Question: What protections does a legal separation provide as compared to a divorce?
CONTINUE READINGWhat Protections Does Legal Separation Provide?

Question: What protections does a legal separation provide as compared to a divorce?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I recently separated from my wife after five years of marriage and she is pursuing child and spousal support. I received documentation from her attorney stating I owe $1,000 per month in spousal support and another $800 in child support. That is well more than I can reasonably afford. …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: What are the major differences between a legal separation and divorce?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: Am I unable to divorce prior to a year of separation in North Carolina? Do I have to wait that year out before I can talk to an attorney about filing for divorce?
CONTINUE READINGLast week, Pope Francis sparked much debate regarding the Catholic Church’s stance on divorce by urging Catholics to be more welcoming of those who divorce and remarry. In front of a gathering outside the Vatican, Francis said that divorced and remarried couples, “are not excommunicated and they absolutely must not be …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My wife kicked me out of the house. There are several personal belongings in the home I need, but I no longer have keys to the house. What is the best approach?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My wife and I are no longer living together, but not pursuing a divorce. Our son lives with her and she is deciding when I get to see him. What can I do to get more time with my son?
CONTINUE READINGOver the last 30 years, the number of custody disputes involving religion has exploded. In previous generations, sole custody was almost always awarded to the mother, who would have the right to determine the child’s religious upbringing. Now, with more and more parents involved in raising children post-divorce, courts are …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My wife and I have been separated for five years. I filed for divorce in October and since then she periodically prevents me from picking up my child. She has intercepted her at school before I got there and has denied me picking her up on some Sundays, often …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My ex-wife and I have been separated for five years and have shared custody of our child. I have always allowed her to claim our daughter on her taxes because it would benefit her more. Last year, I switched health insurance in order to cover myself and my child. …