Financial Advice On Divorce: Modification Of Lifetime Alimony

Dallas Divorce LawyerQuestion:

I was ordered to pay lifetime alimony, but I am looking for financial advice on divorce to modify the award.

Since alimony was ordered, I have lost my job and have seen my medical expenses skyrocket due to various illnesses. My ex-wife is now living with her boyfriend, is in great health, and is well off financially because she no longer has many living expenses.

Am I in a position to have my lifetime alimony order reduced or terminated since I receive little income outside of social security benefits?


This answer only includes general divorce help for men since I am only licensed to practice in Texas and am thus unable to provide financial advice on divorce and the laws in other states.

Each state that recognizes modifiable alimony will list the factors considered for a modification in the state divorce laws.

You are absolutely entitled at any time to file a modification of your decree and the award of alimony. In order to qualify for a change, you to demonstrate that a change in circumstances has occurred.

It appears your ex-wife’s expenses have decreased due to her cohabiting and your expenses have greatly increased due to your illness.

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Modifying Alimony

Please understand that my opinions are based upon the limited facts that you provided to me. In order to receive financial advice on divorce, I urge you to contact a divorce lawyer.

To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Dallas Divorce Lawyer Amber Steiss Rechner, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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