How Do I Stop Spousal Support?

Question:elisabeth flemming attorney nevada

How do I go about stopping spousal support?


While I am not licensed to practice law in your state, I can give some general guidance on this issue.

You would have to bring a motion before the court to terminate your spousal support obligation, if you cannot come to an agreement with your ex-spouse regarding the termination.

Typically, there must be a change in circumstances (for example, the cohabitation of the receiving party, a change in financial circumstances on the paying or receiving party, etc.) that warrants this modification or termination.

Also, if your ex-wife is remarried, this is a basis for automatic termination of spousal support in most states.

Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult a domestic litigation attorney in your area to obtain specific advice as to the laws in your state and how they impact your potential case.

To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Nevada divorce lawyer Elisabeth Flemmingcontact Cordell & Cordell. 

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4 comments on “How Do I Stop Spousal Support?

    Hi, I divorced 14 years ago in Arkansas. I remarried and the Ex hasn’t. She doesn’t work even though she is a teacher. She didn’t work for the last 28 of the 32 years that we were married. My only child was an adult at the time of the divorce. I am 68 years old and really do want to fully retire. My alimony to the Ex is open-ended, forever until she remarries or cohabitates or dies. I have not applied for my social security benefits yet, but plan to soon. I assume that the EX cannot apply for them to get half of what I get until I apply. The way things are now, if my alimony stayed the same, she would get more money than me. She is also getting disability from Medicare. I am retired USAF and she gets half of my retirement and $900. per month of alimony. The decree said that alimony could be looked at again if there is a significant change in status, etc. Well, I cannot afford to retire and need a VERY GOOD recommendation for a VERY GOOD divorce attorney in Arkansas. I hate to take the “word” of your listing for 2 different law firms in Arkansas. I assume that the only reason that they were listed with you is that they paid you to have this “recommendation”. How do I find a STRONG recommendation other than asking someone who has been there or someone like you who knows who would be a good attorney for me? I feel my original attorney,; who, by the way. no longer does divorce law, was also helpful more to the Ex than she was for me!!!!! Please advise!! Thank you in advance for your time and hopefully, for your recommendation. I’ll pay you for your research time involved. Gregory W. Peck

    divorced male
    I live in a small crooked town the judge has me paying spousal support. I’m having to pay for my old house for the 5th time BC she ref I four times behind my back.I proved it in court and he still made me pay.My daughter is away at college and theystill won’t take her off my cs an

    courts and judges
    First of all,many judges in domestic courts do=not have any law degrees or experience in the court room. That’s why these judges make the stupid deceisions they make,exable a man has been locked up serving 90 days for being behind in his child support,so when the judge ask him,are you caught up on his support,he tells the judge you have had me locked up for the past 90 days,i work in the construction bus,i haven’t worked,THE JUDGE TELLS HIM,WELL HERE IS ANOTHER 90DAYS TO THINK ABOUT that stupid or what,he could have him on a work release program so he could go to work and return to jail after work was done for the day,that way he could make money for his support and serve his time.those are the judges that operate our domestic courts.u don’t have to look so far to find out why we have so many domestic problems,have a great day.CWO RET J.McKinster

    Not Likely
    In NJ you get permanent alimony if you are married for 12 or more years, or if the judge doesn’t like you.

    Stopping alimony is not only very costly, but it won’t happen even if you are terminally ill. Alimony WILL ruin your live and put you in an early grave and the courts couldn’t care less about you. The system is antiquated and the divorce lawyer community does everything to ensure permanent alimony remains.

    I’ve been paying alimony for over 20 years with no end in sight. Life sucks then you die!!!!!

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