The Huffington Post Divorce section asked Joseph Cordell to pen a column about one of “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce,” the concept behind Cordell’s latest divorce book.
Cordell, the principal partner of Cordell & Cordell and founder of, highlighted one of the more destructive and avoidable mistakes guys make: failing to fully engage in your case.
One of the ways dads can hurt themselves by taking a casual attitude toward their case is when it comes to dealing with financial issues.
“Most men think of financial records as an annoying technicality they have to endure. Their impression is that the financial statement is simply some background for their lawyer and the records will be filed away with no significant impact on their lives,” Cordell writes. “However, the exact opposite is true, as the information provided will dictate how you will live the rest of your life.”
Why is your attentive involvement in your own divorce case so crucial? Read Cordell’s Huffington Post column “Not Staying On Top Of Things In Your Divorce Can Cost You.”
A Thought from a Dayton Lawyer…
Not to disagree, but a client who trys to micro-manage every facet of a case can be an equally bad situation. Follow your lawyers advice! That is my 2 cents from what I have seen over the last 30 years in my Dayton divorce law practice.