I owe child support arrears for children that are now well into adulthood with their own families. It has been well over 10 years since my children reached the age of emancipation.
Has it been long enough to reach the statute of limitations or will I be obligated to pay the back child support no matter how old my children are? I provided them with money throughout the years, just not through the courts.
I am unable to give you legal advice on divorce. I can give general divorce help for men, though, my knowledge is based on Indiana child support laws where I am licensed to practice.
If your child support obligation has been reduced to judgment, then under my state’s child support laws, you would have an obligation to pay the judgment for the child support.
If your child support obligation has not been reduced to a judgment, then there would be an obligation on the opposing party to prove that the amount is owed and has not been paid and to seek a judgment compelling you to pay the child support arrearage.
You would have the opportunity to present evidence that you have provided support for the children as required by the order establishing your child support obligation.
Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult with a divorce lawyer in your jurisdiction.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Noblesville, Indiana Divorce Lawyer Sara Pitcher, contact Cordell & Cordell.
I do not owe the state…however, I’m paying arrears to the mother of my adult children. How can this issue be resolved, or can it.
The issue can be resolved by you paying what you owe her. You have accrued a debt just like any other debt and you do owe it regardless of how much time has gone by.
Wants to pay ( off child support Arrears where do you pay it off at in Orlando, Florida at the Court house or child support office where????
Where have you been making your payments? You must make the payments through the Child support system for you to get credit. Call your local office and ask what the next step would be.
OK I got a divorce at 97 she got physical custody I got joint custody along with pay child support too much later she abandon my daughter gives it back to me within two months I put her through school from 98 to 2001 I ended up being incarcerated my sister came and got my daughter and my mother took care of her for another year before her mother ever acknowledged to come get her in 2002 so I have custody of her for four years I was in cost I was incarcerated for six years got released into 008 2 months prior I get a letter in the mail stating I owe $41,000 in child support arrears this is unjust and unfair I’ve been playing this day been garnishing my wages since 2008 they put a lien on my account with $6400 I have records of my incarceration also records of the four years my daughter was in school how can you help to stop the arrears
Being incarcerated does not mean you are not liable for your debt.
An answered like that is why a lot of men are homeless summer dying cuz they just don’t have the money to pay the amount of Child Support order per month a hundred percent interest that’s unrealistic you made a mistake and he’s paying for it but he shouldn’t have to give his life for it 100 percentage that’s why some men end up doing something that put them in jail for over 20 years and I understand when it happens because of course a totally unfair to the men want us to pay for everything we don’t have all the money have to share the burden of a child
Did you ever think about the CP (or mother is most cases) who pay 100% plus more? The custodial parent foots the entire bill while waiting to be reimbursed by the absent parent. You men have it easy. You pay if and when you feel like it!
Men have it east,no thatsva generalization. I have one kidney that functions at 26%. Servere small bowel dicease. Thyroid cancer. Neuropathy in both feet and finally high blood pressure and cucci fungus. I’ve been ill since 1981. My ex wife remarried two years after qe divorced. I could not work full time wirh severe Crones disease. My children are in thier 30’s and 40’s. I’m now 63. So after ten surgeries I do not have it easy living on 1477 social security. Many men want to help thier children. Sometimes somthing severe happens and they can’t.
This is a mightmare paying back child support while my ex lives in a half a million dollar home and my children live better then I do.
Your health issues are very unfortunate however you still owe child support. Non custodial parents need to understand that. If your income changes then you need to ask for a modification to lower your payments. If there is a large enough variance you may be granted such.
There is NOT 100% interest on child support in any state in this country. The average is only 6% of the total owed.
42 US Code 654(21)(a) caps the amount of interest that states may charge on child support arrears at six (6) percent per year.
Since most states charge more than the amount of interest allowed by Federal law, I suggest that ALL parents have their arrears obligations recalculated.
Vice President Elect Mike Pence’s home state of Indiana is also the worst offender in this regard, because Indiana law allows a court to order up to 1-1/2 percent interest on child support arrears, which is three times the rate allowed by Federal law, before compounding.
The reason that states ignore this federal statute is also quite simple – greed.
Increasing the gross amount of ‘child support’ collected increases the kickbacks (I’m sorry – incentive payments) that states receive under the Child Support Performance and Incentive Act for collecting ‘child support’.
I am an adult 54 I recently found my bio father I paid for DNA he is the father. At the time this man got my mom pregnant she was only 16. I was born 2days before she was 17 … No charges were filed on him as he was 34 at the time of conception. He never paid a cent for me. When I found him he said didn’t you have a step dad ? What a joke? I am his only child. Do I have any rights to collect my birth rights?
There is no such thing as birth rights. You can not collect child support that was not ordered when you were a child.
Sorry that he turned out to be such a disappointment. Hopefully you can make peace with it. From the sounds of it you were better off without him because he is a predator.
when you are in the rear can u get your arrears adjusted
I live in ohio I am an adult I found out my Mom is receiving back child supoort from my dad. Shouldn’t that money go to us since we are grown?
Absolutely NOT!!! Your mother had to support you when she was NOT recieving funds from your father. That money is owed to HER.
I’m about to pay my child support off to the state of Tennessee…not to a dad or family…I lost my son a long time ago they took him….I’m together now praise GOD…but its took 10 to 11 years to get it paid I’ve made my bond over not paying my family all got together and their gonna help me pay it off before I go to court…can the judge still put me in jail for the length of time it took…thank you
To pay the arrears ( full Amount) Child Support means finish it off … where do you go in the state of Orlando, florida..????
I’m not married but my kids all grown up this time and I’m still paying child support, back child support for them
Mr Harrison that is very sad you don’t support your kids when they be a little ones well I wish every state applied 100% INTEREST. FOR WHEREVER YOU OWN In back child support that be a wonderful. Then you be a 65 and still paying child support only to remained you …how responsible you are when your beautiful kids is just a baby’s ….as a divorce mother with one beautiful daughter in felling offended because I’m working 16 hours every day for provide food house clothing and private school to my daughter to give the best life to her now she is in college and I never get a child support from her father way because he is the same like you.not a responsible parent so remember you will finish paying in till you pay what you own I hope is a good amount so your ex wife has a wonderful vacations or new car ..I don’t have a sympathy for you!!!!. Or for other parents never responsibles like to be….to grown a heathy kids .amen
Just to let you know that my husband owes arrears and it is not always the husband in the wrong….. there are 2 sides to a story and people are too quick to judge the fathers… my husband has a grown daughter, her mother was the one to go off and he was left to pay support which for a lot of the time the child stayed with relatives, he had trouble paying over the years and now he still owes arrears and the interest is the killer, it would have been paid a long time ago if not for the interest… fathers are not all the guilty ones… don’t judge everyone the same…even though the mother is a multi millionaire we struggle to try and pay this, but there is one consolation, the daughter comes to us for support, advice, love… not her mom
As you should be. It is a debt you owe. Please honor what you owe.