In another column on, founder Joseph Cordell tackles the issue of prenuptial agreements and what Tiger Woods could have done differently.
Click here to read the article where Cordell explains the advantages and disadvantages of a prenuptial agreement.
“The stigma that prenups are harbingers of divorce has been replaced by the notion that they can actually be a strength for the marriage, allowing couples predictability and a more secure future,” writes Cordell, who is the principal partner of Cordell & Cordell, the nation’s largest firm focusing on men’s divorce.
Cordell will be writing bi-weekly divorce advice columns for, the world’s leading men’s lifestyle website with 7 million readers each month.
Click here to read his first column on how infidelity can affect child custody decisions. Click here to read his second column on how having an affair can affect alimony payments even in “no-fault” divorce states. Cordell’s third column addressed the common divorce rumor “she’ll get half of everything.”