. It all started two years ago when she wouldn’t let me hang out with friends from school who I haven’t talked to for a long time just because she “wanted to see me” She found out I hated her and told me we needed to go to counseling, that still hasn’t happened. Now I barely ever see her because she is doing stuff with my cousins. Sure I see how hard they had it a drug abuser for a mom and dad was hard. But she forgets about me and how hard I have it. I see my step-dad more than her and he owns three businesses. I just want to live with a parent who actually gives a shit about me and what I want to do instead of holding me back. That’s my dad. But I don’t know how to tell her and to be honest I am still deciding because she provides me with nice things and I guess she can be nice sometimes. But other than that she is a bitch, well she is coming up the stairs so I have to go. Please reply and help me decide and get through this.
I’m 13 so most 14 in q couple month s and I want to move to my dad’s because my moms is stressful she is an alcoholic and smokes pot and cigars even when my 1 year nephew is n the car and she doesn’t even have her license she is always mean so is her boyfriend they have been together for a few years and I just hate him he yells all the time I’ve tried suicide ten or more times because of them and be ran away a couple times to. At my dads he cares about me and gets me things and stuff like that and is supportive my mom doesn’t care about me she told why didn’t I kill when I had the chance and I just want to move to my dads but sue said that I couldn’t over her dead body so she can treat me like her maid and everything so I was just wondering how long would the process be because I know I can I just don’t know when or yow I can because I’ve talked to my dad about it to and he said he would fight for me
Okay, listen, you need to get away from your mom. What she is doing to you is abusive, 100% Go to court with your dad and explain what she is doing (if you can’t get there with your dad, go with another trusted adult) and you should get full custody with your dad. When it comes to court, the judge is the one who decides who you can live with, not your mom. Just because your mom wants you to live with her, doesn’t mean the judge decides based on that. The fact that you’ve tried to kill yourself 10 or more times is enough to get you sole custody with your dad. I am so sorry this is happening to you, you don’t deserve this! You are very strong to have made it this far, and I really hope to get to live with your dad. If you can’t get to court, call CPS or 911. Tell them what your mom and her boyfriend are doing to you and they should get you to your dad. The process shouldn’t be too long if you just go to court immediatly or call someone. PLEASE, if you can’t get to court or for some reason you have no access to a phone, TELL SOMEONE, A TEACHER, COUNSELOR, SOMEONE YOU TRUST WHO CAN HELP YOU! And please, don’t try to kill yourself ever again. I know it’s hard, but please, you could very easily end up with her father in this situation if you get help! So good luck to you and I hope you end up with your dad!
im will im 16 I live in Illinois ive lived with my mother my whole life recently my father got custody of me, not im having homicidal and suicidal thoughts I need my mother back in my life my father doesn’t allow me to do anything or go anywhere ive been here for months and hes treating me like dirt mentally abusing me and I cannot take it anymore
Go to court or tell someone who can help you, explain to them what your dad is doing to you and you should end up with her mother. If you do court, make sure you explain how living with your mom will help you. Good luck and stay strong!
Hi im Ella im 13, and no my parents dont abuse me but they are devorced and i feel that me and my mom dont get along ever she is always yelling and i am always yelling but when i am at my dads house he sometimes makes me cry when he screams and i tell hime that he screames alot but he dosent listen to what i have to say and when erer i try to tell him something he ignores me, i dont like my dads house because at night he is always on the phone with some ladie that he is friends with and they talk legit every night and my room is kinda by his but he still talks really louad, and i cant sleep that good and matter the fact i still share a room with my little 10 year old brother who never gets yelled at and he coppies me on everything but i am always to blame. I also dhare a room at my moms which is far from my school and really imbarrising… i dont know what to do because i always get into fight with the both of them and sometimes i just want to live with my dad because i feel like he is less mean and he is still strict but he still lets me hangout with my friends when i ask. But my mom tells me that i cant hangout with my friends all the time but my friends make me happy unlike my parents who are really naggie and the ovi dont know this because they dont always listen to what i say.
So here’s what I think you should do: if you want to live with both parents but you want them to be nicer, you should try to sit them down and talk out your problems with them. If they don’t listen, try to get help at school like a counselor or teacher or just someone who can help. Counselors can talk to your parents for you and help you out, so I recommend that. Hope this helps and good luck~!
Hi I’m Jim and my mum and dad has split up and I don’t know what to do with my life I would like to live with my dad I am 12 my dad is trying to get me and he is going to take my mum to court and I don’t know what to do with my life some times I say I’m going to kill my self but I know it’s going to brake my dads heart I need advise i got a phone of my dad and I bring it home my mum take it and would not give it bake I don’t know what t do CAN YOU HELP
DONT KILL YOURSELF! It can get better! And it will! If your mother is abusive, then you have a better chance of ending up with your dad. Try to go to court with your dad or an adult you trust and explain to them that you would rather be with your dad and say why. If you can’t get to court, then seek help at school. A counselor, teacher, anyone. Particularly a counselor since they can talk to your parents for you and help. Just try to seek help. If you are home schooled, then maybe go and speak to a neighbor or friend of your dad’s? Just try to seek help or get to court, and you should eventually get to live with your dad. Good luck!
My name is Jake. I’m 13 and my birth parents share custody over me. My parents got divorced when I was in kindergarten and I’m in eighth grade now. We moved about 1 hour away from where we used to live so I rarely get to keep in touch with any of my old friends. I want to tell my dad that he treats me like a piece of trash. He always yells at me or gets mad every time I see him. In public and at home he will grab my neck really hard right on the pressure point so I scream to get him off. He tells my 16 year old brother that it is ok to do this to me too so I always have bruises. My father says no calling or texting my mom or friends after 8:00 even if it’s for hw help. He is trying to make me see all the bad in her but all I see is the bad in him. Even my step-mom that lives with my dad is a witch to me. She always favors everyone else and doesn’t treat me as her son at all. My mom is super nice to me and cares for me.
Okay, since it’s been five months (sorry this is very late) I don’t know if you’re still living with your dad or not. If you aren’t, then that’s great you’re living with your mom now! But you still are, then you could easily get full custody with her. Try to get to court and explain what your dad is doing to you. He is ABUSIVE! I’m sorry if this is overwhelming in any way, but I’m just trying to help you. If you can’t get to court, seek help at school. Most of the time, staff members who work at the school (teachers, counselors, janitors, etc.) are required to report abuse and what your dad is doing, so they can help you! And if you’re to scared to do that, then try calling 911 or CPS. They will help you too! Just please, you need to get out of that house. You need a better environment and your brother needs to not listen to your dad. I hope he doesn’t actually hurt you like your dad does. Your dad and step mom could actually be arrested for what they do to you. So I hope things get better!
If your mom or dad is nice to you and has a normal stable life, and the other parent will not let you see them there can be several reasons
1. The parent that currently has custody does not want to lose money they get from the other parent for you being in their house (which is really your money and they should not be spending it on bills not related to you)
2. The parent is using you as a friend or for support, which as a kid it is not your job
3. The parent is punishing the other parent and wants you to ignore or not see the parent to hurt them
4. The parent is controlling and needs to have life on their terms
5. The parent needs you to heal them because they are not healthy on their own, which is not OK
All of these things are child abuse. They are not OK. As a child, you are free and it is right that you access both of your parents as much as you want. You should not feel bad living with either or both up to 50/50 in any way that allows you to also go to school. Parents who are not OK with that are using you as a pawn and that is not OK.
It is not your job to heal your parents or worry about their feelings. They are adults, it is their job to worry about you. People who tell you “that will hurt their feelings if you speak up” are giving you adult responsbility over your parent and that is inappropriate. As a kid, you should be protected by adults around you and adults around you should not lean on you for emotional support. EVER.
If you are afraid to put yourself first because your parent “needs” your child support, or your love, or your support, it is the right time to take a break from that person. You are not a paycheck, a counselor or a parent. You are a kid who deserves a childhood and that means access to both of your parents and a childhood free of responsbility from adults’ feelings.
Also my mom and dad split up before i was born
Hi i’m in a situation where my parents divorced and my dad has custody of me and my brother. so i live with my dad but i want to live with my mom so badly. Im happier with my mom and she takes better care of me emotionally and physically. What can i do?? my mom and i both want me to be with my mom and my dad doesnt want me too and i dont know what to do.
Hi I’m Ian. And bothered my parents have custody (btw I’m 14) but I hate my dad. He lies to me and is a very big ass. He’s not nice and gets drunk 6 out of 7 days a week. And my mom says that I have to speak to a judge and I will if I must but I was wondering if there are any other ways of staying with my mom full time
Hi, my name is Christian and I’ve been living with my grandparents since a young age, yet now all we do is fight and my grandfather is currently battling cancer as well making living with them even more stressful and difficult. I’d like to move in with my father but my grandparents and mother don’t want me to. This hasn’t changed my mind though, he and my mother had bad problems when I was very young but now neither have the same amount of problem and they aren’t as serious. My mother has two other kids, my two sisters, making her very busy. She wants me to move in but that house is chaos and my stepfather is useless, he just sits around or isn’t home, we also fight a lot. My father drinks and smokes but smokes outside only and drinks very lightly, not enough to get even tipsy off of. Any suggestions on what I should do to try and move in? My father does want me to move in as well. I’m thirteen, my father lives in Michigan and I live in Ohio. Thanks. And even with the thought of friends, living with my father would still be better for me.
I live with my dad but he is making my life crap. I’m 16 years old, he took my car away because i stayed after work late one day. On top of that i am no longer allowed on any electronic outside of school. My dad has 100% custody of me but i want to live with my mom. I have also been called a “dumb***” by him and honestly to hear him say that really hurts. So far i don’t know if i can do anything but maby someone can at least give me some advice..
Thank You
Well Ryan, if you don’t follow the rules, yup they’ll take the car away so no points given there. You failed to explained why you are not allowed on any electronic [sic] outside of school. Probably because of something you did that wasn’t right but, you didn’t elaborate. The only part that I agree with you is that he shouldn’t be calling you names. Otherwise, this is call parenting and, for a 16 year old following rules, sucks! I don’t think you want to live with your mom, you just want freedoms from the household rules that you’ll need to follow not only with your dad but with your mom too.
I’m 13 and my parents got in a devorice when I was two. Recently my step dad died in a tragic car accident witch left my mom on her knees. The day after this happened my dad decided it would be good to file custody papers for court on my mom. After my dad got custody of me in that battle I told him I didn’t want to live with him(witch Ive said before it all happened) but he refused to let me live with my mom. So now I’m stuck here with him and I don’t know what to do! Please help!
My parent’s got divorced when I was about 6, and I just turned 12 yesterday. My mom has custody of me. I LOVE it at my mom’s house for the most part. My step-dad treats me and my older sister like his own kids, and my mom is the best mom I could ever ask for. But at my “dad’s” (notice the air-quotes), his wife is horrible, her kids are a bunch of b-words and he works all the time, so we have to sit with the 9 year old boy and watch Transformers and Simpsons. But the worst part is the way he and my stupid step-mom got married. He met her when I was about 5, and they dated for about 2 months, then broke up for 3. They would get back together, then break up again. This cycle repeated for about 6 years. No joke. Then one night, we got a call from him. The next day, we had to go see him. His forst words other than “hello” were
“So I did some thinking last night, and decided that MAYBE I should tell my daughters that I’m getting married tomorrow! Funny, huh?”
Yeah. Haha. We had no choice at all, so I had to go watch my “dad” marry a woman I (and my sister) HATE. And he knows we hate her.
Idk dude just idk , I’m sorry I really don’t know , look we all don’t want are parents and to get a divorce , and my mom wants to divorce my dad , and I even told my Bff (she’s my zombie apocalypse partner btw) that if I go to her house with a black body bag , (yes I have one lol) I either killed someone or my parents go a divorce , and I’m scared I want to run a way but I’ll leave so much be hind , so I now what u feel and trust me.
Your not the only one that feels this way.
Your not the only one who knows what your going through.
Your not the only on in this world.
Hi I’m 15 years old and live with my mom and stepdad but I want to live with my dad. He has yo travel a lot for work and believes that because of that he can’t have primary custody of me is this true?
my name is cara, my mum and dad split up a couple of months ago but they still fight and right now my head is messed up and i cant deal with it anymore. Me and my brother and sister live with my mum so mt dad has no-one and i am the oldest and im 12 then my sister is 6 and my brother is 2 .i really want to live with my dad because me and my mum dont get along and i know if i live with my daddy i would more happier and so would my dad x.
I am 13 years old , my parents started there divorce in 2012 and I’ve been living 50/50 for the past 3 years and a lot of stuff has been happening with my mom and her health and no matter how hard I try to convince my dad for me to be with my mom on different days, he won’t . Even if I make a compromise he won’t and All he does I treat me like a child ! I am 13 I can decide where I wanna live but no not according to him . My sister which is 16 hates him so much she refuses to see him or even say she has a father. My mom doesnt have a lot of money especially now since my dad won’t pay child support but that doesn’t change the fact that I love them both and deep down I act like I love my dad to him but I really don’t love him a lot I love my mom and that’s who I want to be with . But I can not take this drama with court anymore !
That’s the same with me man. The same. No joke my dad is an ass. My mom is the best. My mom doesn’t have a lot of money. And I just need a way to my moms custody. So I’m going to talk to a judge in about a week
My mom lost custody of me bcuz one small incident took place and my dad went ahead and took custody but that was along time ago and I’m 13 now and my mom has changed, also when u have a step mom who tells u Santa clause ain’t real when I’m 10
I live with my dad and I am 13 yes old, I don’t like living with my dad bcuz he’s never home which means I’m stuck with my step mom who if she doesn’t get her way she cops an attitude and calls me lazy, and as much as I try to understand her that’s the more she has something to say like I called her a bitch in 2010 and she still brings it up to replace her mistake, and whenever I tell my dad I wanna live with my mom he says I don’t know and he hardly talks anymore, I have so much fun at my moms, I feel like I can make my own decisions and b free at my dads I cant. What do I do?
What should i do my mom is so far from me who will i choese my dad or my mom? If i live with my dad i will have a new mom and i dont want that! And if i luve with my mom i will live in hindi and i will never see my dad forever. So ehat ahould i do pleaseee help me!!!
im 13 and i don’t know how to handle the pressure from my dad wanting me to come live with him my mom and i don’t get along very well but my dad and i don’t get along either so i don’t know what i should do i have lived with my mom for ever and i have a lot of friends and i don’t want to leave cause i would miss them and my mom really bad i feel like would cry every day if i left and went with my dad ! PLZ HELP ME AND GIVE ME A GOOD ANSEWER !!
Hi, I’m Cheyenne and I’m 12. My parents are basically going through this phase right now, and I really want to live with my dad because he treats me better. However, I don’t really know what to say to my mom or if I can even choose who to live with right now. Is there anyone who can give advice on both of those?
Hi I’m Kira I’m 13 years old and I live with my dad and I want to live with my mom my dad yells way to much and he is so angry at the world all the time he takes it out on me and its not fair plus I’m a girl he does not understand my problems or what I’m going through but my mom does my mom has a lung disease and I want to be there for her as long as I can and when I’m with my dad I’m not happy and when I’m with my mom I’m really happy I know my mom does not have slot of money but she can take care of me and I really want her to be there when I wake up I wish I could live with my mom can u please tell me what to do and if I can thanx
When i need to talk to my mom she is always on the phone or working on the computer!!!
I’m 11 and my mom yells at me everyday she told me thaat she wants me to ive with my grandmother and that she loves my 8 year brother more than me and she abuses me. I dont’t want to live with my grandmother because she lives 5hours away by plane and I don’t want to live wit my dad because I feel like he doesn’t want me because he told my mom the only way that he will come back to help her with my brother and I is if she pays him. I just want to live at one of my friends house my mom also makes me have anxiety. I just can’t stay with either of my parents and i can’t live that far away from my friends help[
hey im angel and im turning 15 in January. I live with my mom and her and I really don’t have the greatest relationship. and it sucks, it really sucks. but I cant do this anymore. she blames me for EVERYTHING. I was a mistake and I really want to move in with my dad but I don’t think she’ll let me. but at the same time my mom and dad have never been married and I want to live with him because I think that’s what I think will be best for me. but I love both so much how do I tell my mom?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
hey ,
my name is amber .
I am 15 years old and I am in highschool . My mother and father divorced whenever I was very young . I don’t remember them being together at all , I was probably 3 whenever it happend . Through out my life my mothers had custody of me . I was put through the most , the people that hung around were on heavy drugs . Meth etc .. So was my stepfather . He was ALWAYYS abusive and hated us . My mom also was . I would lock myself in my room as you do as I was and cry myself to sleep . The people whom were on drugs were all very crazy . Near the age 11 all of those people decided to cut the cameras to our house and broke into our house . They stole all of our belongings including pictures of me . They shattered all of the windows and busted holes in all of the walls . Those “people” later seen my grandfather , held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him . I was left home alone one day and one of the huge guys were screaming at the top of thier lungs and beating on my window I later lifted up the boards and his under my bed where he for sure wouldn’t find me I called my mom ASAP and she called the police . My mother moved a state away without my fathers permission . I was very upset . And as I reached my middle school years I went through heavy depression . I used to cut , I tried to kill myself a couple times .. And then recently moving TWO states away from my father again WITHOUT his permission i reached high school .. Things are okay but my mom and stepdad have been acting very off lately they bruised my arms one day and I had to wear a hoodie to school until it went away . I’ve always wanted to live with my father . He may not have the most money but he’s always been there for me .. He understands and listens to me . Something my mother never would do . I love my mom , but it’s just not where I want to be .. I struggle with school and she goes crazy on me when I get bad grades I really try my best to keep my grades up for her but it’s so hard .. It’s begging to bring my depression back . She makes me feel as if I am not good enough . Recently she told me that I was a mistake and she wish she hadnt had me . My dad doesn’t have a lot but he always makes me feel better , he listens . He understands and he actually let’s me live my life .. My mother keeps me locked in the house I’m never allowed to do anything therefore it’s very hard to maintain relationships and friendships. It’s been about 5 years since I lived in the same state as my dad . I rarely get to see him , ever . I seen my father about 7 months ago for a VERY short period of time . I don’t know what to do , I just want to be with someone who actually will care and listen to me .. How could I be able to live with my Amazing father ?
My moms very abusive I’ve lost all of my family so I can’t get away . My dad just got out of prison for murdering my aunt. and 99% of the time my mothers hitting me , she’s on drugs and doesn’t even care about me I’m not allowed to do anything and I live in millbrook Alabama with my younger brother in apartments . Is there anyway I could move in with my bestfriend ? She’s always been like a sister to me and her mom and her family are like family to me I used to live with them when I was younger . I’m 15 now I go to no hope . Just please let me know if I can love with my bestfriend and my basically adopted family and adopted parents . My moms been doing okay lately I just really need to know please .. Thank you
My mom had custody of me since I was three then when I was around 12 my sister turned 18 and moved out of the house and guess what my dad did not have to pay child support for her then all of the sudden he hired a lawyer and got custody of me. My dad is the definition of an ass hole. He makes me feel like crap all the time. You have no idea. I am afraid to rise against him because I am afraid of what he will do. I love my mom so much. all my little siblings live there. I want to live with her but my dad will put up a fight. He is so mean. His wife treats me like a worthless piece of crap too. Please help! I want to live with my mom. she only lives 15 minuets down the road. Can I choose who Ii want to live with?
yes you can. just talk to them.
My moms been abusing and yelling and locking me out my house. I really think she’s not the right person for me… I think it would be better if I lived with my friends mom and dad can someone please help me
Show her just how important you really are.
So, I’ve been stuck in a pretty difficult spot for the last nine years. It’s been a fight for me to keep doing the right thing with my guardian constantly yelling at me to do this and that 24/7. And when I have to do something he constantly degrades my overall wellbeing. I want to live with my father, and I’ve done my research, but I don’t know how to get everything started.
What would be the first step in switching custody???
I live with my dad and his mean wife (my stepmom) during the week and I see my mom on the weekend and on school breaks and the summer time the problem is I can’t stand my stepmom she has abused me and she has my dad wrapped around her finger and he’ll do anything she says but they always argue. My family is kinda complicated because first my mom and dad had me and then they had my little brother . Then they separated because my dad was cheating with this girl (now she’s my dumb stepmom). So then my mom found someone else and he already had a child that was older then me. And then they had my youngest brother . After that my dad and his wife had my little sister so I have a very complicated life. My dad and my step mom have more money then my mom and stepdad but I really want to live with my mom and also my step dad treats me with respect and cares about me . My dad doesn’t pay attention to me . He is either on the phone, out with his friends or doing stuff with his wife and I’m real live tired of it and my dad is very disrespectful towards his mom (my nana) and my step mom is the same way with her mom. And my mom doesn’t really talk to her mom at all and my step dad’s mom passed away 2 year ago. So the only grandma I have is my nana cuz I still talk to her through my mom. she buys me stuff and she treats me like her own daughter because I’m the closest thing she has to a daughter being as though she had 4 boys and no girls . But I think the reason I act out is because I want attention from my parents and tbh I think the best person for me to live with my nana f I rally had the choice . So I guess what I’m really trying to say is since my parents weren’t married when they had me almost 14 years ago it would cost a lot of money for my mom to get custody of me , so I would rather live with my nana (grandma) and I think I would do so much better ??. Because I CAN STAND IT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!?? . And I really want to run away but I don’t have the guts to do it. What should I do??
I live with my dad and his mean wife (my stepmom) during the week and I see my mom on the weekend and on school breaks and the summer time the problem is I can’t stand my stepmom she has abused me and she has my dad wrapped around her finger and he’ll do anything she says but they always argue. My family is kinda complicated because first my mom and dad had me and then they had my little brother . Then they separated because my dad was cheating with this girl (now she’s my dumb stepmom). So then my mom found someone else and he already had a child that was older then me. And then they had my youngest brother . After that my dad and his wife had my little sister so I have a very complicated life. My dad and my step mom have more money then my mom and stepdad but I really want to live with my mom and also my step dad treats me with respect and cares about me . My dad doesn’t pay attention to me . He is either on the phone, out with his friends or doing stuff with his wife and I’m real live tired of it and my dad is very disrespectful towards his mom (my nana) and my step mom is the same way with her mom. And my mom doesn’t really talk to her mom at all and my step dad’s mom passed away 2 year ago. So the only grandma I have is my nana cuz I still talk to her through my mom. she buys me stuff and she treats me like her own daughter because I’m the closest thing she has to a daughter being as though she had 4 boys and no girls . But I think the reason I act out is because I want attention from my parents and tbh I think the best person for me to live with my nana f I rally had the choice . So I guess what I’m really trying to say is since my parents weren’t married when they had me almost 14 years ago it would cost a lot of money for my mom to get custody of me , so I would rather live with my nana (grandma) and I think I would do so much better ??. Because I CAN STAND IT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!?? . And I really want to run away but I don’t have the guts to do it. What should I do?? And also its really hard to do the right thing when your “parents ” are always doing bad things and sneak dissing and yelling at you to be perfect and you are scared to come home because you think you haven’t satisfied them the way they want you to. Please tell me how to get where I want to be I’m about to be 14 in December ! ! And I’ve lived with my dad since I was 4. Four!!!!!!!
This is a serious situation.
I would get help from people at school, your counselor, a professional, or anybody!
My parents are also divorced and I dont have to big of a probelm but I know how you feel. Just get help. I feel you…
I live with my dad and his mean wife (my stepmom) during the week and I see my mom on the weekend and on school breaks and the summer time the problem is I can’t stand my stepmom she has abused me and she has my dad wrapped around her finger and he’ll do anything she says but they always argue. My family is kinda complicated because first my mom and dad had me and then they had my little brother . Then they separated because my dad was cheating with this girl (now she’s my dumb stepmom). So then my mom found someone else and he already had a child that was older then me. And then they had my youngest brother . After that my dad and his wife had my little sister so I have a very complicated life. My dad and my step mom have more money then my mom and stepdad but I really want to live with my mom and also my step dad treats me with respect and cares about me . My dad doesn’t pay attention to me . He is either on the phone, out with his friends or doing stuff with his wife and I’m real live tired of it and my dad is very disrespectful towards his mom (my nana) and my step mom is the same way with her mom. And my mom doesn’t really talk to her mom at all and my step dad’s mom passed away 2 year ago. So the only grandma I have is my nana cuz I still talk to her through my mom. she buys me stuff and she treats me like her own daughter because I’m the closest thing she has to a daughter being as though she had 4 boys and no girls . But I think the reason I act out is because I want attention from my parents and tbh I think the best person for me to live with my nana f I rally had the choice . So I guess what I’m really trying to say is since my parents weren’t married when they had me almost 14 years ago it would cost a lot of money for my mom to get custody of me , so I would rather live with my nana (grandma) and I think I would do so much better ??. Because I CAN STAND IT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!?? . And I really want to run away but I don’t have the guts to do it. What should I do?? And also its really hard to do the right thing when your “parents ” are always doing bad things and sneak dissing and yelling at you to be perfect and you are scared to come home because you think you haven’t satisfied them the way they want you to. Please tell me how to get where I want to be I’m about to be 14 in December ! ! And I’ve lived with my dad since I was 4. Four!!!!!!!
I can relate to that a lot. My Dad will do anything for his wifey. AKA, my step mom. She loves kids who are like 5 and 4 because she never had kids but every time I go around my dad she will get so close to him. I can never have a conversation with him without her being right there judging. The thing is though is that my dad makes more money than my mom does. And she cant afford a lawyer. My nanna also asked me to live with her because shes a millionaire but she lives in Amish county and I am afraid i would never see my siblings.
Hi my name is David. I am 15 years old and my parents divorced when I was seven. The court say that I’m with my dad Sunday-Wednesday morning and with my mom Wednesday afternoon-Saturday. Lately I have been getting in trouble more and more with my stepmom. She is angry at my dad and basically everything else but takes it out on me. I am so done with her crap. I love my dad tho and want to see him but I hate my stepmom. She’s a terrible person and doesn’t deserve my dad. I want to move in with my mom so I don’t have to deal with her anymore. But if I do that then I am afraid that it will ruin my relationship with my dad. I don’t know what to do
I’m 10. My parents split up when I was 8 and I moved out when I was 9. It was fine for a few months. But then I realized after a lot of arguments no, I hate living with my Mum and her partner. I want to live with my dad but he works 5 days a week, 12 hours a day and I’m not old enough to stay 4 hours after school. I feel unhappy every single day at my mother’s house. She’s never with me. She’s either with her cat or her partner and I’m left on my own. I argue with her a lot but now I just can’t take it anymore. I love going to my dad’s house, it’s the highlight of my week. He understands me more than my mother. Plus, I don’t like my mother’s Christian rules. It feels like I have to choose between them… And I want to. I choose my dad. How could I see my dad more? I’ve tried to speak to him about it but he always forgets…
I am 14 years old and I want to move with my dad in Arizona. I have lived with my mom since they split up when I was about 2. Now that I am getting older out relationship isn’t so good an all we do is argue and fight. If I was to ask her to take me to the court she would start an arguement out of it and I could possibly get in trouble. What do I do if I cannot get her to take me to the court house?
My parents divorced when I was 8 months old and my mum remarried when I was 9 years old. My stepfather had stopped us from speaking to my father and would cut the phone everyone he phoned and I was too young to understand. I started speaking to my father agin for about two years but my mom always made problems and we often fight. I’m only 14 and it’s hard on me choosing where to stay without hurting anyone. I want to live with my Father but my mom wouldn’t allow it and my father is going to try but it’s really hard for me. My father is doing everything he can but I’m stuck in the middle
I’m 16 and i live with my mum. However i have been going back and forth for 4 or 5 years between my mum and dad and before this i lived with my mum. My 18 year old brother died 6 months ago in a head-on collision and i came to live with my mum 4 months ago. but she won’t let me talk to her about how i feel but when she’s drunk she tells me my brother is her favourite and that she loved him the most. This makes me feel really down. I’m now stuck with what to do. I am able to move because ive finished secondary school and i am unable to go to college at the moment. But my dad says things will be ‘frosty’ for a while and that things will be different from last time i was there. I’ve said im going to live with him but now im not too sure on my choice. i don’t want things to be different just because i made a mistake but i also can’t live with my mum because everything has been building up where i cant talk to her and i have been lashing out-i kicked a hole in the wall and i took an overdose. im sure that living with my mum is not good for my mental health but i dont want to be treated differently at my dads. I have also been given the option to go into care. I’m not sure what to do? can anyone help
I’m 16 and a lot of things been happening i don’t know if i should live with my mom and my stepdad who has always been there for me since i was born but as time went by the older i kept getting my stepdad would hit me like this month my ex boyfriend who is 25 years old yes i know he is way older than me ya ya ya ya okay the point is he gave me a phone so that he knew i was okay because he doesnt like my stepdad and he knows how he is too well one day i came home and my mom said i want hat phone i told her i dont have it i gave it back to my ex so then my stepdad comes and starts to smack me in the face he punched me in the stomach i fell to the floor and by him telling me get up he pulled me my the hair i found my real dad now im living with him but i dont know what i should do at this piont should i go back or should i stay with my dad or go on my own????
I’m 13 and i live with my dad . I want to live with my mom but my mom has a lot of financial problems and she lives with her mom in a place one wouldn’t call safe or healthy but i miss her very much i see her most weekends but that just isn’t enough . I love my dad and mom both and I don’t know how to tell my dad that i want to move in with my mom .
Hi my name is mkayla i live with my mama. My dad and his wife wants me to come live with them. My mama says i cant go. Do i have a choice in where i go; im 15 turning 16 soon?
Hi In Joseph, I Will Be 13 In December, I Don’t Know Why I’m Writing This, I Hate Living With My Mom, We Never Agree,She carries the Confederate Flag, I Am 25 percent black my dad is black my mom is white My parents were never married I Don’t Get Along With White People, I feel more exepted at my dad’s, my dad takes more care of me, I have roaches at my mom’s I Live in a trailer at my mom’s, but I live in a nice house at my dad’s, I Am going to sit down and talk to my mom, my dad and stepmom are goin to talk 2 my mom about it this summer, but I don’t wanna wait that long,
My name is Ashlyn I’m Turning 15 in a month. I live in Tennessee my mom as sole custody of me I only see my dad every other weekend he lives only 30 minutes away from me. I want to be able to spend equal time with my perents but my mom refuses to let me. She says he will have to take her back to court to get joint custody of me. What are the chances of getting joint custody of me and my dad want it and my mom doesn’t
My name is Sam Baker. I am 15 years old. My Mom and Dad split up and I lived with my Mom. Then my Mom got cancer and she was in the hospital and my dad got custody of me until my Mom got better. Then my Dads lawyer plaid my mom dirty to keep me away from my mom. Now my dad wont even let me talk to my mom and i want to live with her because my dad has four kids and he can’t properly take care of us all. My Mom on the other hand has only two kids with a great paying job so that she can take care of us. And my Mother has tried to make a court date but my dad wont accept. How do I live with my Mom.
Listen man – Court is court. If your mom has submitted paperwork to the court, yo daddy doesn’t HAVE a choice, he MUST show up to the summons of the court paperwork or FORFEIT his rights – the judge then makes the call as to where you will stay.
My parents have been separated since I was 6
I am 16 years of age in the state of Washington and my parents are divorced. I have a split custody agreement with my parents and I don’t like living with my mom because of her wife. My mothers wife drinks whenever she has days off and gets into large scale arguments with my mom that end up in lots of yelling and threats. At some points my moms wife will be so hammered that she wants to “teach” me how to fight outside with her. These have gotten ugly and I no longer feel safe here anymore. Do I have enough of a case to stay with just my dad?
Hello my name is Bryce I’m 14 years old and I hate going to my Dads house. I have to go to his house every other weekend I can’t go this weeked do to my school football game with my gf but my dad said I have to go. Do I have a choose? I’ve skipped going to his house once before no problem. Please help!
Im 15 my dad lives in another state my mom and dad split when i was a baby and i live with my mom but im not happy with her here and i want to move in with my dad what can i do i was told u can talk to a guidance counselor
Im 16 and I want to live with my dad more. My dad has been going to court for 2 years so he can get more custody of me but he still hasn’t. I’m starting school in about a month and want to go to Easton high witch is the town my dad lives. My mom won’t agree to giving my dad more time with me so I can’t go to Easton high. I have to go to Stoughton high again because my mom wont pay for the School currently go to and won’t agree to Easton even though Easton has a better school system than Stoughton and i went to Stoughton before and hated it. Is their anything I can do to change this and if so how
my sis chose her dad now she is 15 and she what 2 live with us. she says that the schools suck. and her farther hurts her she has cuts and scares her to death. can we get her back because that is child abuse. right plse anyone answer me if they can>
My parents are divorced. I live with both of them,each half and half. I would really like to live full time with my mom,because my dad verbally abuses me (im 13 , 14 in like 2 weeks) And my brother ( he is 12). What should i do
I’m 15 turning 16 in 5 months and my parents have been divorced for about 5 years now and my dad has full custody of me. My mom does have medical problems but they aren’t bad. I wanna loie with my mom but I don’t know how to make that possible. My dad has a great job and stuff but I never feel loved in my own home it’s like I’m a stranger. Everyday when I talk to my mom I know she loves me and would do anything for and I trust her and could tell her anything. Even though my mom doesn’t have a greatest job to support me financially could I go to court and tell the judge I wanna live with my mom
So im 16 and i want to go live with a friend without getting emancipated my dad says its fine iv just moved to his house 9 months ago and my mom is the only thing in the way 10 years ago she got full rights over me now i want to give my dad full rights and i dont want her im my life anymore she has a abuseve husban and he is verbally abuseive to me… How much will it coast to change the parenting plan and if i tell the judge that i want him to have full cusdity will he say yes
I’m with my dad on holiday till the 16th August
Hi I need help. My mum and dad split up over 8yrs ago and I’m 13 but live with my mom and half sister. Since then my dad got married to someone else he also got parental responsibility for and I see him during holidays. I now want to live with my Dad. I have asked my mum before but she would get so upset I wouldn’t go. I’m with my dad now and I don’t want to go back home yet don’t want to stress Mum out coz she says I’m making her ill. So I don’t want to go to court but I still want to see her. But I’m worried that she will call the police and say my dad kidnapped me. What should I do???
I’m 14 and my parents got divorced when I was 10. My mom has primary custody and I never see my dad. My mom doesn’t want me to talk to him because he cheated on her. I want to live with my dad. My mom is always stressed out yelling and breaking things. My step dad is mentally abusive and is always telling us how much he hates us and how stupid we are but my mom doesn’t believe us. I just want to go live with my dad but I don’t know how.
Im 15 and I have lived with my mom my whole life. I have never even stayed with my father since I was a baby. Every time I mention my father or talk to his family on social media she yells at me stating that my step father has been there for me. And if I want to meet my father so much then I should just go live with him. Well things came up an she took in my 2 cousins now we have 7 kids in the house hold. Things are to hectic or crazy for me and she is always stressed out and yells a lot. I just want to know if there is a possible way that I can go live with my biological father?
My 14 year has decided that she wants to live with me but she has been with her father since she was two and I need some advice how to get the custody change without costing me an arm an leg for lawyers and court and also wanting to know if I can get this done without a lawyer in Chattanooga Tennessee.
My parents have been divorced for about four years now and my parents thought it was best for me to live with my mom, and up till now I feel as though everything my mom has done has been for my stepdad who makes me feel like a freak. The other day I was upset and I didn’t know why and my mom asked what was wrong. I said I didn’t know. And he just laughs at me. Like I am some hopeless case that can never be fixed. He says that he “loves me and my brother.” And it feels as though he doesn’t because ever since I got home from vacation on my dad’s side he has been so ticked off and it makes me feel like it’s all my fault. He yelled at my mom that same morning and I feel as though he hates us all. I want to live with my dad but I don’t even know my rights. As a fourteen year old. I want to live with my dad I really do, but I know if my mom wins I’ll never see my dad again. And she’ll hate me forever. What do I do?
I am 15 and I live with my dad for 4 years and now I want to move in with my mom all my family is in Florida and my dad lives in Tennessee but I like both places but each time I come down to see her I want to stay more and more with her she does not have that much money but my dad does and his girlfriend has 2 kids and I really don’t like them but I did what I have to do so he will be happy but I miss my mom more and when I am with my mom I really don’t miss my dad. What do I do plzzzzz help Btw I want to be with my mom and family that lives by here
My mom and I got stronger in the last couple months and my dad and I got worst. My mom is going to jail for 18 months, I have shared custody with my mom and dad. My dad became very strict and weird, I could explain a lot but honestly it’s a lot to tell about. He doesn’t abuse me at all or anything. Now that my mom is leaving I want to stay with my nana(my moms mom) every other week. Well my dad is not allowing that. He’s really making this a lot worst for me than it has to be. My mom has talked to her lawyer and for me to live with my nana, because I have all the rights to make that choice, I’ll have to talk to a judge. This is hard for me, I don’t want to spend my sophomore and half of my Junior year, with my dad. I’m not aloud to do anything, I still have a bedtime at 9:30 and a lot of other stuff that is just not right. I’ve been crying all day and I cry all the time when I’m at my dad.
I’m 16 and my parents seperated when I was around 11 years old because my dad was always drunk and he got really angry when he was drunk. I have lived with my mom ever since and we have a really good relationship. I love her so much. My dad about 3 years ago finally decided to get sober so now he doesn’t drink anymore. My mom has been an alcoholic ever since she was a teenager and I hate being around her when she’s drunk. I feel like I never get to really TALK to her because she’s a stranger when she’s drunk. Also I have a ‘stepfather’ and he’s REALLY horrible, he verbally abuses me and my twin sister and blames us for every single thing that goes wrong at our house, he makes me feel worthless and horrible. My mom has told me again and again that she will ‘talk to him’ about it but my stepfather never changes. I also live in the middle of nowhere and my dad lives in the city. I feel so isolated from the world and I hate my town, school and home life. Now that my dad is a recovering alcoholic I want to live with him. Life at his house would be so much better. The only thing stopping me is actually telling my mom. I love my mom so much but I really don’t want to hurt her feelings. I’m terrified that if I tell her that I want to move in with my dad that she’ll start crying and I’ll feel so guilty. I don’t know what to do 🙁
You have to tell her especially if she still is getting drunk. She may not believe that your father has changed bit you need to see him and she can’t stop you from doing that. Will she be hurt probably but she will always live you.
Hi my name is Amber I’ve for a long time wanted to go live with my dad and now that i have turned 12 me and my dad have been talking about this. I haven’t told my mom because last time I asked her to at least speak to my dad about it she screamed and yelled at the both of us. My dad says that he is going to ask around to see if its legal to just come pick me up, because no one has legal custody of me….I’m really confused
Hi I’m 14 I’ve been living with my dad and now my mom wants me to move with her I pushed this whole court thing because I thought my mom treated me better but now my dad is saying reasons not to go with her and my mom is saying reasons not to stay with my dad I love both of them and they both are equals how do I choose?
I know how your feeling. That’s exactly how I am feeling right now. Except my mom doesn’t know I want to move in with my dad. What you feel in your heart is what you feel. If you still want to live with your dad. Do it. If you want to live with your mom and have to go to court to get what you want, fight for it. Listen to what you want. Wright down what their saying and weigh that on your choices. Make a list of pros and cons for each parent. That will help you, at least it did for me 🙂
just assure your brother that he has you support and try to not talk about the subject and give him too much information about what is going on. Give him the basics and then make sure he know that you are there for him and everything will turn out ok. I am 16 and I have 7 little siblings. my parents have been divorced for 4 years. they share costody 50/50. one week with my dad and then the next with my mom. my mom talks bad about me to my other siblings. she lies to me. I hate my stepdad and the whole atmosphere of my moms house just isn’t good. I want to move to my dads. I already mentioned it to my mom. she was really mad and told me I needed to go to a support group. I’m moving to my dads in 2 days no matter what she says or threatens to do. I really don’t know what I’m going to tell my siblings or how they are going to react because I am the oldest.
I’m 15 and I have a 10 year old brother. My parents have been arguing a lot and my mom has been threatening my dad that he should leave. I don’t really know anything about divorce and the legal stuff that’s involved. I just want to know everything that I can know and my rights in the divorce if it ever happens. I also want to know how to help my brother in every way possible bc he’s very emotional and I don’t want him to be very stressed about it if it happens. I don’t really know where I stand and idk how I feel about anything I just want to know how to help my brother cope with the fighting and maybe later on a divorce.
Hi. I’m 15!!!!My mom is planning on leaving my dad and she wants me to live with her but I want to live with my dad. But my mom says that she won’t let me see or talk to my dad is that right or not. And if I go with my dad he would let me see my mom but she won’t let me cause she doesn’t wanna see or talk to my dad. idk what to do.
Im 13 o dislike my step dad only bc i get in trouble for everything and he favors my brother over me i am constantly stressed at my moms bc i get in trouble for the most unintellegent way like i triped on a step and got in trouble. my dad has a way sutible home with a happy family that includes my step mom and 2 step sisters. i have chores at both houses and responsiblities my moms house is just way way more strict only cause my step dad makes it and i get in trouble for something but my brother will do the same and nothing will happen. my step dad hates me so i hate him amd my dad well i barley get to see him during the school year and so i want to move to my dads. ihope to accomplish less stress and to see my dad more and also to get away from my step dad can someone tell me what i need to do to acomplish this i NEED help
I’m 16 years old and my parents never got married they have avoided court because they didn’t want to deal with the legal things. I live with my mom but I visit my dad once or twice a month and he is demanding for me to go over there and I do not want to because we have been butting heads. my friend told me if they never went to court I am allowed to choose when I want to go over there I was wondering if this was true?
you can choose your at the age
Hi, my name’s Tina I live with my mother and will be turning 18 in just a little over a month can I go ahead and leave home were not getting along and I want to go live with my boyfriend could my mom get me for a runaway! Also she would know where I was?
Tina, I think that if you ran she cannot do anything as you are 18 at the Legal age of being an Adult she cannot consult you as your at the age of adult
Hi I am keyera . I want to live with my dad because my mom would call me names and take my things even though my mom didn’t buy them[example my phone it has been two months].My dad give me space and super cool while my mom is nosy and would slap me .she also forces me to eat I am 11 in 6 grade I will be 12 in 2 month , please help me move?!!!!
I’m am the child on this website and I want to go live with my dad I will be twelve in a month. So if I show this to my mom will it give her some thought in mind
Hi I am Lani.I really wish I could go live with my dad he understands me more than my mom and doesn’t slap me when I even didn’t have to do anything wrong I am only 10 in may be 11. Please help me move with my daddy in illinois. PLEASE LET ME MOVE
I’m trying for my grandma to get full custody over me because if I’m with my mom or dad I feel like the only way out of going to either of there houses is suicide, I’m at my dads house right now and I am thinking about doing suicide because all he does is catter to my Brother and I can tell he loves him more but that’s not the point I want to know if I can get my grandma full custody over me can anyone help I am 13 years old .thank you
I also think that same sitition
I’m 14 years old and my parents have been separated for a couple of years now, and officials divorced for a while. In my situation I stay with my dad on Thursdays and every other weekend from Thursday to Sunday. The rest of the time I stay with my mom.
I want to stay with my mom all of the time. I have really bad anxiety about school, homework, sports, and pretty much life in general. Although I’ve never been diagnosed with anxiety, sometimes I throw up because I get so apprehensive. Having to pack up my life and move every week really stresses me out. Add that to how much homework I have this year, and a lot of the time my stomach is in knots because I’m so worried. Also, sometimes my dad, sister, and I go out to dinner, but nobody told me of the plans, so when I get back home I have no time to do my homework, much less relax or watch some tv.
My dad and I also fight a lot. This also gives me a lot of stress. His personality really aggravates me. He seems to think that I blame him for the divorce, but I really don’t. He just bothers me for a lot of reasons. He always needs to be in the center of attention, the volume of the radio is always turned all the way up (which really hurts my ears), he gets into my personal space all the time when I’d rather just be alone, and he uses all of my stuff (shampoo, body wash, soap, etc.).
I’m an introvert, so I tend to spend most of my time in my room, usually doing homework. My dad always says that I’m avoiding him, that I clearly hate him (and I don’t! I like him but he can be very nettlesome), and that I don’t act this way at my mom’s house. I spend 99.9% of my free time in my room no matter which house I’m at.
He can’t stand when he has nothing to do. I’ll be perfectly content to use my little bit of spare time to read a book or watch and episode of my favorite TV show, but he always tries to make me do whatever he wants to do. I have to sit and watch a movie that I really don’t enjoy for two hours just because he says so when I have a ton of homework.
His house is also not great. I’d rather sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag than on the mattress he provides. The doors don’t lock and he always barges into my room without knocking.
He is always out of the house, too. Most of time he is out having dinner with his friends and/or drinking alcohol (He’s definitely not an alcoholic, but he does favor the drink). I don’t understand why I have to stay at his house when he’s not even here when I could be spending time with my mom (who I don’t see that much because of the way her work schedule is).
My dad also acts like everything he does is so great. He always brags about he drove me to school that one time (I take the bus, but it was in the negative temperatures, so I asked for a ride), how he drives my friends and I everywhere, how he pays for all of our clothes (when my mom actually pays for everything), and just how great he is to us. But other times he complains about ‘how much’ he does for us.
In conclusion, my dad’s personality grates on my nerves and I don’t feel at home in his house. Constantly switching living arrangements gives me lots of anxiety. Is there a way that I could change my current situation into one that better suits my needs as a growing adolescent?
I’m 16 years old. My father has legal custody of me. I have not seen my mother for around seven years. But I want to live with her now. I have Ben talking to her recently, just not seen her in person. I just hate my home life with my father. I’m not abused or anything, he doesn’t do drugs or anything harmful to me. I don’t have a very good reason for wanting to leave other than he treats me like a maid and unfair. I have a stable job, and he takes all of my paychecks. I do not get any of them. I just want to live with my mom. Can I up and leave when I turn 17? Will the court need to be involved?
I just turned 16 on March 19th. My parents divorced in June I think? Possibly December. And I asked them both if I had a say into where I would live and they just avoided the question. My mother, her fiánce and I argue on a daily bases. I’m so sick of it and I wish to move with my dad. Biggest question to me is, can and do I have a right to? I have no idea where to start.
I am 14 years old my parents got a divorce when i was one and my dad got full custody and i only got to see my mom every other weekend but 3 years ago dad changed it didnt go to court or anything he just said my sister and i can see mom every other week and all of a sudden he tell me i cant see her its going back to the everyother weekend and i hate it i feel depressed and i just wanna cry i love my mom more than dad, because i cant stand his wife and hes not a dad to me i wanna live with mom.
Hi I’m 14 and I really want to live with my mom I have to wait for a while tho since she’s in jail right now for alcohol abuse. But she’s getting out in a month she’s just waiting for a bed at first step. But she is trying really hard!!! I want to live with her because my grandmother yells at me and my siblings. I wouldn’t want my siblings to live with me and my mother because if she gets out and I get to live with her, after she gets cleared up because if she gets high and comes home and acts weird or she brings someone home or something I don’t want them to see that. I just don’t know of when I’d get that chance.
I’ve lived with my mom my whole life, but now it feels like no matter what i do i get yelled at. I’m scared to leave though because i still love my mom…my dad wants me to live with him, so its a hard burden to carry.
I am 14 and in April I will be 15 my mom has custody of me and my dad has visitation rights every other weekend and two weeks during the summer. My mom and dad was divorced before I was even born. My dad when I was 4 married my stepmom I use to never want to leave my dad’s but then my half sister was born she’s really annoying then I have a little half brother who constantly hits kicks jumps and pushes me he gets away with everything my stepmom tells me I need to go back to where I came from and talk bad about me behind my back so now I don’t even want to be at my dad’s so I always just go to my aunt’s when I go to my dad’s but is there a way so I don’t have to be at my dads at all I love my dad just don’t like my.stepmom and half brother i use to cut because of them.
I’m 12 my names Alyssa my parents have been divorced since I was 4 I have lived with my mom my whole life I have 2 brothers one of the lives with me and my mom and the other one with my dad my mom has been lying to the court and doesn’t let me visit my dad she is rude and mean criticizes me I want to live with me dad but my brother is here and my best friend since I was 5 I love her and I don’t want to leave her but I really need to start fresh I don’t know what to do 🙁
So, Im 15 years old and had enough of my moms crap, shes always telling me that I don’t do anything and that I just sit around and all that stuff. Well I called my dads lawyer and his lawyer said that I can Live with my dad with I want to? Well does anyone know how long this will take to happen because i’m sick of living with my mom… HELP??
I’m 15 and my parents have been divorced since I was 7. My brother and I see my dad on the weekends. My mom got remarried and my dad lives alone in a one bedroom apartment. I hate admitting that I like my moms house more because it’s bigger and cleaner and is a nice environment. My dad’s place is dirty, cramped, and smelly. He’s struggling with money right now and sometimes there’s no food. We don’t really talk when we’re there, he usually just sleeps. I feel like I shouldn’t be complaining because he really is trying, but I hate his apartment. I like my mom’ better even though I love them equally. Sometimes I don’t even go to his place. I can tell it hurts him and I always feel terrible about it. I’m afraid to confront him about it because he has anger issues and unpredictable moods. He’s depressed and lonely when we aren’t there. How can confront him about these feelings?
Can I move yet
Ohkay so I lived with my mom for two years. Then I moved with my dad last year and it was all good at first! Then lately me and my dad have been fighting back and forth for like the last two months. When my sister does something he blames me for it. Also I’m 15 so am I able to take him to court and see if I can move in with my mother?
figuring out where i wanna live
When i was a little baby my mom gave me to my great grandparents, they have raised me for 16 years. And now my mom beginning of 2013 i met my dad for my first time and i wanted to wait tell i was 18 but it happened so quickly. so now hes back into my life, and i keep telling my grandparents i wanna live with my dad now, because i wanna be with my dad. But my mom has full custody and my great grandparents have Guardianship. This past week i told my great grandpa i want to live with my real dad. I wanna be with him. my family don’t like my dad but i do hes back in my life, and i wanna be around him.
i pick my daddy over my mom. but she picks a fight all the time. well i want to live with my daddy im 16 and i have a choice where i want to live.
trying to help my friend
I am trying to help my friend out with a parent problem. she is 13 she currently lives with her mom and wants to live with her dad. i was wondering if it would be worth her trying to live with her dad. she has told me that if she gets in trouble (for doing absolutly nothing or pointless things) her mom sends her down to her room and wont feed her lunch/dinner as a punishment. does what her mom do count as child abuse. my friend told me that her mom has physically hurt her but i am not sure how many times. her mom also has emotionally abused her so much she has no self-esteem and is very sensitive. i really want her to live with her dad so she can be happy but i dont know if she can stand up to her mom because she is terrified of her. i really want help for her.
both parents have positions in my life that balance out, but i can only choose one parent
my parents are still in court and i can only choose one. they both hit me, but with their reasons, like bad grades. but my father is the one who is the dependant, but i’m scared that if i leave my mother she will experience emotional breakdown and truma. my father made an excuse that he has low income and somehow he is only going to pay sixty dollars for 3 children in one month, september, there is a supervised visitation with my father so far(my mother has current custody, i dont know wether it will stay like that). i’ve also been threatened by my mother that bad things will happen if i decide to live with my father, which i doubt but cant deny. now i’m in indesicion of who to live with 🙁
i dont know
My dad can be a strick loving parent and puts his kids before him never gives up my mom is loving parent who trys to get thing done when it needs to be they both loves me to death and will do anything they can do to help
Ive never liked my mom in general because she is so rude and disresepctful to me and she has abused me several times she pullef me by my hair into her house and then we got into a bloody fistfight and she broke my nose and my stepdad slammed me into the wall several timez and i told my dad i want 2 live with him and he said when he gets custody over me cause my mom and dad were never married when they had me so does it cost money for my dad to get full custody over me and keep me away from my mom for good and have no contact at all with my mom?
My parents have been divorced since I was 2. My mom has primary custody and I’m only with my dad every other weekend and Wednesday nights and then I stay over every other Tuesday. During summer I am there even more, Tuesday and Wednesdays nights, and of course every other weekend. My problem is that I don’t wanna go to my dad’s at all. I don’t feel comfortable there, I never have. Him and his wife that he married after my mom (my stepmom) had a kid when I was 7 so he is 7 years younger than me so of course everything is about him. My stepmom and dad also argue constantly and my dad is always on the phone. He is either on the phone with work or something about baseball and it really hurts when I can barely say bye to him some mornings because he is on the phone. Should me and my mom contact the master to eliminate me seeing him?
My court date is tomorrow
So my court date is tomorrow, July 3rd 2014, and my mom has custody of my two sisters and I. We have experienced child abuse since we were super little, like yanking our hair, pushing us towards walls, slapping us repeatedly, and kicking us while we are down. It isn’t just physical abuse it is also emotional abuse. For example, she would make racist comments, call us her slaves, and say we were going to hell if we didn’t do something right away, like massage her. I am thirteen right now, I have a 15 and 11 year old sister. My mom currently doesn’t give us our child support money. She buys food once every 2 weeks and our house has 8 people living in it. She put a lock on the fridge do it is impossible to get food when i come back from school and i absolutely loathe having dinner with her because she is always fighting with us along with her husband. Two weeks ago my stepdad beat my older sister up and kept hitting me, because he has the cops on his side and is always calling them saying we are “terrorizing” my mom so they told him that he could hit us. But all he does is lie right now I am at my aunts house and waiting for the order. They will probably twist us into a more terrible lie and tell it in court. My dad USED to gamble and he USED to hit my mom do that won’t look good on his part, but my mom has reports on us saying that we are trouble. I need help with this ASAP. Hopefully, my dad gets custody already.
Hi my name is krysta I am 16 years old my parents have been separated since I was 3 I have just recently decided I want to live with my dad. He lives in Alabama but my mom lives in Ohio so I only get to see my dad during summer break. My mom and I have been bunting heads lattly she just got a new boyfrend and we don’t get along great my mom has also tried to anyway from my dad that recentaly just stopped and tried to make him seem like a bad father which he isnt but I talked to my mom and told her I don’t want to live with her anymore and she said no can she do this??
I’m 12 years old and resently I lived with my grandparents. I just moved in with my mom but my grandparents still have legal guardian ship. but I really want to live with my dad. Hes the best thing thats ever happened to me. I dont know how to tell anyone this because i dont want my mom and step dad to scream at me. I need help.
I am having the exact same problem.
My father is constantly verbally abusive to my mother and at times me as well. When my mom first married my dad, she did it soley because she was pregnant with me and wanted me to grow up with a father. Since then he has shouted obsenities constantly at my mother, never takes responsibility for his actions, and attempts to guilt me out by telling me that I don’t love or respect him and I am ruining his marriage with my mom. I’ve had it. I’ve wanted my mom to get a divorce for a while now. She is obviously unhappy and the situation we are in is not healthy. She says she will go through the divorce once I graduate, but things have progressively worsened and I believe she will divorce him very soon. I will be 18 in a few months and am worried if my parents do get divorced I will be placed with my father as my mom makes a very small income in comparison to my dad. However, he has severe ADD which he refuses to take meds for and is rarely able to hold down a job for more than a year. My mom has practically raised me on her own. Do I have a case to stay with my mom if they get divorced before I’m 18?
just save enough money and move to a different house/apartement
Ok so I just recently moved to Washington with my aunt and my mom lives in California. I want to live with my mom because she’s my mother and I think most growing children need there mom. I’m a 12 year old girl. Can I pick to go back home with my mom?
Well.. most of your reasonings to live with the opposite parent are not a good reason. The courts would more than likely throw the case out or not even listen to it just because you’re fighting with your mother or father. As long as your parent is providing food, clothes, education, and a roof over your head their job is done! you have to come up with a logical reason why you would like to move in with your mom or dad.. “Just because we fight a lot.” is NOT a reason! Ex. I am almost 16, my mother has kicked me out of the house in the freezing cold and I am failing my studies in school because she simply doesn’t care enough, she has almost broken my ribs and hand before and is not working, therefore we have “no money” other then child support from my father thank god! but reading these it sounds like petty reasons and the court isn’t just going to say “Ok, you can go live with them” it takes awhile and if your parents don’t just come to an agreement you have to go through curt, write a letter, and if you DO get granted the privilege to live with that parent you have to move, find a new school, doctor, dentist, move all of your stuff or in most cases (get new stuff). Think about it before.. and 12,13,14 is too young to be going through that.
My parents are getting a divorce. They are in the middle of it right now. I want to live with my mom. So do my sisters and my brother. We thought things were gonna be ok but that my dad at the last minute decided he wanted full custody. My mom says shes not going to let that happen. I love my dad. We all do. But, we need our mother. My dad works all the time so it would be too stressful and hard on us and him if he got full custody. We need to live with my mom. We all know that it would be so much better and easier. But my dad won’t listen. I’m 13….I love both of my parents equally but it would just be best for everyone if we lived with our mom. She is willing to let us see my dad whenever we want. And let him get the most out of the whole $ issue. I want to know if since I’m 13…if I can choose who I get to live with. Can I? I’m willing to do whatever possible to make sure that way stay we or at least me…stay will my mom.
Home >> Articles >> Choosing Mom or Dad: Can A Child Choose Where To Live? Choosing Mom or Dad: Can A Child Choose Where To Live?
Im 12 aaaaand, my mom one time called me an a** ive decided that i want my dad to have full custody over me 😀 Soooooo can i do that Now or do i have to wait?
Living with Mom
See, I want to go live with my mom, she doesnt have a job, she is living in an apartment, but I really think it’d be better if I did. My dad has smoking, drinking and anger issues. I love my dad, but I don’t want to live with him anymore, I always smell like smoke when I leave the house. I can’t get rid of the smell, and he is never going to stop, he has been doing it since he was 14. I don’t know what to do, because my dad pays for a lot of my things, he tries to be a good parent, but he has a lot of problems. He refuses to smoke outside. I know he will be really sad if I leave. I dont want to hurt his feelings, I know that if I left to go live with my mom, I wouldn’t be able to do dance. I just am wondering if I did go live with my mom, if she would get some sort of child support.
I dont know what to do. I am only 12. I don’t want my dad messed up even more than he already is.
I’m having the same problem but im 14 (gonna be 15 in about 2 months) I argue with my dad daily and he smokes and drinks and has anger issues, i’ve been living there 3 years and my mom lives in texas, he always said “if you gotta make a move, go ahead and call” so yesterday i finally did, and now he’s trying to force me to stay with him. Well i’m not going down without a fight, i will be leaving in a matter of days and it will include cops and court. Yes there will be problems but you know what, i love my mother and i just cannot live with him anymore.
it’s ok , fight for your rights !
I live with my mom on weekdays and supposed to be at my dad’s on weekends but I have so much with school and stuff I haven’t been able to go. He gets angry and is verbally abusive in my eyes.. it made me really depressed and when he gets mad at me I feel worse hes extremely hurtful but I’m scared to take it to court because I don’t know what he’ll do.. I’m 15 and I hate my living situation.. just we need money.. any advice would help..
my parents divorced because my mom cheated on my dad, the weekends with dad are fun but me and my sister are always getting brainwashed, my sister is treating my mom like crap. dad is always complaining about his life. i can’t choose a side because i don’t want to hurt any ones feelings. i know my mom did the wrong thing but she is still my mother. i love her very much and i love my dad too. divorces are so hard. i am only 12.
classiffied can you try and talk to your dad? Tell him that you love him and miss him and look forward to spend the weekend with him, but when he tells you how bad his life is it makes you sad. Ask him what you can do?
I’m 16 years old soo to be 17 and my parents are divorce since I’m 1 year old my mom got my full custody but I don’t like her anymore She is always screaming at me she treats me like a maid and I just don’t want to be here she doesent even love me or demostrates care for me! I feel like I’m trash to her and she makes me feel like it to I want to go live with my dad but we live in to different states!
What can I do can I go with him or do I have to stay with my mom until I’m 18?
i just want to go to SC to my grandparents for 2 months so i wouldn’t face every thing at my house.
Aunt or Mom
I’m 14 Iive with my grandma for right now. Me and my mom are yelling at each other that I need to ether live with her or with my grandma my mom is divorced. She has been married 4 times once with my real dad and the second and fourth time with my step dad Mike and third time with this guy named buddy. I want to live with my Aunt Brenda because she can spend time with me and if I’m with my mom all she does is yell at me. I’ve already am self harming myself and the reason is because im getting bullied and she is forcing me to live with her what should I do.
Please don’t harm your slelf I know that it’s a lot of pressure and you feel terrible about your self but don’t let the bully’s get what they want by harming your self instead try to logically work out the problem try to get your mom to understand what you want and your problems and maybe she will let you go live with your aunt but if this don’t work get up with one of your friends or someone close to you and try to stay with them for a couple of days and settle everything in your mind and maybe call someone you can trust and talk it out with them because I know that I’m just a stranger but if you ever need someone to talk to and me ok Instagram and I’ll dm you @S.M.JOHNSON.1376
Ok im 15 and my mom has primary custodian of me, but recently me and my mom have been arguing daily. And i think if there is anyway i can save my relationship with her i will have to move to my dad’s and give him primary custodian and she would have visitation instead. My vocab might be off so what i mean is i mainly live with my mom but i still see my dad over breaks and one weekened a month sometimes more, all i want to do is just flip it where i mainly live with my dad but still visit my mom over breaks and weekeneds. Do i have to testify in court or do my parents just have to do it.
No, you won’t have to testify in court. What will happen is they will give you a guardian adlightem (the person in court who looks after the welfare of the children.) that you will have an appointment with and tell what you want to do and why. Based off of what you say they will give a heavily weighted suggestion to the court as to what type of custody and with whom should be placed. But you will not have to go to court
Its ad-litem….lol
I’m 16. My dad and mom have been divorced since I was 4 & at that time my dad got custody of me up until I was 14. Me and my dad start butting heads all because I was becoming a teenager so I ran to my mom & she took it back to court. They have since then had joint custody of me, my mom being primary custodian. My dad was only granted standard visitation. However, lately I’m realizing that I made a hug mistake by doing that. The past few weeks I’ve mostly been staying at my dads & my mom is trying to make me come home. I don’t want too and I think I’ve made myself clear on that. Can she make me? Do I need to contact my guardian a litem?
I have no idea! I recently have made that mistake and I want to move back to my dad’s and my mom refuses to let me go back. Is there anyway I can just move back there?
I would talk to your guardian adlightem if you have one or talk to your dad about starting the process through court if your parents can’t agree.
Neither of your parents can FORCE you to live either place. My dad am mom got divorced 6 yrs ago and i have lived with my dad since then. We went to court two years ago when i wanted to live with my dad and he got custody of me and i was supposed to visit my mother but i decided i didn’t want to even see her so i told her that i was not going to even visit. She couldn’t make me go anywhere unless she went back to court so she left it alone. Now, 2 yrs later, i realized the same thing: That i had made a huge mistake as well. I am still with my dad but in a few months I’m moving to my moms place because of alot of major issues me and my dad has regarding: Religion, my becoming a teenager as well, my views.opinions, all that.
Hi my names vanessa and I’ve been going through the same sort of thing does anyone know how I am supposed to let my mom know I don’t want to live with her , without her getting mad or sad . That just makes this more difficult but I don’t want to live with her . I don’t know what to do anymor !
You just have to sit down with her and tell her, she’s going to cry because she’s going to feel she has failed you. It’s just something you will have to talk to her about.
I’m Alena and I’m 15, just say that you miss your dad and would like to live with him for a bit, or just be straight up, she knows you love her, and just wants the best for you.
Hi my name is Paris and my mom and dad got a divorce my mom got me. but i want to live with my dad. i lived in Washington but my mom brought me California and i want to go back to Washington to live with my dad because i know he could take way better care of me and all my friends are down there. My mom lives with her own mom!!! and my dad on the other hand has lots of money. And im only 12 years old
You should not want to go back because he has lots of money … I know it is really hard for you .. I went through the same thing but if you need someone to talk to .
Hello my name is Calton Moore im 10 years old and my mom + dad got a divorce when i was 4,My Dad wants me to come and live with him and yes i do want to but all my friends are at my moms house. My mom has more money and a nicer house than my dad does but my dad works harder than she does and my dad is more fair( my mom always lets my sister have her friend over and im in my room crying because its not fair and she never lets my friends over) he always lets me do stuff both my sister and me want. My mom has custody over me and she didnt let my sister live with my dad when she was 13. Help please!
My parents got divorced when i was in 4th grade and ever since then i have lived with both of my parents and i really want to live with my dad because my mom is lazy, she never does anything with me, she never buys me my stuff i need for school and sports, and she always puts herself before me , she never gets me clothes to wear amd my dad dows everything for me he buys me all of my school supplies and all my sports stuff and always puts me before him.
Paris, im in the same exact situation .. How did you get this to happen exactly? I wanna live with my dad but mom is holding me back from it. I wanna keep it a secret from my mom so she cant stop me.. Im 14 and need advise on how to do this on my own..
Im Cooper, im 13 and my mom has custody on me, my mom and I dont have the best relationship and I really dont want to be with her. Ive lived in georgia for 3 years and my dad lives in Vancouver Canada, my hometown where all my friends are, my dad may not have lots of money but hes nice and kind to me., they got divorced when i was about 6 and that was the saddest day of my life. Recently my mom has limited my time on skype for me to talk to my dad. I feel like shes trying to further me away from him. Right now they are at court and My dad is trying to take custody over me. Which id love. But im around the age where i can choose but i dont know how to tell my mom i want to live with my dad. I have troubles sleeping at night because i miss my dad so much.
When in the situation, it sucks, i’m there to but you have to sit down with your mom and talk to her. It’s going to break her heart to know her “baby” doesn’t want to be with her because she’s going to feel she failed you. If they are still going to court you can go and testify saying you would like to go with your father. If you would still want to go to your moms then they would have to talk about summer vacation. I’m 15 and i’m trying to go to my moms.. I get limited time to talk to her to. All anyone can say is you have to be the strong one and talk to your mom about your feelings about it. She needs to know you’re hurting over it to.
I am Tyler Nicole and my mom has custody of me . I really want to live with my dad tho because hes nice to me and understands me . My mom may buy me nice things like shoes clothes and keeps a roof over my head but she keeps me stuck in the house like a dog i am almost 15 she wont let me go to the movies at night or have fun with friends and i just asked her if i can see my cousin and aunt who i miss so much but she said no because she doesnt like them and that really hurt my feelings . Ive ran away twice from her and still am forced back ive told her i have wanted to live with my dad and that hurt her but i didnt mean to because i was serious my dad treats me great he lets me see my family and friends he lets me see my little sister and he does what he can for me I also want to live with him because of school he lives by a school which all my friends go to . Right now (no offense) i am black at a mostly asian and white school they make racist comments to me and i tell my mom but shes like well thats gonna happen i tell the teachers they don’t believe me i hate it there ? on top of that my mom hardly pays attention to me shes either working on the phone or outside drinking a wine . She caused my older sister anxiety attacks from stress and i dont wanna be like that I WILL LIVE WITH MY DAD . Period
I am Tayler and I have lived with my mom my whole life but I just don’t feel comfterble living with my mom anymore I stayed with my daddy on fall break and resized me life would be better with my dad and I have tried to come out and tell my mom but she always says go do it when I get ready to pack up she never actually lets me leave? Why? I want to live with my dad y doesn’t she want me to be happy?? Please HELP ME
Hey I’m crystal and I’m in the exact situation too. I just want to let you know I’m the same age and going through the same thing.Your not alone in this. I hope end the end you get what you want
Same thing here im 10 yo ind i have the same problem she never lets me out of the house
hang in there… 🙂
I’m kind of in the same place as you except that it’s my mom I want to live with…
I have the same problem im awake thinking about him in the night and at school i get in trouble because i dont do my work because i think about my dad
I live in the country with my mum and every second weekend I go to my dads in the city. On the holidays I spend a week with my dad and it is boring and there is nothing to do. I always want to come home to mums. Some weekends when I’m with dad and it’s time to go back to mums l want to spend extra time with dad. My parents divorced when I was 5 and I’m 12 now. It is hard and complicated but I’m getting through it all.
hang in there! 🙂
I’m 15 and I live my mom and my real dad, but I would rather live with my step dad he has joint custody but we moved and my dad won’t let me see him, he’s not very nice to my mom and he constantly gives me stress. What do I do?
ignore him I know how u feel I get it all the time from my step mom
i know i am probably like 3 years late but i need help!!! So im only 12 years old and i live with my mom and go to my dads house on the weekends (they said i dont have to go everytime if i didnt want to) and my dad and stepmom live an hour away from were i live with my mom and my mom is getting pretty old. She is a year from 60 and i feel like it is possible that she passes away in the 10 years or so and im very young. If she passes away, i do NOT want to go live with my dad and stepmom (she diesnt treat my like her own kid and i think she should ) so how would i deal with this? If I am older than 18 when she passes away than will i get to live by meself or do i have to move away to my dad? I have lots of family and friends and my dad and my stepmoms family is the only family that loves an hour away! I have a best friend who has always been for me and we even planned to go to the same college togethe but im not so sure that will happen. 🙁 PLEASE HELP AND REPLY TO ME!!! ?
If you are 18 or older than 18 when she passes away do not worry you don’t have to live with your dad. However, if she passes away before you turn 18 then you might have to go live with your dad or ask to live with another family member. Also how long have your stepmom and dad been together? She could just not be comfortable. I get that she’s your stepmom, but imagine marrying someone and having a child pop up into your life which you now have to take care of.
I’m 13 and I know how u feel my dad treats me like im 5 and I hate it
I am Micaela my parents got divorced when I was a little over 4-5 but since my mom is a flight attendant she gets to choose her schedule. So she gets to choose when she has us because i switch back and forth. But idl my mom most night when im here i really miss my dad and was trying to figure our how i can choose who i live with even tho the court already says this and that is there a way???? please reply and if there is a way how do i tell my mom i am 13-2
I’m 13 and I know how u feel my dad treats me like that
I’m 12 this year and I live with both of my parents I swap houses every Friday but just resontly I have started horses riding at my moms and I would like to spend more time with her but I still don’t want my dad to feel bad I’m starting netball I had to stay at my friends house so then I could go to netball but when my dad picked me up he was yelling at me and swearing about how far the drive Is and he told me that he didn’t want me playing because he didn’t want to drive down and my mom always would I really want to live with her but still want to see my dad please reply
If you are 18 you could technically get a job and get a place to live in. But most 18-year-old people don’t have a good job so I would somehow start making money from now and save up. Also, I think you are totally fine no worries…
hi my names taylor and i know how it feels to be abused.
this is serious go get help from anyone!
Hi my name is michael I am turing 12 in february 2016 whatever you do even if it sucks do not go to your dad plz just kisten to me just dont do it thats when the step mother comes in next thing you know they dont tell you that they got married 3 or 4 years ago in hawaii your dad spends 1.2 million dollars for his freaking wife buys her everything and dont get anything good back from your dad at all yes you get stuff games that cost money and rc car that cost 500 dollarsa and a apple computer yes that is spoiled and i’ve been threw it but now its all gone i dont want get spoiled again right now i just want one thing and its a airsoft gun my dad wont let me have it, i make my bed do chores etc. and thats good for me yes i know that many kid dont do that but its whatever
I live with my mother, and my parents are divorced, but my mother thinks that I should live with my father so I could be happier. I told her that I wouldn’t be happy with either parent so I will just stay where I am now and now she’s forcing it on me. If I don’t change she’s going to kick me out of my house and make me live with my father. The thing is, my father already has a family who he is living with. And I have nothing to change about how I act. My mom keeps on telling me and herself that I’m the issue, but she’s the one who emotionally and physically abuses me. What do I do??
how old are you?
Dude honestly I feel you I’m a 13 year old kid and i somewhat know what that feels like but all I can say is to just pray and follow god in the path he is leading you he’s given this to you for a reason that no one knows so just pray and hope for the best