By Matt Allen
The choice of an attorney is an important decision, and knowing which divorce questions to ask is the quickest way toward understanding whether the lawyer you are speaking with is the right one for you.
When you go into an initial consultation looking for legal advice on divorce, think about what your priorities are for your divorce.
Divorced dads obviously want someone they can trust and confide in, but many fathers fail to ask important questions that would give them a better understanding of why they should hire a particular lawyer or firm.
According to the divorce lawyers of Cordell & Cordell, here is just a sampling of divorce questions to ask they think every prospective client should have in mind:
- How many cases do you handle at any one time? This should give you some inclination as to whether the attorney has the time to devote to your case.
- Have you handled cases like mine? For instance, some cases have a unique component. Even seasoned attorneys can get caught up in a situation where they simply do not know the procedures or commonly practiced habits of a different sort of court like juvenile or criminal court.
- What can I expect regarding billing statements and attorney fees? While most attorneys cannot accurately predict what they will spend on a case from the very outset, the attorney should be willing to explain how their services are billed, how often they send out statements and what they expect regarding payment of their fees.
For a complete list of divorce questions to ask, please read the divorce article “Buyer Beware: Choosing An Attorney.”
It’s also important to know what documents you should bring with you to the initial consultation. Remember, the more prepared you are with all the proper documents, the more you will get out of your initial consultation.
For example, you’ll at least want to bring these documents:
- Your most current W-2 form
- Tax documents (preferably the previous three years of filings)
- Statements of retirement accounts
- Evidence of marital misconduct (journals, e-mails, pictures, social network pages, etc.)
- Legal documents (complaints, orders of protection, petition for dissolution of marriage)
For a complete list of documents you should bring to your initial consultation, please read “What To Know For Your Initial Consultation.”
Cordell & Cordell has men’s divorce lawyers located across the nation fighting for the rights for fathers. To schedule an initial consultation, contact the Cordell & Cordell office nearest you.
Other helpful divorce resources:
Dealing With Your Attorney Effectively
DadsDivorce Live: Divorce Initial Consultation
I liked that you said that tone thing to consider when trying to find a good divorce attorney to hire is that you ask a lot of questions in order to make sure that they are experienced and have a good track record. I have been thinking about finding an attorney to have on hand in case I ever needed someone to represent me in court but I have been worried that I will not find someone who will do a good job. I will be sure to do my research and ask a lot of questions to make sure that I hire someone who will represent me well in court and will achieve a positive end result.
Thanks for this advice for picking a lawyer for a divorce. You mentioned that you should learn if they have handled similar cases in the past. This seems helpful especially if this means they can help you get through the case much faster.
You’ve got good questions here for asking a divorce lawyer. My friend is about to go through an ugly divorce, so I’m sure she’ll want a lawyer’s help. I’ll tell her to find someone who has handled a lot of similar cases to hers, like you said.
I really like the question about whether or not the divorce attorney has ever handled cases similar to your own. As the article points out, there is usually something that will make your case unique in comparison to other divorce cases. Because of this, it helps to find an attorney that has worked on divorce cases similar to your own.
If I had to go through a divorce, I would for sure want to get any kind of legal help. Now as you said here, it is always a good idea to ask questions. Of the ones you have here as examples, I would ask them if they have handled ones like mine before. That way, I can see if they’ll have a good idea of how to manage it.
I am worried about my uncle as he and his family go through a difficult time. He wants to make sure that he is getting the best kind of help for him. It might be useful for him to know that he should ask about their billing and how they do it.
I like that you suggested asking about how many cases they handle at that time since it can tell you if they are able to devote to your case. I will share this with my sister to ensure that she will be hiring a lawyer that can help her out the most. It’s because her husband won’t let her file for the divorce since he is not stable financially unlike my sister.
My brother and his wife are planning to get divorced and my brother wants to make sure that he gets partial custody of their kids, so he is thinking about hiring a divorce attorney to make sure everything is done legally. I like that you say to ask potential lawyers if they have handled similar cases in the past because it would be good for my brother to find a lawyer who has had success with divorce and custody cases in the past. Also, I think it would be good for my brother to compare the fees of a few different lawyers so that he can make sure he is getting a fair price.
Thanks for the tips for choosing a lawyer. My friend is going through a divorce, so we are trying to find him a good lawyer to help him. I like that you mentioned to ask how many cases they are handling. That way, you can see if they will have enough time for you. I will be sure to pass this on to my friend.
My friend is thinking about getting a divorce, and he was telling me that he might want to get a lawyer to help them out. I really like that you say to ask them how many cases do they handle at one time. It would be nice to know that you are going to get their full attention at one time.
I really like what you said about how the more prepared you are with all the proper documents, the more you will get out of your initial consultation. I’ve heard that some lawyers will actually tell you in advance just what documents they’re going to need so that you can be fully prepared. Very useful. I’ll have to keep these tips in mind if I’m ever in the situation where I need to hire a divorce attorney.