DadsDivorce Live: Helping Male Domestic Violence Victims

Dr. Emily M. Douglas is an associate professor at Bridgewater State University and one of the few academics to study male domestic violence victims. As part of her research, Dr. Douglas worked on the Men’s Experiences with Partner Aggression Project. She has also examined men who have sought help after


DadsDivorce LIVE: Children’s Books About Divorce

children's books about divorce

Kimberly King is a child-development professional, certified early-childhood educator and speaker. King has authored a pair of children’s books that deal with two very serious matters that can be difficult for parents to approach their kids about. Her first book, “I Said No!” is a best-selling children’s book about sexual-abuse


How To Decide If Divorce Is The Answer

considering divorce

Question: I am trying to decide if divorce is the right answer for me. My wife and I no longer communicate and we have no feelings for each other. My 9-year-old son is also starting to feel the emotional ramifications. Should I get a divorce?


The Nuclear Weapon Of Divorce: Orders Of Protection

orders of protection

Last week, Cordell & Cordell principal partner Joe Cordell fielded questions from callers on the Charlie Brennan Show on KMOX NewsRadio in St. Louis. One of the questions concerned orders of protection. A caller described how when he started the divorce process his attorney warned him that his wife could