Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.
Recently, Cordell & Cordell launched a monthly Men’s Divorce Podcast.
Each month, the podcast features talks with a variety of divorce professionals about a number of issues facing men during the divorce process. The first episode covered how to obtain a fair child custody arrangement while the second focused on how the rise of social media is affecting the divorce process.
Dads Divorce published a new article outlining some important dos and don’ts when getting back into the dating game after a divorce.
While it is certainly possible, and oftentimes healthy, for men and fathers to resume dating after a divorce, many men make several common mistakes during this process that delay the divorce recovery process.
Men’s Divorce added a article explaining how child support is calculated.
There are several models used across the country to calculate child support, and while the basic formulas are fairly simple, there are additional factors that affect the final amount.
Click here to subscribe to the DadsDivorce YouTube channel.
Cordell & Cordell, Men’s Divorce Podcast: The Impact Of Social Media On Divorce
Dads Divorce, The Dos & Don’ts Of Post-Divorce Dating
Men’s Divorce, How Child Support Is Calculated
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