Maintaining Communication With Children Of Divorce

communicating with children of divorce

Question: My two children both live with their mother and are really struggling with separation anxiety post-divorce. I have read about the challenges children of divorce face and want to make sure my ex and I work together to effectively co-parent to help them through this transition.


4 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce

social media divorce

Divorce is often a messy and stressful life event that leaves you wanting to scream to anyone who will listen. It’s completely normal to want to vent when going through such a grueling process and confiding in someone with a sympathetic ear can help you cope with the daily struggle.


4 Helpful Divorce Blogs For Dads

divorce blogs

At DadsDivorce, and our sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site, we pride ourselves on providing a robust collection of resources to help guide men and fathers before, during, and after divorce. Every day, we post helpful articles and videos filled with tips from experienced family law attorneys and


How To Create A Long-Distance Parenting Plan

long-distance visitation

Working with your ex to put together an effective parenting plan that allows you to both be great co-parents can be one of the most challenging parts of the divorce process. It’s also critical considering the affect it has on mitigating the negative effects divorce can have on children. This


Parent’s Guide To Keeping Kids Safe On Social Media

teenage social media use

Social networking sites have exploded in the last decade and they should continue to grow for the foreseeable future as our world becomes more digitalized. Kids and teenagers are as in on the social media wave as any demographic. According to Pew Research Center, 89% of teenagers use social media.


Accessing Account Passwords During Divorce

credit cards

Question: During our marriage, my wife and I stored all of our account passwords on a sheet of paper in our home office. During mediation, we agreed to provide the previous three months of bank statements, which should include credit cards. I handed mine over, but she has refused to