The importance of shared parenting and equal parenting time has received a lot of media attention recently as more research has revealed the benefits of children of divorce having access to both parents.
Arizona State Associate Professor William Fabricius co-authored one of the most influential studies related to shared parenting in 2000 titled “Young Adults’ Perspectives On Divorce Living Arrangements.” The study assessed the perspectives of 820 college adults from divorced families on the issue of children’s living arrangements after divorce.
The study provided a retrospective from young adults who had lived through divorce on what they felt would have been the most beneficial living arrangement. Overwhelmingly, they said they would have preferred equal access to both parents.
Dr. Fabricius – who remains one of the leading experts on sociological issues regarding family dynamics, divorce, child custody policy, and fathers – joined DadsDivorce LIVE to look back on the research he conducted, what he feels is still the most significant findings from the study, and how recent researchers have built on his work in the years since.
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Our family law section of the NC Bar Association will not even agree to “maximum” time with both parents despite current research we keep providing that asserts its benefits to children. They will not even meet with us or return phone calls. Any advice? Thanks for all your efforts & progress.